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ability(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Abilities use.
abortCinematic() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Abort the current cinematic.
abortCinematicFade() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Abort the current cinematic.
abs(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the absolute value of x as a float.
acos(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the arccosine of x.
activatePhotoScreen() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Set the photo screen window as current active window.
aiAddEchoCategory(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a category with the provided categoryName to the AI Debug Output window, must be a unique name.
aiAddToResourceBreakdown(int, int, int, int, float, int, int[], int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Increments an existing breakdown.
aiAttemptResign(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Asks the player if its ok to resign.
aiBreakpointGo(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Restart XS execution after the current breakpoint.
aiBreakpointSet(int, String, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets a breakpoint.
aiBuyResourceOnMarket(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Buys 100 of the given resource.
aiCanUseAbility(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Checks whether an unit can use the ability associated with the proto power.
aiCastGodPowerAtDualPosition(int, Vector, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Casts the given God power at the specified 2 positions.
aiCastGodPowerAtPosition(int, Vector, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Casts the given God power at the specified position.
aiCastGodPowerAtUnit(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Casts the given God power at the specified unit.
aiChat(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
CP AI chat to playerID.
aiCommsAllowChat(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Enables or disables the chats from this ai player.
aiCommsGetSendingPlayer(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Get sending player for specified taunt.
aiCommsGetStatementPlayerID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Get the player ID of a given statement.
aiCommsGetStatementPosition(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Get the position of a given statement.
aiCommsGetStatementPromptType(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Get the prompt type of a given statement.
aiCommsGetTauntCode(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Get code for specified taunt.
aiCommsSendStatement(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sends a statement to the designated player.
aiCommsSendStatementWithVector(int, int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sends a statement to the designated player; Adds a location flare.
aiCommsSetEventHandler(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the handler for the communications system (invalid name unsets the handler).
AIDebugGathererToggle() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles whether the ai gatherer distribution window is up, refreshing if first showing.
AIDebugInfoRefresh() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Shows the ai debug menu with new data.
AIDebugInfoToggle() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles whether the ai debug menu is up, refreshing if first showing.
AIDebugOutputToggle() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles whether the ai output window is up, refreshing if first showing.
AIDebugPopToggle() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles whether the ai pop distribution window is up, refreshing if first showing.
AIDebugShowAreaDangerRatingsToggle() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles the showing of area danger ratings.
AIDebugShowBasesToggle() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles the display of bases.
AIDebugShowExtendedAreaInformationToggle() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles the display of extra area debug information.
AIDebugShowPlansToggle() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles the display of selected plans.
AIDebugShowPlansToggleAll() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles the display of all plans.
AIDebugTimedStatsToggle() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles whether the kb timed stats window is up, refreshing if first showing.
AIDebugToggleBPText() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles the showing of Building placement value text.
AIDebugToggleEngineInfoEchoes() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles the showing of engine info echoes.
AIDebugToggleWarningEchoes() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles the showing of warning echoes.
aiEcho(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds this text to the AI Debug Output window in the "All" category.
aiEchoCategory(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds this text to the AI Debug Output window in the "All" category and in the provided categoryIndex.
aiEchoWarning(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds this text to the AI Debug Output window in the "All" and "Warnings" categories; Additionally prefixes the message with "WARNING:".
aiErrorMessage(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Opens up an error window with the text.
aiErrorMessageID(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Opens up an error window with the text belonging to the stringID.
aiGetAgeUpListByIndex(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the indexth Minor God avaiable for Age X.
aiGetAgeUpListCount(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the number of Minor Gods avaiable for Age X.
aiGetAllowBuildings() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns allow buildings on/off.
aiGetAttackResponseDistance() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the attack response distance.
aiGetAvailableEconomyPop() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the available economy pop.
aiGetAvailableMilitaryPop() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the scriptdefined military pop.
aiGetAvailableNavalEconomyPop() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the available naval economy pop.
aiGetAvailableNavalMilitaryPop() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the scriptdefined naval military pop.
aiGetCurrentEconomyPop() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current economy pop.
aiGetCurrentMilitaryPop() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current military pop.
aiGetCurrentNavalEconomyPop() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current naval economy pop.
aiGetCurrentNavalMilitaryPop() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current naval military pop.
aiGetEconomyPop() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the scriptdefined economy pop.
aiGetExploreDangerThreshold() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the ais Explore Danger Threshold value.
aiGetFullUnitAssignmentTime() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the next time when the unit distribution will be updated.
aiGetMaxAge(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the maximum age for the given player.
aiGetMicroFlags() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets micro management flags.
aiGetMilitaryPop() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the scriptdefined military pop.
aiGetMinimumFutureNeedsCost(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the minimum future costs of all plans with higher priority than planPriority.
aiGetMinimumFutureNeedsCostPerResource(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the minimum future cost of all plans with higher priority than planPriority on the given resource; Difference with aiPlanGetFutureNeedsCostPerResource is that the train plans only return the cost of 1 unit.
aiGetMostHatedNavalPlayerID() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the scriptdefined most hated naval player ID.
aiGetMostHatedPlayerID() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the scriptdefined most hated player ID.
aiGetNavalEconomyPop() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the scriptdefined naval economy pop.
aiGetNavalMilitaryPop() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the scriptdefined naval military pop.
aiGetNextGathererDistributionTime() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the next time when the gatherer distribution will be updated.
aiGetNumberGatherers(int, int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Iterates through all gather plans; Optionally filters out plans based on the given resourceID and resourceSubType (must provide resourceID in order to use resourceSubType); If not provided just takes all gather plans; Optionally filters on the resourcePUID to look for specific resources; Likecutting from a specific Tree PU if desired; Returnshow many of gathererPUID the plans combined have.
aiGetOutpostLimit() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the limit for how many Outposts the AI can build.
aiGetResourceBreakdownID(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets breakdown id.
aiGetResourceBreakdownNumberPlans(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the number of plans for the given breakdown.
aiGetResourceBreakdownPercentage(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the percentage for the given breakdown.
aiGetResourceBreakdownPlanPriority(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the priority of the plans for the given breakdown.
aiGetResourcePercentage(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the resource percentage for the given resource.
aiGetUnassignedUnitAssignmentTime() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the next time when the unassigned units assigment gets updated.
aiGetWorldDifficultyName(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the name of the difficulty.
aiNormalizeResourcePercentages() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Normalizes all of the resource percentages to 1.0.
aiNumberUnassignedUnits(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of unassigned units of the given type, must provide a unitTypeID or it wont work.
aiPlanAddUnit(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the unit to the plan; If the unit is currently in a plan that the provided planID is a child of then the unit will automatically be loaned; If loan is true then this will attempt to loan the unit to the new plan; If we end up loaning via either of the 2 ways described earlier, then you dont need to manually call aiPlanAddUnitType, it's automatically done for the unit; If this unit is currently part of a child plan it will be removed from the child + parent automatically.
aiPlanAddUnitType(int, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a unit type to the plan, you MUST do this before assigning any unit or the plan wont allow them to be assigned; If relative is set to false these new numbers wont be added onto the previous numbers, but will overwrite the previous numbers instead; If popImmediately is set it will instantly remove any units from the plan that may now be excessive; (if you lowered the numbers).
aiPlanAddUserVariableBool(int, int, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a bool variable to the plan.
aiPlanAddUserVariableFloat(int, int, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a float variable to the plan.
aiPlanAddUserVariableInt(int, int, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds an int variable to the plan.
aiPlanAddUserVariableString(int, int, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a string variable to the plan.
aiPlanAddUserVariableVector(int, int, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a vector variable to the plan.
aiPlanAddWaypoint(int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the waypoint to the given plan.
aiPlanCreate(String, int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a plan with the name and type, assigns it as a child of parentPlanID if provided; outputCategoryID sets the channel it outputs to.
aiPlanDestroy(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the destroy flag on the plan assigned to the planID; This wont notify any potential parent plans.
aiPlanDestroyByName(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the destroy flag on the plan assigned to the planID; This wont notify any potential parent plans.
aiPlanGetActiveCount(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of active plans.
aiPlanGetBaseID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Return the baseID of the given plan.
aiPlanGetChildIDByIndex(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the planID of the child plan at the given index, use in combination with aiPlanGetNumberChildren to know how many indexes there are.
aiPlanGetCurrentPopulation(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns how much population the units in the plan are currently taking up; If unitTypeID is set to -1 it will count all units; If countLoans is set to true it will also return loaned out units.
aiPlanGetFutureNeedsCost(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the future costs of the plan.
aiPlanGetFutureNeedsCostPerResource(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the future cost of the plan on the given resource; Build plans return the cost for their buildings; Research plans return the cost of their upgrades, but only if they have a valid research building alive; Train plans return the cost for the units it can train within the next 30 seconds.
aiPlanGetIDByActiveIndex(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Iterates over all the active plans and returns the planID at the given index; Use in combination with aiPlanGetActiveCount to know how many indexes there are.
aiPlanGetIDByName(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the ID of the plan with the exact searchStr name; If subString is true it will return the first plan that has the searchStr in its name.
aiPlanGetIDByTypeAndState(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Iterates over all the plans matching the parameters and returns the planID at the given index; Use in combination with aiPlanGetNumberByTypeAndState to know how many indexes there are.
aiPlanGetIDByTypeAndVariableIntValue(int, int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Iterates over all the plans matching the parameters and returns the planID at the given index.
aiPlanGetIDByTypeIndex(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Iterates over all the plans matching the parameters and returns the planID at the given index; Use in combination with aiPlanGetNumberByType to know how many indexes there are.
aiPlanGetIDsByType(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns plan IDs with the given parameters.
aiPlanGetIDsByTypeAndState(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns plan IDs with the given parameters.
aiPlanGetIDsByTypeAndVariableBoolValue(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns plan IDs with the given parameters; It searches through all the variableValue indexes to find the value.
aiPlanGetIDsByTypeAndVariableFloatValue(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns plan IDs with the given parameters; It searches through all the variableValue indexes to find the value.
aiPlanGetIDsByTypeAndVariableIntValue(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns plan IDs with the given parameters; It searches through all the variableValue indexes to find the value.
aiPlanGetIDsByTypeAndVariableStringValue(int, int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns plan IDs with the given parameters; It searches through all the variableValue indexes to find the value.
aiPlanGetIDsByTypeAndVariableVectorValue(int, int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns plan IDs with the given parameters; It searches through all the variableValue indexes to find the value.
aiPlanGetInitialPosition(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the initial positon that was set for this plan.
aiPlanGetIsIDValid(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns if the planID is valid.
aiPlanGetLocation(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the location for this plan, which is the average position of all units; If firstUnit is true it will return the position of the unit at index 0 instead.
aiPlanGetName(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the name of the given plan.
aiPlanGetNumberByType(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of matching plans.
aiPlanGetNumberByTypeAndState(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of matching plans.
aiPlanGetNumberByTypeAndVariableIntValue(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of matching plans.
aiPlanGetNumberChildren(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the number of child plans the planID has.
aiPlanGetNumberMaxUnits(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of max units for the given plan.
aiPlanGetNumberNeededUnits(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of needed units for the given plan.
aiPlanGetNumberUnits(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of unitTypeID units currently assigned to the given plan; If unitTypeID is set to -1 it will instead just return an unfiltered total; If countLoans is set to true it will count loaned out units.
aiPlanGetNumberUserVariableValues(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of values that can be set for the variableIndex.
aiPlanGetNumberVariableValues(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of values that can be set for the variableIndex.
aiPlanGetNumberWantedUnits(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of wanted units for the given plan.
aiPlanGetParentID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the parentID of the given plan.
aiPlanGetPriority(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the priority of the given plan.
aiPlanGetState(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the state of the given plan.
aiPlanGetType(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the type of the given plan.
aiPlanGetUnitCost(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the total aiCost of the given plans units, weighted for HP if requested; This cost is calculated using values set via kbSetAICostWeight.
aiPlanGetUnitIDByIndex(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Iterates over all the units in the plan and returns the unitID at the given index; Use in combination with an unfiltered aiPlanGetNumberUnits to know how many indexes there are.
aiPlanGetUnits(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the units of unitTypeID currently assigned to the given plan; If unitTypeID is set to -1 it will instead just return all units; If countLoans is set to true it will also return loaned out units.
aiPlanGetUnitStance(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Return the unit stance of the given plan.
aiPlanGetUnitTypes(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the unit types assigned to the given plan.
aiPlanGetUserVariableBool(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the bool that is associated with the given valueIndex of the variableIndex.
aiPlanGetUserVariableFloat(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the float that is associated with the valueIndex of the variableIndex.
aiPlanGetUserVariableInt(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the int that is associated with the valueIndex of the variableIndex.
aiPlanGetUserVariableString(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the string that is associated with the given valueIndex of the variableIndex.
aiPlanGetUserVariableVector(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the vector that is associated with the valueIndex of the variableIndex.
aiPlanGetVariableBool(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the bool that is associated with the valueIndex of the variableIndex.
aiPlanGetVariableFloat(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the float that is associated with the valueIndex of the variableIndex.
aiPlanGetVariableInt(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the int that is associated with the valueIndex of the variableIndex.
aiPlanGetVariableString(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the string that is associated with the valueIndex of the variableIndex.
aiPlanGetVariableVector(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the vector that is associated with the valueIndex of the variableIndex.
aiPlanIsFlagSet(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets if the flag for the plan is set to true.
aiPlanRemoveParent(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes the parent plan of the given plan.
aiPlanRemoveUnit(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes the unit from the plan.
aiPlanRemoveUserVariable(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes the user variable at the variableIndex.
aiPlanRemoveUserVariables(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes all of the user variables from the plan.
aiPlanRemoveUserVariableValue(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removas the valueIndex for the variableIndex; Note here that this is a completely removal and the number of values will decrease too.
aiPlanRemoveVariableValue(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes the valueIndex for the variableIndex; Note here that this is a completely removal and the number of values will decrease too.
aiPlanSetBaseID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the baseID for the given plan.
aiPlanSetEventHandler(int, int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Connect an XS function (handlerName) to a plan + eventType; All plan events can be found in the constants, cPlanEventStateChange is the best way to keep track of the entire lifecycle of a plan.
aiPlanSetFlag(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the flag for the plan to the state.
aiPlanSetInitialPosition(int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the initial positon for this plan.
aiPlanSetName(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the name of the plan.
aiPlanSetNumberUserVariableValues(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the number of possible values for the variableIndex.
aiPlanSetNumberVariableValues(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the number of possible values for the variableIndex.
aiPlanSetParentID(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the parent plan of the given plan; If persistentChild is true the child plan will not be destroyed upon parent plan state change, unless that parent disallows persistent children too.
aiPlanSetPriority(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the priority of the plan.
aiPlanSetState(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the plan state, cPlanState constants.
aiPlanSetUnitStance(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets unit stance for the given plan.
aiPlanSetUserVariableBool(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the contents of the valueIndex of the variableIndex to the value.
aiPlanSetUserVariableFloat(int, int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the contents of the valueIndex of the variableIndex to the value.
aiPlanSetUserVariableInt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the contents of the valueIndex of the variableIndex to the value.
aiPlanSetUserVariableString(int, int, int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the contents of the valueIndex of the variableIndex to the value.
aiPlanSetUserVariableVector(int, int, int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the contents of the valueIndex of the variableIndex to the value.
aiPlanSetVariableBool(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the contents of the valueIndex of the variableIndex to the value.
aiPlanSetVariableFloat(int, int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the contents of the valueIndex of the variableIndex to the value.
aiPlanSetVariableInt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the contents of the valueIndex of the variableIndex to the value.
aiPlanSetVariableString(int, int, int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the contents of the valueIndex of the variableIndex to the value.
aiPlanSetVariableVector(int, int, int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the contents of the valueIndex of the variableIndex to the value.
aiPlanSetWaypoints(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the waypoints of the given plan to the waypoints of the given path.
aiPopulateAgeUpList() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Call this to make the AI fill out what Minor Gods are available.
aiPrePurchaseGodPower(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Prepurchases the specified number of uses of the given God Power.
aiRandLocation() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns a random location guaranteed to be on the map.
aiRemoveResourceBreakdown(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes the given breakdown.
aiResign() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Resigns this player.
aiResourceIsLocked(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns if the resource is locked.
aiResourceLock(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Prevent a resource from being spent by the AI.
aiResourceUnlock(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Allow a resource to be spent by the AI.
aiSellResourceOnMarket(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sells 100 of the given resource.
aiSendNotificationFoundNotEnoughFoodGatheringSpots() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
No description.
aiSendNotificationFoundNotEnoughGoldGatheringSpots() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
No description.
aiSendNotificationFoundNotEnoughWoodGatheringSpots() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
No description.
aiSetAllowBuildings(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets allow buildings on/off.
aiSetAttackResponseDistance(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Set the attack response distance.
aiSetAutomaticallyUngarrisonUnits(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
The AI automatically ungarrisons units from buildings if theyre not in a garrison plan; Setting this to false turns off that behavior.
aiSetDefaultStance(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets your default stance for all of your units.
aiSetEconomyPop(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Set the scriptdefined economy pop.
aiSetEscrowsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Turns escrow system on/off, Chairon has this off.
aiSetExploreDangerThreshold(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the ais Explore Danger Threshold value.
aiSetFullUnitAssignmentTime(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the next time that the unit distribution is updated.
aiSetHandler(String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Connect an XS function (handlerName) to a handler; All handlers can be found in the constants under "XS AI handler type constants".
aiSetMicroFlags(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets micro management flags.
aiSetMilitaryGatherPointBlocksBP(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
If this is set to true then all the military gather points (all bases with a Town Center create one) will block all building placement checks; These points will be shown as if another BP already claimed the spot; This defaults to true; If this is false then aiSetMilitaryGatherPointBlocksDropsites/Walls dont do anything anymore.
aiSetMilitaryGatherPointBlocksDropsites(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
If this is set to true then all the military gather points (all bases with a Town Center create one) will not block dropsite building placements; This can be false and aiSetMilitaryGatherPointBlocksBP true, causing dropsites to still be eligible to be built on military gather points, this is also the default setup.
aiSetMilitaryGatherPointBlocksWalls(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
If this is set to true then all the military gather points (all bases with a Town Center create one) will not block wall building placements; This can be false and aiSetMilitaryGatherPointBlocksBP true, causing walls to still be eligible to be built on military gather points, this is also the default setup.
aiSetMilitaryPop(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Set the scriptdefined military pop.
aiSetMostHatedNavalPlayerID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the scriptdefined most hated naval player ID.
aiSetMostHatedPlayerID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the scriptdefined most hated player ID.
aiSetNavalEconomyPop(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Set the scriptdefined naval economy pop.
aiSetNavalMilitaryPop(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Set the scriptdefined naval military pop.
aiSetNextGathererDistributionTime(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the next time that the gatherer distribution is updated.
aiSetOutpostLimit(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the limit for how many Outposts the AI can build.
aiSetResourceBreakdown(int, int, int, int, float, int, int[], int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets a subtype breakdown for a resource.
aiSetResourcePercentage(int, boolean, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the resource percentage for the given resource (if normalized is true, the percentages will be normalized to 1.0).
aiSetUnassignedUnitAssignmentTime(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the next time that the unassigned unit assigment is updated.
aiSwitchMainBase(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Switch the newBaseID to be the main base.
aiTaskBuildUnit(int, int, Vector, boolean, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does a lightweight (no plan) build tasking of the given unit to build the given building.
aiTaskBuildUnits(int[], int, Vector, boolean, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does a lightweight (no plan) build tasking of given units to build the given building.
aiTaskCancelUnit(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does a lightweight (no plan) cancel tasking of the given unit for the given action.
aiTaskDeleteUnit(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Deletes the given unit.
aiTaskDeleteUnits(int[]) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Deletes given units.
aiTaskGarrisonUnit(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does a lightweight (no plan) garrison tasking of the given unit for the given target ID.
aiTaskGarrisonUnits(int[], int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does a lightweight (no plan) garrison tasking of given units for the given target ID.
aiTaskMoveUnit(int, Vector, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does a lightweight (no plan) move tasking of the given unit to the given location.
aiTaskMoveUnits(int[], Vector, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does a lightweight (no plan) move tasking of given units to the given location.
aiTaskResearchUnit(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does a lightweight (no plan) research tasking of the given unit for the given tech ID.
aiTaskSpecialPowerUnit(int, int, int, Vector, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does a lightweight (no plan) research tasking of the given unit for the given special power.
aiTaskStopUnit(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does a lightweight (no plan) stopping of the unit.
aiTaskStopUnits(int[]) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does a lightweight (no plan) stopping of the units.
aiTaskTrainUnit(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does a lightweight (no plan) train tasking of the given unit for the given target unit type.
aiTaskUngarrisonUnit(int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does a lightweight (no plan) ungarrison tasking of the given unit for the given position.
aiTaskUngarrisonUnits(int[], Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does a lightweight (no plan) ungarrison tasking of given units for the given position.
aiTaskWorkUnit(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does a lightweight (no plan) work tasking of the given unit on the given target unit.
aiTaskWorkUnits(int[], int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does a lightweight (no plan) work tasking of given units on the given target unit.
aiTransformWallIntoGate(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Transforms the given wallLongID into a gate.
aiTribute(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Tributes the given player.
aiUnitAddForbiddenPlanID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the provided planID to the unitIDs forbidden plan list.
aiUnitGetForbiddenPlanIDs(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns an array of planIDs that the provided unitID is currently banned from.
aiUnitSetRallyPointToPosition(int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the economic rally point of the given unit to the given position.
aiUnitSetRallyPointToUnit(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the military rally point of the given sourceUnitID to the given targetUnitID.
aiUnitSetStance(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the stance for the given unit.
aiUpdateFullUnitAssignment(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Reassigns units to plans and removes them if needed.
alignResources() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Realigns all resources in the world to tile boundaries.
alignSelectedUnits() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Realigns all selected units to tile boundaries.
applyLightingSet(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Applies a Lighting set.
asin(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the arcsine of x.
atan(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the arctangent of x.
atan2(float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the 2-argument arctangent.
autoAbility(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Abilities use.
autoSave(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Saves out autosave file - specifies that file write step should be done async.
autoTrainInSelected(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Tries to auto train the selected unit type in any valid selected unit.
autoTrainInSelectedByID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Just like autoTrainInSelected, but faster because it takes a.


benchmark() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Enters the benchmark.
brushCircularSize(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the circular brush size.
brushSize(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets brush size.


cActionStatDamageArea - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionStatMaxRange - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionStatROF - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeAbility - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeAircraft - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeAoEAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeAssault - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeAttach - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeAttaching - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeAutoBoost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeAutoBuild - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeAutoConvert - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeAutoGather - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeAutoRangedAttach - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeAutoRangedModify - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeAutoRepair - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeAutoStealth - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeBirdMove - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeBirth - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeBlendMove - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeBoatManager - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeBombard - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeBombardAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeBoost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeBroadsideAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeBuckAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeBuild - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeBurstHeal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeCastPower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeChainAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeCharge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeCommandResearch - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeConvert - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeCorpseDecay - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeCover - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeDeath - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeDeath2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeDecay - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeDefault - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeDefend - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeDelayedTransform - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeDiscover - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeDistanceModify - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeDropoff - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeEat - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeEject - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeEmpower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeEnter - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeEscapeToTC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeExplore - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeFindNewWorld - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeFreeze - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeGate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeGather - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeGatherPoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeGore - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeGraze - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeGroup - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeGuard - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeHandAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeHeal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeHunting - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeIdle - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeIdleStatBonus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeJumpAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeKnockout - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeLikeBonus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeLimber - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeLinearAreaAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeMaintain - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeModify - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeModifyGather - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeMove - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeMoveByGroup - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeNoWork - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeOverrideAnimation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypePickup - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypePlantFlag - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeRangedAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeRecoverableDeath - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeRepair - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeResearch - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeResourceProxy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeRoundelAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeRoundelCascadeAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeRoundelExplodeAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeRoundelMultiAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeRoundelPierceAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeSacrifice - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeSelfModify - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeSmartDropsite - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeSocialise - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeSpawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeStateAnim - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeStealth - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeStunAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeThrow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeThrown - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeTownBell - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeTrade - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeTrain - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeTreeDeath - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeTruckAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeUnbuild - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeVolley - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeWhirlwindAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cActionTypeWork - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAge1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAge2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAge3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAge4 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAge5 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAICommPromptToAllyCompletedTownCenter - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAICommPromptToAllyIAmAttackingHere - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAICommPromptToAllyINeedHelp - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAICommPromptToAllyITookARelic - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAICommPromptToEnemyIAmBehindInAge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAICommPromptToEnemyILostMyLastTownCenter - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAICommPromptToEnemyILostTownCenterButStillHaveOne - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAICommPromptToEnemyIRetreat - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAICommPromptToEnemyIStartAnAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAICommPromptToEnemyITookARelic - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAICommPromptToEnemyOffensiveGodPower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAICommPromptToEnemyOutnumbered - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAICommPromptToEnemyTheyAreBehindInAge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAICommPromptToEnemyTheyAreBuildingWalls - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAICommPromptToEnemyTheyLostTheirFinalTownCenter - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAICommPromptToEnemyTheyLostTheirWonder - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAICommPromptToEnemyWhenGameStarts - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAICommPromptToEverybodyEconomicGodPower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAICommPromptToEverybodyGenericGodPower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAICommPromptToEverybodyLostAllVillagers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAICommPromptToPlayerAskToResign - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAIResourceSubTypeEasy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAIResourceSubTypeFarm - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAIResourceSubTypeFish - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAIResourceSubTypeHerdable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAIResourceSubTypeHunt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAIResourceSubTypeHuntAggressive - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAIResourceSubTypePredator - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAllResources - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cameraBackward(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that camera backward key has gone up or down.
cameraDown(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that camera down key has gone up or down.
cameraDump() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Debug command to spew info about the current state of the game camera.
cameraForward(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that camera forward key has gone up or down.
cameraHome() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the camera to the home position.
cameraLeft(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that camera left key has gone up or down.
cameraLimit(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether camera limiting is on.
cameraLocalYawLeft(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that camera Local Yaw left key has gone up or down.
cameraLocalYawRight(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that camera Local Yaw right key has gone up or down.
cameraMaxZoomSet(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the current world camera Zoom to the given value.
cameraMinZoomSet(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the current world camera minimum Zoom to the given value.
cameraMove(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that camera move key has gone up or down.
cameraNice() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Puts the camera in a reasonable orientation.
cameraPitchAngle(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Resets world camera orientation and sets pitch to the given angle.
cameraPitchBackward(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that camera pitch backward key has gone up or down.
cameraPitchForward(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that camera pitch forward key has gone up or down.
cameraPitchReset() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Resets current world camera pitch to defaults, without affecting zoom or rotation.
cameraRight(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that camera right key has gone up or down.
cameraRollLeft(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that camera roll left key has gone up or down.
cameraRollRight(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that camera roll right key has gone up or down.
cameraRotate(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether camera limiting is on.
cameraRotationReset() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Resets current world camera rotation to defaults, without affecting zoom or pitch.
cameraSetRotationAngle(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Rotates the current world camera, without affecting zoom or pitch.
cameraStart(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
If applicable, sets the camera to the starting view of the given player, or the active player, in case no player ID is given.
cameraUp(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that camera up key has gone up or down.
cameraWorldBackward(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that camera world backward key has gone up or down.
cameraWorldBackwardLeft(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that camera world backward left key has gone up or down.
cameraWorldBackwardRight(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that camera world backward right key has gone up or down.
cameraWorldForward(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that camera world forward key has gone up or down.
cameraWorldForwardLeft(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that camera world forward left key has gone up or down.
cameraWorldForwardRight(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that camera world forward right key has gone up or down.
cameraXAxis(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates the X position of the axis that controls the camera.
cameraYawLeft(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that camera yaw left key has gone up or down.
cameraYawRight(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that camera yaw right key has gone up or down.
cameraYAxis(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates the Y position of the axis that controls the camera.
cameraZoomAxis(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates the position of the axis that controls zoom level.
cameraZoomReset() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Resets current world camera Zoom to defaults.
cancelAllQueuedInSelected() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Cancel all queued units and researches in all valid selected units.
cancelAutoTrainInAllOfType(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Switches off all autotrain entries in all valid buildings of the given.
cancelAutoTrainInSelected() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Switches off all autotrain entries in all valid selected units.
cancelRepairUnit(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Cancels the auto repair on the specified unit.
cancelResearchInSelected(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Cancel researching of a tech in any valid selected unit.
cancelTrainInSelected(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Cancel training of a unit type in any valid selected unit.
cancelTrainReinforcement(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Cancel training of a reinforcement.
cAreaGroupTypeImpassableLand - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAreaGroupTypeLand - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAreaGroupTypeWater - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAreaTypeForest - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAreaTypeGold - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAreaTypeImpassableLand - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAreaTypePassableLand - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAreaTypeSettlement - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAreaTypeWater - Variable in class RetoldConstants
castGodPower(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Casts a power.
castGodPowerAtSlot(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Casts the god power at the given UI slot.
cAttackPlanAllowMoreUnitsDuringAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanAttackAnchorPoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanAttackModeEngageRange - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanAttackModeMaxChaseDistance - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanAttackPathID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanAttackRouteID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanAttackRoutePattern - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanAttackRoutePatternBest - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanAttackRoutePatternLRU - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanAttackRoutePatternMRU - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanAttackRoutePatternRandom - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanCurrentTargetPointIndex - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanDoneMode - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanDoneModeBaseGone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanDoneModeCantFindMoreEnemyBases - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanDoneModeNoTarget - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanDoneModeNoUnits - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanGatherDistance - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanGatherPoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanGatherStartTime - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanGatherWaitForAllUnits - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanGatherWaitTime - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanMovementIntervalTime - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanMovementTypeFlags - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanNaval - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanNavalAnchorPoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanNoTargetStartTime - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanNoTargetTimeout - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanPersistentAttackRoute - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanTargetBaseID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanTargetIDs - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanTargetMode - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanTargetModeBase - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanTargetModePoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanTargetModeRaid - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanTargetModeRaidBase - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanTargetPlayerID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanTargetPoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackPlanTargetUnitTypes - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackRouteBackLeft - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackRouteBackRight - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackRouteFrontLeft - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackRouteFrontRight - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackRouteLeftBack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackRouteLeftFront - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackRouteRightBack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cAttackRouteRightFront - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBaseFlagActive - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBaseFlagAutoCreated - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBaseFlagCampaignGatherBase - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBaseFlagDebugRender - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBaseFlagEconomy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBaseFlagForward - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBaseFlagInTownBell - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBaseFlagMain - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBaseFlagMilitary - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBaseFlagRemoteFoodGatherBase - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBaseFlagRemoteGatherBase - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBaseFlagRemoteGoldGatherBase - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBaseFlagRemoteWoodGatherBase - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBaseFlagTownCenter - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBaseFlagUnderAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBaseFlagVillageCenter - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBlendAll - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBlendCliffIgnored - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBlendCliffInside - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBlendCliffRamp - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBlendCliffSide - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBlendConstrained - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBlendEdge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBlendNone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildingPlacementEventStateChanged - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildingPlacementFullVisible - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildingPlacementLOSNormal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildingPlacementOrientationPreferenceBack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildingPlacementOrientationPreferenceFront - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildingPlacementOrientationPreferenceLeft - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildingPlacementOrientationPreferenceNone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildingPlacementOrientationPreferenceRight - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildingPlacementPlacementStateDone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildingPlacementPlacementStateFailed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildingPlacementPlacementStateNone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildingPlacementPlacementStateProgress - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildingPlacementPlacementStateStartFailed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildingPlacementPlacementTypeArea - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildingPlacementPlacementTypeBase - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildingPlacementPlacementTypeCenterPosition - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildingPlacementPlacementTypeNone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildingPlacementPlacementTypeSocket - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildPlanBuildingPlacementID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildPlanBuildingTypeID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildPlanCanPathStartIndex - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildPlanDoneWhenFoundationPlaced - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildPlanFailOnUnaffordable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildPlanFailureCause - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildPlanFailureCauseBadBPDockParams - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildPlanFailureCauseBadBPUnitType - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildPlanFailureCauseCantAfford - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildPlanFailureCauseCantPath - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildPlanFailureCauseDidNotBuildFoundation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildPlanFailureCauseEntityEventFailure - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildPlanFailureCauseFailedBP - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildPlanFailureCauseNoUnits - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildPlanFoundationID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildPlanMaxCanPaths - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildPlanMaxRetries - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildPlanNoUnitTimeout - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildPlanNoUnitTimer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildPlanRetries - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildWallPlanAreaIDs - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildWallPlanEdgeOfMapBuffer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildWallPlanEnRoute - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildWallPlanFoundationID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildWallPlanGateIndices - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildWallPlanGateProtoIDs - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildWallPlanNumberOfGates - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildWallPlanPiecePositions - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildWallPlanPieceRotations - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildWallPlanPieces - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildWallPlanWallEnd - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildWallPlanWallRingCenterPoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildWallPlanWallRingRadius - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildWallPlanWallStart - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildWallPlanWallType - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildWallPlanWallTypeArea - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildWallPlanWallTypeRing - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cBuildWallPlanWallTypeStraight - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCalculateNumBuildersAutomatically - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCenterLoc - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCivFreyr - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCivGaia - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCivHades - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCivIsis - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCivKronos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCivLoki - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCivNature - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCivOdin - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCivOranos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCivPoseidon - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCivRa - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCivSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCivThor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCivZeus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cClassAreaCliffIgnoredDistance - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cClassAreaCliffInsideDistance - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cClassAreaCliffRampDistance - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cClassAreaCliffSideDistance - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cClassAreaDistance - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cClassAreaEdgeDistance - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffAtlanteanDirt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffAtlanteanGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffEdgeIgnored - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffEdgeInside - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffEdgeRamp - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffEdgeSide - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffEgyptGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffEgyptSand - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffGreekDirt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffGreekGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffGreekGrassSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffGreekSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffHadesDirt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffHadesLava - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffLayerInnerSideClose - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffLayerInnerSideFar - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffLayerInside - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffLayerOuterSideClose - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffLayerOuterSideFar - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffLayerSideNormal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffLayerSideSheer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffMarshDirt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffMarshGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffNorseGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffNorseSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffNorseSnowGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffSPCMiningGround - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffTundraDirt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffTundraGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffTundraSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCliffTundraSnowGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCultureAtlantean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCultureEgyptian - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCultureGreek - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cCultureNorse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectAccuracy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectActionAdd - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectActionAddAttachingUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectActionEnable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectAddContainedType - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectAddDependentUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectAdditionalScale - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectAddSharedBuildLimitUnitType - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectAddTrain - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectAnimationRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectArmor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectArmorSpecific - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectArmorVulnerability - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectAutoAttackType - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectAutoBuildRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectAutoGatherBonus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectAuxRechargeInit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectAuxRechargeTime - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectAuxRechargeType - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectBlockTrainCount - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectBoostRadius - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectBountyResourceEarningReward - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectBuildingWorkRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectBuildLimit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectBuildPoints - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectCarryCapacity - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectCommandAdd - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectCommandRemove - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectCost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectCostBuildingAll - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectCostBuildingTechs - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectCostBuildingUnits - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectDamage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectDamageArea - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectDamageBonus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectDamageByCost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectDamageCap - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectDamageFlags - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectDamageForAllHandLogicActions - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectDamageForAllRangedLogicActions - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectDeadTransform - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectDeadTransformBuildLimit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectDisplayedNumberProjectiles - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectDisplayedRange - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectDisplayNameID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectDodgeChance - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectDoubleEffect - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectEmpowerArea - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectEmpowerEnable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectEmpowerModify - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectEnable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectEnableDodge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectEnableSharedBuildLimit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectFakeConversion - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectForbidSpawnAction - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectFreeBuildPoints - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectFreeBuildRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectFreeRepair - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectFullCapacityMultiplier - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectGarrisonBonusDamage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectGathererLimit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectGatherResourceOverride - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectGlobalNotificationOverride - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectGodPower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectGodPowerBlockRadius - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectGodPowerCost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectGodPowerCostFactor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectGodPowerROF - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectGodPowerROFFactor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectHitpoints - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectHomingBallistics - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectIconOverrideTech - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectInitialPowerCost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectInstantBallistics - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectInventoryAmount - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectInvestmentAmount - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectInvestmentCap - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectInvestmentEnable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectLifespan - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectLOS - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectMarket - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectMarketReset - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectMaximumContained - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectMaximumRange - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectMaximumResourceTrickleRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectMaximumVelocity - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectMaxResource - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectMinimumRange - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectMinimumResourceTrickleRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectMinWorkRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectModifyRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectModifyRateCap - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectModifyReplacement - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectModifySpawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectMovementType - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectNotificationOverride - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectNumberBounces - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectNumberProjectiles - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectObstructionRadiusX - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectObstructionRadiusZ - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectOnDamageModify - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectOnHitEffect - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectOnHitEffectActive - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectOnHitEffectAttachBone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectOnHitEffectDuration - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectOnHitEffectRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectOnHitEffectStatModify - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectPartisanUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectPerfectAccuracy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectPlacementRulesOverride - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectPopulationCap - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectPopulationCapAddition - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectPopulationCount - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectPopulationLimit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectPowerCost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectPowerIconOverride - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectPowerMaxUses - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectPowerROF - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectProjectile - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectProtoActionAdd - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectProtoUnitFlag - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectRateOfFire - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectRechargeInit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectRechargeTime - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectRechargeType - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectRepeatPowerCost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectResearchPoints - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectResearchRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectResource - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectResourceByKBQuery - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectResourceByKBStat - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectResourceByUnitCount - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectResourceIfTechActive - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectResourceReturn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectResourceReturnRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectResourceReturnRateTotalCost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectResourceTrickleRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectRevealAllyUI - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectRevealEnemyUI - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectrevealLOS - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectRolloverID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectScale - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectSelfDestructProtoAction - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectSetAge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectSetCivilization - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectSetNextResearchFree - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectSetUnitType - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectSharedBuildLimitUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectSnare - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectSpeedModifier - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectSquareAura - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectTacticEnable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectTechCostAbsolute - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectTechFlag - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectTimeShiftingAdd - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectTimeShiftingConcurrentShifts - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectTimeShiftingCost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectTrackRating - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectTradeRouteBonus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectTradeRouteBonusTeam - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectTrainingRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectTrainPoints - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectTributePenalty - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectTurnRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectUnitRegenRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectUnitRegenRateLimit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectUpdateVisual - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectUpgradeLevel - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectVeterancyBonus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectVeterancyEnable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectVolleyMode - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectWanderDistance - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectWorkRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectWorkRateSpecific - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDataEffectYield - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDebugRandomMaps - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanDoneMode - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanDoneModeBaseGone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanDoneModeNoTarget - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanDoneModeNoUnits - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanEngageRange - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanGatherDistance - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanGatherPercentage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanGatherPoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanGatherWaitForAllUnits - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanMovementIntervalTime - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanNaval - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanNoTargetStartTime - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanNoTargetTimeout - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanPatrol - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanPatrolCurrentWaypoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanPatrolWaypoints - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanTargetBaseID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanTargetIDs - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanTargetMode - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanTargetModeBase - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanTargetModePoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanTargetPlayerID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanTargetPoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDefendPlanTargetUnitTypes - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDifficultyCurrent - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDifficultyEasy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDifficultyExtreme - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDifficultyHard - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDifficultyLegendary - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDifficultyModerate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cDifficultyTitan - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cE - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEconomyEscrowID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTargetTypeAllProtoActions - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTargetTypeApplyToAll - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTargetTypeCombinedType - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTargetTypeGeneral - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTargetTypeIgnoreAgeUpgrades - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTargetTypeIgnoreNature - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTargetTypePlayer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTargetTypeProtoUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTargetTypeReactivated - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTargetTypeTech - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTargetTypeTechsWithFlag - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTargetTypeTechsWithType - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTargetTypeUseLocation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeAddTrickleByResource - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeConsoleCommand - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeCreatePower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeCreateUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeData - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeForbidTech - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeModifyProtoUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeRandomTech - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeReplaceUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeResourceExchange - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeResourceExchange2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeResourceInventoryExchange - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeSetAge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeSetName - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeSetOnBuildingDeathTech - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeSetOnTechResearchedTech - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeSharedLOS - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeShowWorldView - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeSound - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeTechStatus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeTextEffectOutput - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeTextOutput - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeTextOutputAll - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeTextOutputTechName - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeTransformUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEffectTypeUIAlert - Variable in class RetoldConstants
ceil(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Rounds x up to the next higher integer and returns it as a float.
cEmergencyEscrowID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEmpowerPlanEventOnTargetSwitch - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEmpowerPlanNoTargetUnitRemovalTimeout - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEmpowerPlanNoTargetUnitTimer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEmpowerPlanRequiresTargetUsedByAnotherPlan - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEmpowerPlanTargetID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEmpowerPlanTargetTypeID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cEmptyString - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanAggressiveScouts - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanAreaPathWaypoints - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanAvoidingAttackedAreas - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanBuildPosition - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanCanBuildOutpost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanDoLoops - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanDoneLoops - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanEngageRange - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanExploreAreaGroupIDs - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanExploreAreaIDs - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanExploreAreaIDsCurrentIndex - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanHandleDamageFrequency - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanHandleDamageTime - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanLoopStartingSize - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanLoopStartPoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanLOSMultiplier - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanMasterExploreAreasPlan - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanNaval - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanNumberOfLoops - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanOutpostPUID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanPointsInLoop - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanQuitWhenPointIsVisible - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanQuitWhenPointIsVisiblePt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanReExploreAreas - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanStopLOSPercentage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanTargetIDs - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cExplorePlanTargetUnitTypes - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cFalloffLinear - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cFalloffLinearInverse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cFalloffNone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cFilename - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cFilter3x3Box - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cFilter3x3Gaussian - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cFilter5x5Box - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cFilter5x5Gaussian - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cFilterNone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cFishPlanBreakDownID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cFishPlanDockID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cFishPlanNoDamageTakenRetreatTimeout - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cFishPlanResourceSubType - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cFishPlanResourceType - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cFishPlanStartRetreatTime - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cFishPlanWaterGroupID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cFloatEpsilon - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestAtlantean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestAtlanteanForestGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestAtlanteanLush - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestEgyptNile - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestEgyptNileMix - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestEgyptOasis - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestEgyptPalm - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestEgyptPalmGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestEgyptPalmGrassMix - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestEgyptPalmMix - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestEgyptSavannah - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestEgyptSavannahMix - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestGreekMediterranean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestGreekMediterraneanDirt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestGreekMediterraneanLush - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestGreekOak - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestGreekOakAutumn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestGreekOakLateAutumn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestGreekOlive - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestGreekPalm - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestGreekPalmDirt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestGreekPine - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestGreekPineSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestGreekPineSnowMix - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestHades - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestMarsh - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestMarshOak - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestNorseOak - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestNorseOakAutumn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestNorseOakLateAutumn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestNorseOakMix - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestNorsePine - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestNorsePineMix - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestNorsePineSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestNorsePineSnowMix - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestTundra - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestTundraLateAutumn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cForestTundraSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGameAllowTitans - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGameDoLockTeams - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGameIsFFA - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGameModeCurrent - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGameModeDeathmatch - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGameModeLightning - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGameModeSupremacy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGameTypeCampaign - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGameTypeCurrent - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGameTypeRandomMap - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGameTypeRecordGame - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGameTypeSaved - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGameTypeScenario - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGarrisonPlanDangerScanRadius - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGarrisonPlanNeverUngarrison - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGarrisonPlanSearchRadius - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGatherPlanAutoBuildDropsite - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGatherPlanBreakDownID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGatherPlanDangerTimeout - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGatherPlanDangerTimer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGatherPlanDropsiteID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGatherPlanDropsitePUID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGatherPlanEventOnBuildPlanCreate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGatherPlanEventResourceUpdate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGatherPlanFailsafeBuild - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGatherPlanFindNewResourceInterval - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGatherPlanKBResourceID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGatherPlanMaximumGatherDistance - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGatherPlanQuitWhenResourceIsInvalid - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGatherPlanResourceSubType - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGatherPlanResourceType - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGatherPlanResourceUnitTypeFilter - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanAutoCast - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanBPID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanCastAttempts - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanCombatPlanID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanEvaluationModel - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanEvaluationModelCombatPlanDistance - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanEvaluationModelNone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanEvaluationModelQuery - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanMaxCastAttempts - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanOwnArmyMaximumPercentHealth - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanOwnArmyMinimumCombinedHitpoints - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanOwnArmyMinimumCount - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanOwnArmyMinimumPercentHealth - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanPowerProtoID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanQueryID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanQueryMinimumCombinedHitpoints - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanQueryMinimumCount - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanQueryMinimumHitpoints - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanRequiresCombatPlan - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanTargetingModel - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanTargetingModelAttachedCombatPlanLocation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanTargetingModelBuildingPlacement - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanTargetingModelDualPlace - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanTargetingModelLocation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanTargetingModelLocationDual - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanTargetingModelLocationManually - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanTargetingModelLocationNoLOSCheck - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanTargetingModelUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanTargetingModelWorld - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanTargetLocation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanTargetUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cGodPowerPlanUnrecoverableFail - Variable in class RetoldConstants
chat(String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a line of chat text from the given player (current if not provided).
cInvalidID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cInvalidVector - Variable in class RetoldConstants
clamp(float, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Clamps a value to the provided interval.
click() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Plays the default UI click sound.
cLightingSet0Demo - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSet0Norse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetAomspe01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBaseAfternoon - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBaseDawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBaseErebus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBaseEvening - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBaseMorning - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBaseNight - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBaseNoon - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBaseSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBDreamBlue - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBDreamBlueRedContrast - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBDreamOrange - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBDreamPurple - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBDreamYellow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBEgyptDesertSun - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBErebus01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBgAtlantis01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBgAtlantis02 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBgEgypt01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBgEgyptTransitionClouds - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBgGreek01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBgNorse01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBGreekMedEven - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBGreekMedMorn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBGreekMedNight - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBGreekMedSun - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBNorseSnowSun - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBonusReg - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetBonusReginleif01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignAtlanteanAtlantisNew - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignCdemoCdemoAtlantean0 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignCdemoCdemoAtlantean1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignCdemoCdemoEgyptian0 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignCdemoCdemoGreek0 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignCdemoCdemoGreek1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignCdemoCdemoGreek2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignCdemoCdemoGreek3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignCdemoCdemoGreek4 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignCdemoCdemoNorse0 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignCdemoCdemoNorse1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignCdemoCdemoNorse2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignCdemoCdemoNorse3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignEgyptianBorderlands - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignEgyptianEgyptDawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignEgyptianEgyptDusk - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignEgyptianEgyptNile - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignGreekDreamDawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignGreekDreamNight - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignGreekGreekDawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignGreekGreekDusk - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignGreekGreekIntermediate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignGreekGreekNight - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignGreekGreekSummer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignGreekMediterranean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignGreekOldAtlantis - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignGreekOldAtlantisDusk - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignGreekOldAtlantisNight - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignGreekOlympus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignGreekOlympusDusk - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignGreekOlympusNight - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignGreekThessaly - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignGreekTroyAutumn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignGreekTroySummer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignMythicalBattlesFre01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignMythicalBattlesFre01A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignMythicalBattlesFre01A2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignMythicalBattlesFre01A3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignMythicalBattlesFre01B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignNorseArcticTundra - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignNorseArcticTundraDawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignNorseArcticTundraNight - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignNorseArcticTundraShadows - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignNorseJothunheim - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignNorseJothunheimCave - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignNorseJothunheimDusk - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignNorseJothunheimFrozen - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignNorseMidgardMix - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignNorseMidgardSummer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignNorseNidavellir - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignUnderworldErebus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignUnderworldNiflheim - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetCampaignUnderworldNiflheimSurface - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetDefault - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetDefaultComparison - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetDefaultOld - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetDesert - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetDesertLate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetDusk - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetErebus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetExampleLighting - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFeNeutral - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFeNeutralMw - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott01A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott01A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott01A2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott01B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott02 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott02A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott02B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott03 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott04 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott05 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott05A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott05B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott06 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott06A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott06A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott06A2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott06B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott06B1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott07 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott07A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott07B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott08 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott08A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott08B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott08B1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott08B2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott09 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott09A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott09A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott09B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott09B1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott10 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott10A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott10A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott10B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott10B1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott10C - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott11 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott11A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott11A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott11A2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott12 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott13 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott13A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott13A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott14 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott14A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott14B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott15 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott16 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott16A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott16AA - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott16AA1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott16AB - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott16B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott16BA - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott16C - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott16C1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott17 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott17A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott17B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott17B1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott18 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott18A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott19 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott19A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott19B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott19B1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott20 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott20A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott20A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott20A2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott20B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott20B1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott20B2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott20B3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott21 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott21A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott21B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott21B1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott22 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott22A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott22A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott22B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott23 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott23A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott23B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott23B1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott23C - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott23C1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott24 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott24A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott24B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott25 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott25A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott26 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott26A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott27 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott27A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott27B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott27B1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott27B2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott28 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott28A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott28A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott28A2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott28B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott29 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott29A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott29A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott29B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott29B1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott30 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott30A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott30B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott31 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott31A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott32 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott321 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott32A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott32A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott32B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott32B1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott32B2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott32B3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott32B4 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott32B5 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetFott32B6 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetGoldenHour - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetGpEclipse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetGpFimbulwinter - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetGpInferno - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetGpLightningstorm - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetGpTempest - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetMarsh - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetMorning - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetNeutral - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetNight - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetNightShadows - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetNorse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRandomMapsErebus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRandomMapsMediterranean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRandomMapsRiverStyx - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRandomMapsSavannah - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmAcropolis01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmAir01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmAlfheim01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmAnatolia01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmArchipelago01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmArena01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmBlackSea01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmBlueLagoon01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmElysium01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmErebus01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmGhostLake01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmGiza01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmGoldRush01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmHighland01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmIronwood01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmIslands01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmJotunheim01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmKerlaugar01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmLandUnknown01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmMarsh01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmMediterranean01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmMegalopolis01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmMidgard01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmMirage01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmMirkwood01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmMountOlympus01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmMuspelheim01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmNileShallows01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmNomad01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmNomad02 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmOasis01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmRiverNile01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmRiverStyx01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmSavannah01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmSeaOfWorms01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmTeamMigration01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmTheUnknown01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmTiny01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmTundra01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmValleyOfKings01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmVinlandsaga01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetRmWateringHole01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetSavannah - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetStarterLighting - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTantalusAcropolisSunsetLighting - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTantalusBaseTestLighting - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTantalusDesertFogLighting - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTantalusDesertLighting - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTantalusGreekCityBurningLighting - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTantalusSnowLighting - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTantalusViewer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTantalusWarLighting - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTgg01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTgg01A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTgg01A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTgg02 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTgg02A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTgg03 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTgg03A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTgg03A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTgg03B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTgg03B1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTgg04 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTgg04A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTgg04A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTgg04B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTgg04B1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna01 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna01A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna01A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna01A2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna01A3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna01A4 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna01A5 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna02 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna02A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna02A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna02B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna03 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna03A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna03B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna03B1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna04 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna04A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna04A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna05 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna05A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna05B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna05B1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna06 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna06A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna06A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna06B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna07 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna07A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna07A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna07A2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna07B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna07B1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna07B2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna07B3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna08 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna08A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna08A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna09 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna09A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna10 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna101 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna102 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna103 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna104 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna10B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna11 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna11A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna12 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna12A - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna12A1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna12B - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna12B1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna12B2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna12B3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTna12B4 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTrailerCaves - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTrailerChimera - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTrailerChimera2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTrailerCultureGreek - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTrailerCultureNorse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTrailerEarthquake - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTrailerEgyptianTitan - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTrailerErebus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTrailerForge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTrailerIce - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTrailerLightning - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTrailerMeteorGreek - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTrailerNaval - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTrailerPolyphemus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTrailerRestoration - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTrailerSkyPassage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cLightingSetTrailerTornado - Variable in class RetoldConstants
closeFlareType(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Close menu to change Flare Type.
cMapSize - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMapSizeCurrent - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMapSizeGiant - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMapSizeLarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMapSizeStandard - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMapVisibilityCurrent - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMapVisibilityNormal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMapVisibilityRevealed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMaxFloat - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMaxInt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMicroHuntMicro - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMicroLevelHigh - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMicroLevelNone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMicroLevelNormal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMicroNone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMicroPrioritizeTargets - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMilitaryEscrowID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMinFloat - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMinInt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeArmor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeArmorSpecific - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeAuraEmpower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeAutoBuildRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeAutoGatherAbsolute - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeAutoGatherFactor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeAutoGatherRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeBaseDamage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeBaseHP - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeBuildingWorkRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeBuildRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeDamage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeDamageSpecific - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeDoubleTrainChance - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeDropsiteRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeEconomicTrainingRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeFarmingGatherRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeFavorGatherRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeGatherRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeGodPowerBlockRadius - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeHealRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeLOS - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeLOSFactor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeMaxHP - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeMilitaryTrainingCost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeMilitaryTrainingRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeMineGatherRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeNaturalFoodGatherRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeNumProjectiles - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeProgFreeze - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeProgFreezeSpeed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeRangeAbsolute - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeRechargeTime - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeRepairCost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeResearchRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeROF - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeShield - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeSpeed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeTrainingRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeTreeGatherRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeUnitDamage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cModifyTypeVisualScale - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMyCiv - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMyCulture - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMyID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cMyTeam - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNoiseFractalSum - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNoiseNone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNoiseRandom - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNoiseTurbulence - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNoRecentPositionKnown - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumActionStatsFloat - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumberCircleSectors - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumberCliffLayers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumberDataEffects - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumberPlayers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumberPlayersPlusNature - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumberProtoPowers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumberProtoUnits - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumberReloads - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumberResources - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumberTeams - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumberTeamsPlusNature - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumberTechs - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumberTriggerAIVariableboolean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumberTriggerAIVariableFloat - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumberTriggerAIVariableInt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumberTriggerAIVariableString - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumberTriggerAIVariableVector - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumberUnitFlags - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumberUnitTypes - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumProtoStatboolean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumProtoStatFloat - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumProtoStatInt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumProtoStatString - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumUnitStatboolean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumUnitStatFloat - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumUnitStatInt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cNumUnitStatString - Variable in class RetoldConstants
commandResearch(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Researches the given command from the given unit.
commandResearchInSelected(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Researches a protounit command associated with a tech in current unit selection.
commandTransformInSelected() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Researches the transform command set in protoUnit data for each unit in current unit selection.
commandTransformVillager() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Researches the transform command set in protoUnit data for each civilian in current unit selection, when applicable.
commandTransformVillagerLimited(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Researches the transform command set in protoUnit data for a number of civilians set by the integer parameter, or all of them if the parameter is -1.
config(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Changes config state just like a .cfg line.
configDef(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Defines a config variable.
configSet(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets a particular config var to a string value.
configSetFloat(String, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets a config var to a floating point value.
configSetInt(String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets a config var to an integer value.
configToggle(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Defined var becomes undefined, and vice versa.
configUndef(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Undefines a config variable.
cOnHitEffectAttach - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cOnHitEffectBoost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cOnHitEffectChaos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cOnHitEffectDamageOverTime - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cOnHitEffectFreezeDefault - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cOnHitEffectFreezeStone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cOnHitEffectFreezeStoneDamage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cOnHitEffectLifesteal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cOnHitEffectMutate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cOnHitEffectMutateGaia - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cOnHitEffectProgFreeze - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cOnHitEffectProgFreezeROF - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cOnHitEffectProgFreezeSpeed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cOnHitEffectPull - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cOnHitEffectReincarnation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cOnHitEffectSnare - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cOnHitEffectSpawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cOnHitEffectStatModify - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cOnHitEffectStun - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cOnHitEffectThrow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
console() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles the state of the console dialog.
continueToScenario() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Cheap hack to allow loading of a file one frame after logic.
cOriginVector - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cos(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the cosine of .
cPassabilityAir - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPassabilityAllowPlacementOnIce - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPassabilityAmphibious - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPassabilityLand - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPassabilityNone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPassabilityNonSolid - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPassabilityWater - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPersonalityAttacker - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPersonalityCurrent - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPersonalityDefender - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPersonalityStandard - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPi - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanBuild - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanBuildWall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanData - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanDefend - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanEmpower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanEventStateChange - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanExplore - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanFish - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanFlagAllowUnderAttackResponse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanFlagCantBeStolenFrom - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanFlagDebugging - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanFlagDestroy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanFlagDestroyDelayed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanFlagFirstUpdate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanFlagGather - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanFlagInitialized - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanFlagNoMoreUnits - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanFlagNoUnitNotification - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanFlagPersistentChild - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanFlagReadyForUnits - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanFlagRequiresAllNeedUnits - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanFlagStateChanged - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanFlagStopUnitsOnRemove - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanGarrison - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanGather - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanGodPower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanRepair - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanResearch - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanReserve - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateBuild - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateCast - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateDone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateDualPlace - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateEmpower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateEnter - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateEvaluate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateExit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateExplore - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateFailed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateGather - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateGatherResources - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateGoto - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateIdle - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateNone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStatePlace - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateResearch - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateRetreat - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateTrain - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateTransport - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateVillagerAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateWait - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanStateWorking - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanTrade - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanTrain - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlanTransport - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlayerMotherNatureID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlayerRelationAlly - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlayerRelationAllyExcludingSelf - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlayerRelationAny - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlayerRelationEnemy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlayerRelationNeutral - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlayerRelationSelf - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlayerTypeComputer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cPlayerTypeHuman - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityAjaxOlder - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityAjaxSPC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityAmanra - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityAmanraOlder - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityAnubite - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityArgus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityArkantos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityArkantosGod - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityArkantosUber - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityAutomaton - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityAutoScout - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityAvenger - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityBattleBoar - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityBehemoth - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityBellerophon - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityBrokk - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityCaladriaBurstHeal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityCaladriaPacify - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityCarcinos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityCarnivoraDevour - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityCarnivoraPull - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityCentaur - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityCentimanus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityChimera - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityChironSPC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityColossus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityConvertAnimal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityCyclops - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityDraugr - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityDwarven - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityEgyptianHeal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityEinheri - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityEitri - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityEmpower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityFafnirAndvarisCurse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityFafnirBillowingSmog - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityFenrisWolfBrood - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityFireGiant - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityFireKing - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityFolstagFlagBearer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityFrostGiant - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityGargarensis - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityGeneralMelagius - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityGuardian - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityGuardianBolt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityGullinbursti - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityHydra - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityJormunElver - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityKamos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityKastorCharisma - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityKastorStun - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityKingFolstagFreezeTitan - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityKingFolstagFrigidBreath - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityKrakenCapsize - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityKrakenThrow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityLampadesCausticity - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityLampadesChaoticRealignment - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityLampadesTransfiguration - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityManticore - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityMedusa - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityMinotaur - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityMountainGiantBludgeon - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityMountainGiantDwarvenPunt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityMountainGiantFooty - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityMountainGiantPunt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityMummy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityNemeanLion - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityNereid - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityNidhoggBlazingStrafe - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityNidhoggDivineProtection - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityOdysseusSPC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityPerseus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityPetsuchos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityPhoenix - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityPhoenixEgg - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityPolyphemus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityPromethean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityReginleifHeal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityReginleifSeidr - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityRockGiantCavernousHunger - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityRockGiantJotunmodr - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilitySatyr - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityScarab - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityScorpionMan - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityScylla - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityShadeSPC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilitySphinx - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityStymphalianBird - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityTartarianSpawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityTitan - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityTitanPrometheus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityTroll - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityValkyrie - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityWarTurtle - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAbilityWaterCarnivoraSink - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAncestors - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerAsgardianBastion - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerBlessingOfZeus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerBolt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerBronze - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerCarnivora - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerCeaseFire - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerCeaseFire3Minutes - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerChangeToChimera - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerChangeToCyclops - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerChangeToHydra - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerChangeToManticore - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerChangeToNemeanLion - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerChangeToValkyrie - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerChaos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerChickenStorm - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerCitadel - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerCurse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerDeconstruction - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerDeconstructWonder - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerDwarvenMine - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerEarthquake - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerEclipse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerFimbulwinter - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerFlamingWeapons - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerForestFire - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerFrost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerGaiaForest - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerGoatunheim - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerGreatHunt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerGullinbursti - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerHeal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerHealingSpring - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerHesperidesTree - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerImplode - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerInferno - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerLightningStorm - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerLightningStormSPC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerLocustSwarm - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerLure - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerMeteor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerMeteorSPC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerNidhogg - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveAnastrophe - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveBattleFrenzy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveDeathlyDonative - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveDevotees - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveDivineImmunity - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveDivineShield - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveFuneralBarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveHamask - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveHealingSpring - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveHeka - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveLifesteal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveLush - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveMandjet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveMannedEngine - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveNaturesEyes - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassivePetrifiedFrame - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveRansNet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveSacredHands - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveScourgeOfTheSkies - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveSellSword - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveSerratedBlades - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveSkadisBreath - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveSkaldicInspiration - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveSolarBarque - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveSolarFlame - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveSolarFlare - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveTemporalScaffolding - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveTitanicStature - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveTransportation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveValhallasChosen - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveVenomous - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveViking - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveWallBreaching - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPassiveWonderAge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPestilence - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPlagueOfSerpents - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerPlentyVault - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerProsperity - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerRagnarok - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerRain - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerRestoration - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerRocLand - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerRocTakeoff - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerSeedofGaia - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerSentinel - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerShiftingSands - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerShockwave - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerSonOfOsiris - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerSpiderLair - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerSpy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerTartarianGate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerTempest - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerTempestSPC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerTitanGate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerTornado - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerTraitor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerUndermine - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerUnderworldPassage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerValor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerVision - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerVortex - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerWalkingBerryBushes - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerWalkingWoods - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerWalkingWoodsSingleTarget - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoPowerWellOfUrd - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoStatArmorCrush - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoStatArmorHack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoStatArmorPierce - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoStatBuildLimit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoStatBuildPoints - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoStatBuildRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoStatLOS - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoStatMaxContained - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoStatMaxHP - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoStatMaxVelocity - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoStatName - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoStatObstruction - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoStatPopCapAddition - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoStatPopCost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoStatTrainingRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoStatTrainPoints - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoStatXObstruction - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cProtoStatZObstruction - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cRandomMapName - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cRepairPlanTargetID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cResearchPlanBuildingTypeID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cResearchPlanDestroyWhenBuildingIsGone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cResearchPlanIsProtoUnitCommand - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cResearchPlanResearcherID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cResearchPlanTechID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cReservePlanHandleDamage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cResourceFavor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cResourceFood - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cResourceGold - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cResourceWood - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cRootEscrowID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSectorPriorityClosed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSectorPriorityHigher - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSectorPriorityIncrementEndToStart - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSectorPriorityIncrementInsideOut - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSectorPriorityIncrementNone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSectorPriorityIncrementOutsideIn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSectorPriorityIncrementStartToEnd - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSectorPriorityLower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSectorPriorityMaximum - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSectorPriorityNormal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionAcidPool - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionAIBlock - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionAttackRevealer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionBlood - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionBloodFlow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionCitadelCenter - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionConversionSFX - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionFarm - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionFlare - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionGarrisonFlag - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionGate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionHersir - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionHouseDefault - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionIceBlock - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionKraken - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionMapObjective - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionMoveToIndicator - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionObjectiveMarker - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionOsirisLightning - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionPlentyVaultKOTH - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionRegent - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionRelic - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionRevealer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionSetLocationIndicator - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionShockwaveSFX - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionShowLocationIndicator - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionSkybox - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionSnowVFX - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionSPCKraken - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionSpyEye - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionStunEffect - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionTitanGate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionTownCenter - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionTreeGaia - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionUnitRevealer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionUnPetrifyEffect - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionWallConnector - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionWallLong - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionWallMedium - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionWallShort - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionWaypointFlag - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSharedUnitFunctionWonder - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cSqrtTwo - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStartingResourcesCurrent - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStartingResourcesHigh - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStartingResourcesInfinite - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStartingResourcesMedium - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStartingResourcesRandom - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStartingResourcesStandard - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStartingResourcesUltra - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStateComplete - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStateFailed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStateIncomplete - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStateNotStarted - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeAverageResource - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeBuildingsKilledCost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeBuildingsLost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeBuildingsLostCost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeCostBuildingsBuilt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeCostUnitsTrained - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeEconomicUnitHigh - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeEconomicUnitHighNoFishingShip - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeEnemyBuildingsKilled - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeEnemyUnitsConverted - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeEnemyUnitsKilled - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeFavoriteSoldier - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeFavoriteSoldierCount - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeFishingShipHigh - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeFreeResources - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeFreeUnitCost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeFreeUnitCount - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeGodPowerCast - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeGodPowerTime - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeHerdablesLost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeMapExplored - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeMilitaryCount - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeMilitaryHigh - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeRelicHigh - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeResearchCountComplete - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeResearchTotalCost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeResourceCount - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeScore - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeScoreDisplay - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeTechTime - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeTotalMinedResources - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeTotalTechCost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeTradeProfit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeTributeAmountRcvd - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeTributeAmountSent - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeUnitCount - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeUnitsKilledCost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeUnitsLost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeUnitsLostCost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeUnspentResourceCount - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatTypeVillagersLost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatusEffectChaosed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatusEffectCursed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatusEffectFrozen - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatusEffectPetrified - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatusEffectStunned - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cStatusEffectThrown - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTacticDefault - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTacticNormal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTacticPack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTacticUnpack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechAdzeOfWepwawet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechAegisShield - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechAjaxEnable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechAlluvialClay - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechAmbassadors - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechAnastrophe - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArchaicAgeAtlantean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArchaicAgeEgyptian - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArchaicAgeFreyr - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArchaicAgeGaia - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArchaicAgeGreek - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArchaicAgeHades - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArchaicAgeIsis - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArchaicAgeKronos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArchaicAgeLoki - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArchaicAgeNorse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArchaicAgeOdin - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArchaicAgeOranos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArchaicAgePoseidon - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArchaicAgeRa - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArchaicAgeSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArchaicAgeThor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArchaicAgeWeakenUnits - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArchaicAgeZeus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArchitects - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArcticWinds - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArcusToHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArgivePatronage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechArgonauts - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechAsbestosShields - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechAsgardianBastionShadowHeroic - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechAsgardianBastionShadowMythic - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechAsperBlood - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechAtefCrown - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechAvengingSpirit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechAxeOfVengeance - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechBallistaTower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechBallistics - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechBeastSlayer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechBerserkergang - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechBiteOfTheShark - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechBoilingOil - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechBoneBow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechBookOfThoth - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechBowSaw - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechBravery - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechBridleOfPegasusRespawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechBronzeArmor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechBronzeShields - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechBronzeWall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechBronzeWeapons - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechBurningPitch - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechCallOfValhalla - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechCarpenters - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechCarrierPigeons - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechCaveTroll - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechCelerity - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechChampionArchers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechChampionAxemen - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechChampionCamelRiders - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechChampionCavalry - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechChampionChariotArchers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechChampionInfantry - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechChampionSlingers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechChampionSpearmen - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechChampionWarElephants - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechChampionWarships - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechChannels - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechCheatBigGaia - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechCheatBigKronos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechCheatBigOsiris - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechCheatBigPrometheus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechCheatFooty - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechCheatIdleBolt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechCheiroballistaToHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechChthonicRites - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechCitadelWall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClairvoyance - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeAnubis - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeAres - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeAthena - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeAtlantean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeBast - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeEgyptian - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeForseti - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeFreyja - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeFreyr - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeGaia - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeGeneral - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeGreek - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeHades - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeHeimdall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeHermes - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeIsis - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeKronos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeLeto - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeLoki - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeNorse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeOceanus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeOdin - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeOranos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgePoseidon - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgePrometheus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgePtah - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeRa - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeThor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeUllr - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechClassicalAgeZeus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechCoinage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechConscriptBarracksSoldiers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechConscriptCavalry - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechConscriptCounterSoldiers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechConscriptGreatHallSoldiers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechConscriptHillFortSoldiers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechConscriptInfantry - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechConscriptLonghouseSoldiers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechConscriptMainlineSoldiers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechConscriptMigdolSoldiers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechConscriptPalaceSoldiers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechConscriptRangedSoldiers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechConscriptSailors - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechContariusToHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechCopperArmor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechCopperShields - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechCopperWeapons - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechCrenellations - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechCrimsonLinen - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechCriosphinx - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechCrocodilopolis - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechDaktyloi - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechDarkWater - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechDaughtersOfTheSea - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechDeathMatchAtlantean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechDeathMatchEgyptian - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechDeathMatchGeneral - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechDeathMatchGreek - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechDeathMatchNorse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechDeimosSwordOfDread - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechDesertWind - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechDestroyerToHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechDevoteesOfAtlas - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechDionysia - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechDisablot - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechDivineBlood - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechDraftHorses - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechDragonscaleShields - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechDummyAgeUpTech - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechDwarvenAuger - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechDwarvenBreastplate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechDwarvenWeapons - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechEclipseActive - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechElectrumBullets - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechEmpyreanSpeed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechEnableRelicPickup - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechEnclosedDeck - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechEngineers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechEnyosBowOfHorror - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechEyesInTheForest - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechFaceOfTheGorgon - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechFanaticToHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechFeastsOfRenown - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechFeetOfTheJackal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechFlagAgeTech - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechFlagAgeUpgrade - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechFlagCountsTowardEconomicScore - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechFlagCountsTowardMilitaryScore - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechFlagMythTech - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechFlamesOfTyphon - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechFlamingWeaponsActive - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechFloodControl - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechFloodOfTheNile - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechForceOfTheWestWind - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechForgeOfOlympus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechFortifiedTownCenter - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechFortifiedWall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechFreyrsGift - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechFreyrTechCostBonus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechFrontlineHeroics - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechFuneralBarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechFuneralRites - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechFuryOfTheFallen - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechGemini - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechGiantSlayingBlades - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechGjallarhorn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechGoldenApples - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechGoldenLionsRespawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechGraniteBlood - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechGraniteMaw - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechGraspOfRan - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechGreatestOfFifty - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechGuardianOfIo - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechGuardTower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHallOfThanes - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHaloOfTheSun - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHamask - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHammerOfThunder - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHandAxe - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHandOfTalos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHandsOfThePharaoh - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeartOfTheTitans - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeavyArchers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeavyAxemen - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeavyCamelRiders - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeavyCavalry - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeavyChariotArchers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeavyInfantry - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeavySlingers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeavySpearmen - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeavyWarElephants - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeavyWarships - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHephaestusRevenge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeAegir - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeAphrodite - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeApollo - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeAtlantean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeBragi - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeDionysus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeEgyptian - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeFreyr - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeGaia - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeGeneral - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeGreek - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeHades - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeHyperion - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeIsis - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeKronos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeLoki - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeNephthys - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeNjord - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeNorse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeOdin - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeOranos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgePoseidon - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeRa - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeRheia - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeSekhmet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeSkadi - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeSobek - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeTheia - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeThor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicAgeZeus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicFleet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHeroicRenewal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHieracosphinx - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHippocampusRespawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHornsOfConsecration - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHuntingEquipment - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHuntressAxe - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechHusbandry - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechIronArmor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechIronShields - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechIronWall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechIronWeapons - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechIrrigation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechJasonEnable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechJotuns - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechKatapeltesToHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechKronosExtraArgus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechKronosExtraAutomaton - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechKronosExtraBehemoth - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechKronosExtraCentimanus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechKronosExtraPromethean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechKronosExtraSatyr - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechLabyrinthOfMinos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechLanceOfStone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechLeatherFrameShield - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechLevyBarracksSoldiers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechLevyCavalry - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechLevyCounterSoldiers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechLevyGreatHallSoldiers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechLevyHillFortSoldiers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechLevyInfantry - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechLevyLonghouseSoldiers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechLevyMainlineSoldiers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechLevyMigdolSoldiers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechLevyPalaceSoldiers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechLevyRangedSoldiers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechLightningGeneral - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechLongSerpent - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechLordOfHorses - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMasons - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMediumArchers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMediumAxemen - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMediumCamelRiders - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMediumCavalry - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMediumChariotArchers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMediumInfantry - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMediumSlingers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMediumSpearmen - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMediumWarElephants - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMeteoricIronArmor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMonstrousRage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMonumentToGodsShadow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMonumentToPharaohsShadow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMonumentToPriestsShadow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMonumentToSoldiersShadow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMonumentToVillagersShadow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMurmilloToHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeArtemis - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeAtlantean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeAtlas - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeBaldr - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeEgyptian - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeFreyr - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeGaia - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeGeneral - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeGreek - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeHades - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeHekate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeHel - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeHelios - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeHephaestus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeHera - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeHorus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeIsis - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeKronos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeLoki - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeNorse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeOdin - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeOranos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeOsiris - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgePoseidon - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeRa - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeThor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeThoth - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeTyr - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeVidar - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicAgeZeus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechMythicRejuvenation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechNebty - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechNecropolis - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechNewKingdom - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechNewKingdomPharaohRespawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechNineWaves - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechOlympianParentage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechOlympianWeapons - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechOmniscience - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechOracle - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechOracleToHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechOrichalcumMail - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechOrichalcumWall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechOsmiumArmor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechPerception - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechPetrification - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechPharaohFirstSpawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechPharaohRespawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechPhobosSpearOfPanic - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechPickaxe - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechPioneerOfTheSkies - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechPlow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechPoseidonsSecret - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechPriestEnableReal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechPropheticSight - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechPurseSeine - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechQuarry - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRampage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRavenFirstSpawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRavenRespawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicAdamantiteShingles - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicAnkhofRa - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicAnvilOfHephaestus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicArchimedesLedger - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicArmorOfAchilles - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicArrowsOfAlfar - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicArrowsOfHeracles - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicBlackLotus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicBlanketOfEmpressZoe - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicBlueCrystalShard - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicBowOfArtemis - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicBridleOfPegasus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicCanopicJarOfImsety - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicChariotOfCybele - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicCharonsObol - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicCrownOfHera - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicCupOfDionysus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicDemetersThrone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicDwarvenCalipers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicDwarvenHorseshoes - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicEyeOfHorus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicEyeOfOrnlu - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicFettersOfFenrir - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicFlagstoneOfBuhen - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicGaiasBookOfKnowledge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicGambanteinnOdinsWand - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicGirdleOfHippolyta - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicGlaucusBookOfProphecies - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicGoldenCamelStatue - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicGungnirOdinsSpear - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicHarmoniasNecklace - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicHartersFolly - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicHeadOfOrpheus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicHekatesTorches - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicHermesWingedSandals - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicHestiasHearth - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicKhopeshOfHorus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicKitharaOfApollo - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicMonkeyRespawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicNoseOfTheSphinx - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicOsebergWagon - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicPandorasBox - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicPeltOfArgus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicProwOfTheArgo - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicPtahsSceptre - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicPygmalionsStatue - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicRelicOfAncestors - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicRelicOfBronze - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicRelicOfEarthquake - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicRelicOfProsperity - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicRelicOfTornado - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicRheiasCrown - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicRingOfNibelung - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicScalesOfCatoblepas - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicScalesOfEchidna - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicScarabPendant - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicShenOfNekhbet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicShieldOfAthena - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicShipOfFingernails - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicSistrumOfBast - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicSkullsOfTheCercopes - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicStaffOfDionysus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicSvadilfarisSledge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicTailOfCerberus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicTextsOfImhotep - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicThundercloudShawl - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicTitansTreasure - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicTowerOfSestus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicTrojanGateHinge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicTuskOfTheIronBoar - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicTyrfingAngantyrsSword - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicUllrsBow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRelicZeusThunderbolts - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRheiasGift - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRigsthula - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRime - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRingGiver - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRingOath - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechRoarOfOrthus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSacredCats - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSafeguard - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSaltAmphora - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSarissa - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechScallopedAxe - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSecretsOfTheTitans - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSerpentSpear - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechServantsOfGlory - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSessrumnir - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechShaduf - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechShaftMine - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechShaftsOfPlague - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechShoulderOfTalos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSignalFires - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSilentResolve - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSkinOfTheRhino - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSlingsOfTheSun - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSolarBarque - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSonsOfSleipnir - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSonsOfTheSun - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSpearOfHorus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSpiritedCharge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSpiritOfMaat - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechStatusActive - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechStatusObtainable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechStatusUnobtainable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechStoneWall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechStoryModeGeneral - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSuddenDeathCitadelNomad - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSuddenDeathStart - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSunDriedMudBrick - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSunRay - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSwineArray - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechSylvanLore - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechTaxCollectors - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechTechTreeClassicalAge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechTechTreeHeroicAge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechTechTreeMythicalAge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechTempleOfHealing - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechTemporalChaos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechTheftOfFire - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechTheseusEnable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechThorDwarfSpawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechThracianHorses - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechThunderingHooves - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechThurisazRune - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechTitanomachy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechTitanShield - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechTurmaToHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechTusksOfApedemak - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechTwilightOfTheGods - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechUllrHuskarlShadow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechUltraFastTraining - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechUltraHuntableResources - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechValgaldr - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechValleyOfTheKings - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechVaultsOfErebus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechVikings - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechVillagerAtlanteanToHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechVillagerDwarfToBerserk - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechVillagerNorseToBerserk - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechVolcanicForge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechWatchTower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechWeightlessMace - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechWillOfKronos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechWingedMessenger - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechWingedMessengerRespawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechWinterHarvest - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechWonderAgeGeneral - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechWonderAgeJotunScaleFix - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechWonderAgeTitan - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechWrathOfTheDeep - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTechYdalir - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrain - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanBeach1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanCliff1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanCliff2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanDirt2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanDirt3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanDirtRocks1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanDirtRocks2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanForestDirt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanForestGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanForestPalmDirt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanForestPalmGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanGrass1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanGrass2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanGrassDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanGrassDirt2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanGrassDirt3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanGrassRocks1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanGrassRocks2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanRoad1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanRoad2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainAtlanteanShore1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainCityTile1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainCityTileAtlantis1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainCityTileAtlantis2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainCityTileOlympus1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainCityTileWaterCorner1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainCityTileWaterCorner2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainCityTileWaterCorner3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainCityTileWaterCorner4 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainCityTileWaterEdge1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainCityTileWaterEdge2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainCityTileWaterEnd1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainCityTileWaterEnd2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainCityTileWaterEnd3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainCityTileWaterEnd4 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainCityTileWaterPool1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainDefault - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainDefaultBeachSnow1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainDefaultBlack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainDefaultBlackRock - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainDefaultError - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainDefaultIce1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainDefaultIce2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainDefaultIce3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptBeach1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptCliff1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptCliff2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptDirt2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptDirt3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptDirtRocks1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptDirtRocks2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptForestPalmDirt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptForestPalmGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptForestSavannah - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptGrass1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptGrass2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptGrassDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptGrassDirt2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptGrassDirt3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptGrassRocks1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptGrassRocks2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptRoad1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptRoad2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptSand1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptSand2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptSand3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptSavannah1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptSavannah2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainEgyptShore1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGaiaCreep1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGaiaCreep2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGaiaForest1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGaiaForest2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGaiaRoad1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGaiaRoad2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGaiaSnow1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGaiaSnow2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekBeach1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekCliff1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekCliff2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekDirt2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekDirt3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekDirtRocks1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekDirtRocks2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekForestDirt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekForestGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekForestPalmDirt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekForestPalmGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekForestSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekGrass1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekGrass2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekGrassDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekGrassDirt2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekGrassDirt3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekGrassRocks1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekGrassRocks2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekRoad1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekRoad2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekRoadBurnt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekRoadBurnt2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekRoadSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekShore1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekSnow1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekSnow2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekSnowDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekSnowDirt2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekSnowDirt3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekSnowGrass1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekSnowGrass2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekSnowGrass3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekSnowGrassRocks1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekSnowGrassRocks2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekSnowRocks1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainGreekSnowRocks2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainHadesCliff1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainHadesCliff2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainHadesDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainHadesDirt2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainHadesDirtRocks1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainHadesDirtRocks2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainHadesForestDirt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainHadesLava1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainHadesLava2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainHadesLava3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainHadesLava4 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainHadesRoad1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainHadesRoad2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainHadesShore1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMarshCliff1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMarshCliff2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMarshDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMarshDirtRocks1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMarshDirtRocks2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMarshForestGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMarshForestWet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMarshGrass1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMarshGrass2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMarshGrassDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMarshGrassDirt2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMarshGrassDirt3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMarshGrassRocks1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMarshGrassRocks2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMarshGrassWet1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMarshGrassWet2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMarshGrassWet3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMarshRoad1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMarshRoad2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMarshShore1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMarshWet1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMixGreekDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMixGreekDirt2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMixGreekForestDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMixGreekForestGrass1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMixGreekForestSnow1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMixGreekGrass1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMixGreekGrass2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMixGreekGrassDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMixGreekGrassDirt2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMixGreekRocksDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMixGreekRocksGrass1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMixGreekRocksSnow1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMixGreekSnow1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMixGreekSnow2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMixGreekSnowDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMixGreekSnowDirt2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMixGreekSnowGrass1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainMixGreekSnowGrass2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseBeach1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseCliff1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseCliff2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseCliffSnow1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseCliffSnow2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseDirtRocks1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseDirtRocks2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseForestGrass1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseForestSnow1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseGrass1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseGrass2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseGrassDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseGrassDirt2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseGrassDirt3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseGrassRocks1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseGrassRocks2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseRoad - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseRoadDirt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseRoadSnow1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseRoadSnow2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseShore1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseSnow1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseSnow2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseSnowDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseSnowDirt2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseSnowDirt3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseSnowGrass1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseSnowGrass2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseSnowGrass3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseSnowGrassRocks1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseSnowGrassRocks2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseSnowRocks1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainNorseSnowRocks2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainSPCHades1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainSPCHades2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainSPCHadesLava1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainSPCHadesLava2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainSPCHadesRoad1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainSPCHadesRoad2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainSPCHadesRocks1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainSPCHadesRocks2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainSPCMiningCliff1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainSPCMiningCliff2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainSPCMiningDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainSPCMiningDirtRocks1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainSPCMiningDirtRocks2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraBeach1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraCliff1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraCliff2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraCliffSnow1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraCliffSnow2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraDirtRocks1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraDirtRocks2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraForestGrass1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraForestSnow1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraGrass1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraGrass2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraGrassDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraGrassDirt2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraGrassDirt3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraGrassRocks1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraGrassRocks2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraRoad1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraRoad2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraRoadSnow1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraRoadSnow2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraShore1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraSnow1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraSnow2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraSnowDirt1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraSnowDirt2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraSnowDirt3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraSnowGrass1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraSnowGrass2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraSnowGrass3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraSnowGrassRocks1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraSnowGrassRocks2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraSnowRocks1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainTundraSnowRocks2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainUnderwaterCoral1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainUnderwaterCoral2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainUnderwaterCoral3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainUnderwaterCoral4 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainUnderwaterCoralDead1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainUnderwaterCoralDead2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainUnderwaterCoralDead3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainUnderwaterIce1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainUnderwaterIce2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainUnderwaterIce3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainUnderwaterRock1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainUnderwaterRock2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainUnderwaterRock3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainUnderwaterRocksand1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainUnderwaterRocksand2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTerrainUnderwaterRocksand3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTradePlanAreaGroupID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTradePlanDeleteCantPathToTC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTradePlanEventCantPath - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTradePlanMarketID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTradePlanTargetUnitID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTradePlanTargetUnitTypeID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTradePlanUpdateTarget - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTrainPlanAreaGroupID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTrainPlanBuildFromType - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTrainPlanBuildingID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTrainPlanEventUnitTrained - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTrainPlanFrequency - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTrainPlanGatherPoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTrainPlanGatherTargetID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTrainPlanMaxQueueSize - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTrainPlanNumberToTrain - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTrainPlanNumberTrained - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTrainPlanTrainedUnitID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTrainPlanUnitType - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTrainPlanUseMultipleBuildings - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPathTypeAreas - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPathTypePoints - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPlanBestDangerArea - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPlanBestDangerValue - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPlanDropOffPoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPlanGatherArea - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPlanGatherAreaGroup - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPlanGatherPoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPlanIgnoreAreaIDs - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPlanMaximizeXportMovement - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPlanMiddleAreaGroups - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPlanPathPlanned - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPlanPathType - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPlanPersistent - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPlanReturnWhenDone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPlanTakeMoreUnits - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPlanTargetArea - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPlanTargetAreaGroup - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPlanTargetPoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPlanTransportID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPlanTransportPath - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPlanTransportTypeID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTransportPlanUnitsMoved - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTSFactorDanger - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTSFactorDistance - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTSFactorDistanceToEdge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTSFactorTimeToDone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTSFactorTotalResources - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cTwoPi - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagAbilitiesOnBothPages - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagAdjustPositionOnTerrainCollision - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagAllowAlliedGarrison - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagAllowAutoGarrison - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagAllowGatheringWhenFull - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagAllowOverPopCap - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagAllowPlacementOnIce - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagAllowRebuildInGrouping - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagAllowSocketPlacement - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagAlphaFadeLifespan - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagAlwaysAllowOverPopCap - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagAlwaysFullColorAsCursor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagAlwaysShowAsSocket - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagAnnounceConversion - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagAnnounceDestruction - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagAnnounceFoundationStarted - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagApplyResourceReturnIfDeleted - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagAreaDamageConstant - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagAutoCommandStartDisabled - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagAutoFormedUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagAutoScout - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagAutoTrainable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagBallisticTrackSource - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagBaseSpeedRunAnim - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagBattleMusicTrigger - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagBlocker - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagBloodOnDeath - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagBuildingShowTactics - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagBuiltWithSeedingAnim - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagBurnable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagCanAttackDisabledUnits - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagCanAutoHeal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagCanDodgeAttacks - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagCannotAttackIfNature - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagCannotSnare - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagCanTargetButTakesNoDamage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagCantBeSlowed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagChargeMoveAnim - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagCivSpecificText - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagCollideable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagCollidesWithProjectiles - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagCommandable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagCommonCommands - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagConstrainOrientation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagContainedLOS - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagConvertOnStartBuild - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagConvertToNatureAtZeroHitpoints - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagConvertToTOB - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagCorpseDecays - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagCountHerdableAsGatherer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagCreateUniqueInstance - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagCreateUnitGroupAutomatically - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDeadReplacementWhenDestroyed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDeadReplaceOnlyOnTimeout - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDeadTransformBuildLimit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDeathTracked - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDecalStickToWaterSurface - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDeleteable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDeleteableFoundation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDeleteConfirmation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDependentAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDependentKeepAlive - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDeploymentUngarrison - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDestroyProjectile - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDestroyUnderBuilding - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDestroyWhenCompleted - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDieAtZeroHitpoints - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDieAtZeroResources - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDirectProjectile - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDisplayBuildProgress - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDisplayHitpointsIfSelected - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDisplayMinimumRange - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDisplayOnMinimapIfContained - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDisplayRange - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDisplayRangeOverride - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDisplayUpgradeProgress - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDoNotDragSelectWithUnits - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDoNotQueue - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDontMarkExtraFog - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDoppled - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDoppleOnlyWhenDead - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDoTacticToSameUnitType - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDynamicUpdate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagDynamicUpdateAnimate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagEjectable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagEnabledOnce - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagEnterHotkeyContext - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagExcludeFromIdleQuery - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagExcludeFromMoveAllMilitary - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagExcludeFromPlaytest - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagExperienceUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagFaceOutwards - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagFadeInOnBuild - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagFadeInOnCreation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagFadeOutDecalOnDeath - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagFadeOutDuringDeathAnimation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagFakeConversion - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagFlareOnFullyBuilt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagFlattenGround - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagFlyingUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagForceBuildingData - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagForceDisplaySquadModes - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagForceEmpowerable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagForceGatherSiteResource - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagForceNormalDeathAnim - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagForcePopulationImpactWhenPlaced - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagForceSecondPage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagForceSquareSelection - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagForceToNature - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagForceUpdateVisualWhenCnverted - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagFreeRepair - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagGatherableByAllies - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagGatherableWhenSocketed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagGatherersContributeToResourceRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagGatherGarrisonToggle - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagGenerateWaterSplashes - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagGivesLOSToAll - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagGodPowerExclusion - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagGroupSelection - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagHasContinuousParticles - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagHasDefaultAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagHasGatherData - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagHasGatherPoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagHasLOS - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagHeightBob - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagHerdablesIgnoreGatherPoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagHeroNamePharaoh - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagHeroNameSimple - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagHideCostFromDetailHelp - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagHideFromDialogs - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagHideGarrisonCapacity - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagHideGarrisonFlag - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagHideHitpointsIfNature - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagHideIfSocketedFoundationUntouched - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagHideResourceInventory - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagHideStances - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagIgnoreDefaultEjectTimeout - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagImmoveable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagInflictsNoDamage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagInitialGarrisonOnly - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagInvalidTownBellLocation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagInvulnerable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagInvulnerableIfNature - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagInvulnerableOnBirth - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagInvulnerableToAreaDamage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagKBTracked - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagKeepGarrisonTimeshift - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagKillIfConverted - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagKillOnAnimLoop - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagKillSocketWhenDestroyed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagKillsTargetAfterPickupAction - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagKnockoutDeath - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagLifespanBirth - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagLockedSquad - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagMagnetDoesNotLockUnits - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagMakeUnbuiltAtZeroHitpoints - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagManuallyPlaceable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagMeteredGarrison - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagMilitaryCommands - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagMilitaryUIDefault - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagMinimapColorXfrmNonNature - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagMinimapDisplayOnTop - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagMutateDopples - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagNatureRespawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagNeverCountDeathAsLoss - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagNextResearchIsFree - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagNoAllyRepair - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagNoIdleActions - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagNoLockedAnimationOnDeath - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagNonSolid - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagNotAttackableByNature - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagNotObscuredByUnitsAsFoundation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagObscuredByUnits - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagObscuresUnits - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagOnlyInEditor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagOptionalSocketPlacement - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagOrientUnitWithGround - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagOrientUnitWithGroundRoll - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagOverrideInitialGarrison - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagPaintTextureWhenPlacing - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagPickable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagPlaceAnywhere - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagPlaceAnywhereRules - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagPlaceAsFoundation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagPlaceSocketWhenPlacing - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagPlayerOwnsObstruction - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagPlayerPlaceable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagPlaySoundOnConversion - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagPrayableTo - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagPreQueueNotAllowed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagPreventsWallBuilding - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagProjectile - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagProjectileDamage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagProjectileTerrainOnly - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagPushable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagPushPlacement - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagQueueEjectActions - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagRangeDisplayedAsSquare - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagRangeRingsForAbilityCasting - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagRecoverableDeathHeal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagRecoverableDeathProxy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagRelic - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagRepairable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagResourceReturnRateTotalCost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagRevealFoundation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagRevertToSocketAtZeroHitpoints - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagRMCanRotate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagRotateable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagRotateInPlace - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagRotateObstruction - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagScalable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagSearchable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagSelectable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagSelectOnTrain - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagSelectWithObstruction - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagSelfRespawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagSettlerBuildLimit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagSharedGarrison - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagShowAreaHealRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagShowAutoGatherAbsoluteInfo - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagShowAutoGatherRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagShowGarrisonButton - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagShowOnMinimap - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagShowTactics - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagShowUnitResourceActionRates - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagShowUntouchedFoundation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagSingleGatherer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagSkipFlyingDeathAnim - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagSnapPlacement - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagSocketFreeBuilding - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagSolidFoundation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagSplitQueue - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagStartEnabled - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagStartOnAnimationUpdate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagStartOnNoUpdate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagTCBuildLimit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagTeamBuildLimit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagTieToGround - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagTieToWaterSurface - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagTileAlignPlacement - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagUniqueInstance - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagUnitTransformBuildLimit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagUnitTransformFree - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagUnlimitedSupply - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagUpgradeSocket - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagUseAlignedObstructionOnMinimap - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagUseAltEmpowerCursor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagUseFarmingAnims - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagUseObstructionOnMinimap - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagUseProtoUnitMinimapColor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagUseSharedBuildLimit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagUseStaticFarmingAnims - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagUseTacticArmorOverride - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagValidateResourceInventory - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagVariationLocked - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagVictoryBuilding - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagVisibleOwnerOnly - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagVisibleUnderFog - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagVisibleUnderFogIfNature - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagVisibleUnderFogOnlyAfterSeen - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagWallBuild - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagWanders - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagWorldToolTip - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFlagYawDuringMovement - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFunctionArcherShip - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFunctionBuilder - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFunctionCloseCombatShip - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFunctionEmpower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFunctionFisher - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFunctionFortress - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFunctionGatherer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFunctionHouse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFunctionScout - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFunctionScoutNaval - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFunctionSiegeShip - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFunctionTitan - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFunctionTrader - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitFunctionTransportNaval - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitQueryInvalidArmyID - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitQueryNoArmy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitQueryVisibleStateAllValid - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitQueryVisibleStateNoRecentPositionKnown - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitQueryVisibleStateNotVisible - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitQueryVisibleStateRecentPositionKnown - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitQueryVisibleStateSeeable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitQueryVisibleStateUnderFog - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitQueryVisibleStateVisible - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStanceAggressive - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStanceDefensive - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStancePassive - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStanceStandGround - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStatArmorCrush - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStatArmorHack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStatArmorPierce - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStatBuildingWorkRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStatBuildingWorkRateVilOrAgeUp - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStatBuildPoints - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStatBuildProgressPercent - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStatBuildRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStatCurrentVelocity - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStatCurrHP - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStateABQ - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStateAlive - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStateAny - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStateBuilding - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStateDead - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStateNone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStateQueued - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStatHPRatio - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStatHPRatioPercent - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStatIdleState - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStatLOS - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStatMaxHP - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStatMaxVelocity - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStatRepairable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStatRepairRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStatTrainingRateBonus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitStatVeterancyRank - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractArcher - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractArcherShip - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractArmory - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractCavalry - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractCloseCombatShip - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractDock - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractDwarf - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractEmpowerer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractFarm - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractFishingShip - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractFlyingUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractFortress - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractGullinbursti - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractHealer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractHouseBuildLimit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractInfantry - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractInvisibleWall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractMarket - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractMonument - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractOracle - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractPharaoh - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractScout - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractSettlement - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractSiegeShip - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractSiegeWeapon - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractSocketedTownCenter - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractTemple - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractTitan - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractTower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractTownCenter - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractTransportShip - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractTypeHuntableMagnet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractVillager - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractWalkingWoods - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractWall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractWarship - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractWarshipHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAbstractWonder - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAchilles - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAcidPool - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAffectedByTownBell - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAgamemnon - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAjax - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAjaxBoar - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAjaxOlder - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAjaxSPC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAll - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAmanra - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAmanraOlder - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAnimalOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAnimalPredator - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAnimalPrey - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAnimalReactive - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAnubite - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeArcherLineUpgraded - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeArcheryRange - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeArcticWolf - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeArcticWolfOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeArcticWolfSPC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeArcus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeArcusHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeArgus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeArgusAcidBlobDamage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeArkantos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeArkantosBoar - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeArkantosGod - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeArkantosUber - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeArmor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeArmory - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAsgardianHillFort - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAtalanta - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAthena - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAtlantisTile - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAtlantisTileDead - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAttackRevealer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAurochs - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAurochsOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAutomaton - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAutomatonSPC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAvalanche - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAvenger - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeAxeman - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBaboon - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBaboonOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBallista - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBarracks - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBarrel - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBattleBoar - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBear - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBearOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBehemoth - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBella - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBellerophon - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBerryBush - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBerserk - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBerserkDamageBoost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBireme - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBoar - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBoarOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBoltStrike - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBoulderRolling - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBoulderRollingDestroyed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBoulderRollingSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBoulderWall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBrick - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBridge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBrokenSiege - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBrokk - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBuilding - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBuildingClass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBuildingRubble1x1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBuildingRubble2x2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBuildingRubble3x3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBuildingRubble4x4 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBuildingRubble5x5 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBuildingRubble8x8 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBuildLimitSharedAtlantean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBuildLimitSharedNorse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeBush - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCaladria - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCamelRider - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCampfire - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCanBuild - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCanopicJars - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCapturableSocket - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCaravanAtlantean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCaravanEgyptian - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCaravanGreek - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCaravanNorse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCarcinos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCaribou - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCaribouOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCarnivora - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCarnivoraArm - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCarnivoraBase - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCarnivoraPreview - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCarnivoraWaterArm - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCatapult - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCavalryLineUpgraded - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCavalrySpeedCharge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCaveWall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCentaur - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCentaurAreaDamage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCentimanus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeChariotArcher - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCharonFerry - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCheiroballista - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCheiroballistaHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeChicken - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeChickenBlood - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeChickenEvil - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeChickenExploding - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeChickenOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeChimera - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeChimeraFireArea - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeChiron - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeChironSPC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCinematicBlockArea - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCinematicBlockEndPoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCinematicBlockSpawnPoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCinematicBlockStartPoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCinematicBlockWaypoint - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCirce - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCitadelCenter - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeColossus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeColumns - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeColumnsBroken - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeColumnsFallen - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeContarius - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeContariusHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCounterBarracks - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCountsTowardEconomicScore - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCountsTowardMilitaryScore - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCrate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCrateSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCrocodile - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCrocodileOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCrownedCrane - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCrownedCraneOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCrownedCraneSPC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCyclops - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeCypress - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDeadBodies - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDeadTreeTrunk - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDeconstructBuilding - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDeconstructWonder - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDeer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDeerOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDeerSPC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDestroyedLarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDestroyedMed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDestroyedSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDestroyer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDestroyerHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDigPile - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDisplayAbilitiesOnHUD - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDisplayQueue - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDock - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDove - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDragonShip - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDraugr - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDrawsGatherers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDreki - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDropsite - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDryad - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDwarvenArmory - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDwarvenForge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDwarvenTrough - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeDwarvenWheelbarrow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeEarth - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeEarthquake - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeEconomicBuilding - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeEconomicGuild - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeEconomicUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeEconomicUpgraded - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeEinheri - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeEitri - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeElephant - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeElephantOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeElk - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeElkOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeEmbellishmentClass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeExcavation - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeEyesOnForestRevealer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFafnir - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFanatic - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFanaticHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFarm - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFavor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFavoriteUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFenceIron - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFenceStone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFenceWood - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFenrir - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFenrisWolfBrood - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFimbulwinterWolf - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFireGiant - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFireGigantic - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFireKing - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFireLarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFireMedium - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFireShip - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFireSiphon - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFireSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFireTiny - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFireWood - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFishBarrel - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFishingShipAtlantean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFishingShipEgyptian - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFishingShipGreek - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFishingShipNorse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFishPile - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFishResource - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFlag - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFlagFE - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFlagNumbered - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFlowers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFlyingPurpleHippo - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFolstagFlag - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFolstagFlagBearer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFood - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFoodDropsite - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFoodResource - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFootball - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeForestFire - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeForestFireEmbers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeForkboy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFortress - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFountain - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFountainGeneric - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeFrostGiant - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGaiaBaseFlower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGaiaLushEffect - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGaiaLushFlower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGaiaPool - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGargarensis - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGarrisonFlag - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGastraphetoros - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGatherFlagEconomy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGatherFlagEconomyNaval - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGatherFlagMilitary - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGatherFlagMilitaryNaval - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGazelle - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGazelleOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGeneralMelagius - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGiantGateRam - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGiantGateRamBroken - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGiraffe - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGiraffeOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGoat - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGodi - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGodPowerBlocker - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGold - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGoldDropsite - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGoldPile - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGoldResource - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGranary - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGreatHall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGuardian - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGuardianSleeping - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGuardianSleepingTNA - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGuardianTNA - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGullinburstiArchaic - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGullinburstiClassical - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGullinburstiHeroic - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGullinburstiMythic - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeGullinburstiPreview - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHadesBoulder - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHadesDoor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHadesGate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHadesShade - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHallgerdForkbeard - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHarpy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHasBountyValue - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHawk - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHealingSpring - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHelepolis - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHeracles - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHerdable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHerdableMagnet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHeroInfantry - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHeroOfRagnarok - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHeroOfRagnarokDwarf - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHeroShadowUpgraded - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHerring - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHersir - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHesperidesTree - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHetairos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHillFort - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHippeus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHippeusCinematic - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHippeusHorse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHippocampus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHippolyta - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHippopotamus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHippopotamusOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHirdman - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHoplite - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHopliteSPC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHouse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHumanSoldier - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHuntable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHuntedResource - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHuskarl - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHydra - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHyena - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHyenaOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeHypaspist - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeIceBlock - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeIceBlockLarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeIceSheet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeIdleSpeedBonus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeImplodeShockwave - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeImplodeSphere - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeInfantryLineUpgraded - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeInvisibleGate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeInvisibleTarget - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeInvisibleWall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeJarl - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeJason - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeJormunElver - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeJuggernaut - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeKamos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeKastor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeKastorWithStaff - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeKastorYoung - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeKatapeltes - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeKatapeltesHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeKataskopos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeKebenit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeKemsyt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeKingFolstag - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeKraken - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeKrios - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLampades - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLavaBubbling - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLavaPool - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLavaSheet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLazerBear - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLeviathan - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLifespanUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLighthouse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLightningStrike - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLightsYellow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLion - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLionOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLivingPoseidonStatue - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLocustSwarm - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeAffectedByCeaseFireBuildingSlow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeAffectedByRestoration - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeAffectedByValleyOfTheKings - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeAffectedByValor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeAgeUpBuilding - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeAgressiveNatureUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeArchaicMythUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeAutoAttackFocusBuildings - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeBuildingEmpoweredForLOS - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeBuildingLarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeBuildingNotWonderOrTitan - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeBuildingSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeBuildingsNotWalls - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeBuildingsThatShoot - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeBuildingThatCanBeEmpowered - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeCanBeThrown - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeCannotConvertHill - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeCanSeeStealth - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeClassicalMythUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeConvertsHerds - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeEarthquakeAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeEasySelectAvoid - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeFindBarracks - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeFindFoodDropsite - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeFindGoldDropsite - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeFindMilitaryHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeFindStable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeFindWoodDropsite - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeFreezableMythUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeGarrisonInShips - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeHandUnitsAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeHandUnitsAutoAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeHealable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeHealed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeHeroicMythUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeMilitaryProductionBuilding - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeMinimapFilterEconomic - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeMinimapFilterMilitary - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeMythicMythUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeMythUnitNotFlying - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeMythUnitNotTitan - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeMythUnitThatGeneratesFavor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeNavalMilitary - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeNeededForVictory - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeNorseSoldierThatBuilds - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeParticipatesInBattlecries - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypePickable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeRangedMythUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeRangedUnitsAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeRangedUnitsAutoAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeSeidrTarget - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeSharedHeroSelection - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeShipNotHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeSunRayProjectile - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeTartarianGateValidOverlapPlacement - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeTCBuildLimit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeTeleporterBuilding - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeUnitIsconstructed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeValidBoltTarget - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeValidFrostTarget - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeValidLocustSwarmTarget - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeValidMeteorTarget - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeValidSentinelTarget - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeValidShiftingSandsTarget - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeValidShockwaveTarget - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeValidSPCUnitsDeadCondition - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeValidSpyTarget - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeValidTornadoAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeValidTraitorTarget - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeVillagerBuildLimit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeVillagerNotHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeVillagersAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeVillagersAttackResponse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLogicalTypeVillagersRespondToAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLokiHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLongboat - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLonghouse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLostShip - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLumberCamp - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeLure - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMahi - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMajorHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeManor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeManOWar - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeManticore - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMapObjective - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMarket - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMarketStall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMeadowFlower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMedusa - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMercenary - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMercenaryCavalry - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMeteor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMeteorSPC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMigdolStronghold - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMilestone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMilitaryAcademy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMilitaryBarracks - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMilitaryBuilding - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMilitaryUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMilitia - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMineDwarvenLarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMineDwarvenMedium - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMineDwarvenSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMineGoldLarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMineGoldMedium - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMineGoldSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMiniAtlantis - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMiningCamp - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMinion - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMinionReincarnated - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMinorHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMinotaur - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMirrorTower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMiscStairs - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMonkey - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMonkeyOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMonkeyRaft - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMonumentToGods - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMonumentToPharaohs - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMonumentToPriests - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMonumentToSoldiers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMonumentToVillagers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMountainGiant - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMoveTo - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMummy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMurmillo - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMurmilloHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMyrmidon - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMythUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMythUnitCavalry - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMythUnitMelee - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMythUnitRanged - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMythUnitSelfDestructContainer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeMythUnitSiege - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeNature - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeNatureClass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeNavalShipyard - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeNavalUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeNemeanLion - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeNereid - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeNidhogg - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeNonConvertableHerdable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeNone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeObelisk - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeObeliskProp - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeOdinsRavens - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeOdinsTower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeOdysseus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeOdysseusSPC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeOldMan - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeOracle - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeOracleHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeOranosRevealer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeOrca - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeOrnlu - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeOsiris - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeOsirisPieceBox - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeOsirisPieceCart - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeOsirisPyramid - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeOsirisPyramidDead - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeOxCart - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeOxCartBuilding - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePalace - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePapyrus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeParticleLightTest - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePathBlock1 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePathBlock2 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePathBlock3 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePegasus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePegasusBridleOfPegasus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePegasusWingedMessenger - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePeltast - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePentekonter - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePerch - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePerseus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePetrobolos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePetsuchos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePharaoh - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePharaohNewKingdom - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePhoenix - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePhoenixEgg - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePhoenixFromEgg - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePig - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePigSPC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePirateShipEgyptian - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePirateShipNorse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantAtlanteanBush - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantAtlanteanFern - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantAtlanteanGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantAtlanteanShrub - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantAtlanteanWeeds - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantDeadBush - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantDeadFern - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantDeadGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantDeadShrub - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantDeadWeeds - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantEgyptianBush - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantEgyptianFern - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantEgyptianGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantEgyptianShrub - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantEgyptianWeeds - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantGreekBush - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantGreekFern - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantGreekGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantGreekShrub - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantGreekWeeds - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantMarshBush - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantMarshFern - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantMarshGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantMarshShrub - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantMarshWeeds - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantNorseBush - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantNorseFern - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantNorseGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantNorseShrub - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantNorseWeeds - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantSnowBush - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantSnowFern - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantSnowGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantSnowShrub - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantSnowWeeds - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantTundraBush - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantTundraFern - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantTundraGrass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantTundraShrub - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlantTundraWeeds - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlentyVault - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePlentyVaultKOTH - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePolarBear - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePolarBearOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePolaris - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePolyphemus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePortableRam - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePoseidonStatue - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePoseidonStatueStand - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePots - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePriest - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePrisoner - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProdromos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectile - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileAcidBlobInvisible - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileArrow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileArrowCentaurAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileArrowFlaming - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileArrowNotFlaming - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileAxeFlaming - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileBallistaShot - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileBallOfFire - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileBallOfFireChimera - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileBallOfFireInvisible - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileBallOfFirePrometheus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileBoulder - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileCatapultShot - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileChainLightning - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileDraugrArrow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileFafnirFire - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileFireGiantSpecialAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileFireSiphonFire - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileJavelin - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileJavelinFlaming - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileLampadesBolt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileManticoreBarb - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileMirrorTowerLazer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileMummyFlies - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileNidhoggInvisible - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileOsirisLightning - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectilePetrobolosShot - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectilePetsuchosLazer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectilePriestPharaoh - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileRainbowHeart - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileSatyrSpear - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileSatyrSpearSpecialAttack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileSlingStoneFlaming - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileStymphalianBirdFeathers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileTrollStone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileUFOLazer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeProjectileWadjetSpit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePromethean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePrometheanOffspring - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypePyramid - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRaidingCavalry - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRammingGalley - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRanged - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRaven - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRegent - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeReginleif - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRelic - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRelicGoldenLion - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRelicMonkey - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeResource - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeResourceSightContainer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRevealer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRevealerToAll - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRevealerToAllLifespan - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRhinoceros - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRhinocerosOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRoc - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockAtlanteanLarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockAtlanteanMedium - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockAtlanteanSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockAtlanteanTiny - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockEgyptLarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockEgyptMedium - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockEgyptSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockEgyptTiny - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockGiant - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockGoldSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockGoldTiny - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockGreekLarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockGreekMedium - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockGreekSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockGreekTiny - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockHadesLarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockHadesMedium - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockHadesSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockHadesTiny - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockMarshLarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockMarshMedium - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockMarshSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockMarshTiny - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockNorseLarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockNorseMedium - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockNorseSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockNorseSnowLarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockNorseSnowMedium - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockNorseSnowSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockNorseSnowTiny - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockNorseTiny - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockSymbols - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockSymbolsSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockTundraLarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockTundraMedium - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockTundraSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRockTundraTiny - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRocLanded - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRocTent - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRottingLog - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRugs - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRuins - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeRunestone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSalmon - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSatyr - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeScarab - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeScorpionMan - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeScylla - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSeagull - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSeaSnake - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSeaTurtle - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSeaweed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSentinel - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSentinelBase - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSentryTower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSerpent - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSerpentPredator - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeServant - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeServantOfKronos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeServantOfKronosFlying - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSetna - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSettlement - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeShadePredator - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeShadeSPC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSharks - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeShield - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeShip - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeShipwreck - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeShrine - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSiegeBireme - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSiegeTower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSiegeWorks - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSign - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSkult - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSkultRavens - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSkydome - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSkyPassage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSkyPassageSPC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSlinger - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSnowDriftArchery - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSnowDriftBarracks - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSnowDriftSettlement - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSnowDriftSiegeWorks - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSnowDriftStable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSnowDriftTemple - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSnowDriftTower - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSnowman - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSocket - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSonOfOsiris - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSpearArkantos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSpearman - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSphinx - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSpider - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSpiderDoor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSpiderEgg - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSpiderWarn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSpyEye - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStalagmite - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStatueAutomaton - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStatueAutomatonBase - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStatueChimera - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStatueCyclops - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStatueHydra - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStatueLion - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStatueMajorGod - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStatueManticore - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStatueMelagius - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStatueNemeanLion - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStatueOfLightning - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStatuePharaoh - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStatueValkyrie - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStorehouse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStumpCypress - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStumpCypressSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStumpGaiaTree - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStumpMarsh - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStumpOak - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStumpOakAutumn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStumpOlive - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStumpPalm - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStumpPine - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStumpPineSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStumpSavannah - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStumpSavannahOld - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStumpTundra - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStumpTundraSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeStymphalianBird - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSummoningTree - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSummoningTreeProp - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSunRayGroundRevealer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSunRayRevealer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeSwordBearers - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTamariskTree - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTamariskTreeDead - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTanningRack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTaproot - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTaprootLarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTaprootMedium - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTaprootSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTartarianGate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTartarianGateBirth - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTartarianGateFlame - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTartarianGatePlacement - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTartarianSpawn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTempestStrike - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTemple - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTempleOfKronos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTempleOfTheGods - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTempleOvergrown - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTent - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTentSPC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTentSPCDestroyed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTestingDummyObject - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTheArgo - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTheocrat - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTheris - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTheseus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeThorHammer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeThorHammerHead - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeThorHammerShaft - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeThrowingAxeman - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTimeshiftIn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTimeshiftOut - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTitanAtlantean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTitanBird - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTitanCerberus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTitanGaia - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTitanGate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTitanGateDead - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTitanGatePreview - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTitanKronos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTitanPrometheus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTitanYmir - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTorch - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTornado - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTownCenter - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTownCenterAbandoned - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeToxotes - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTradeableFrom - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTradeableTo - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTradeUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTransport - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTransportShipAtlantean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTransportShipEgyptian - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTransportShipGreek - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTransportShipNorse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTree - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTreeCypress - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTreeCypressSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTreeGaia - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTreeHades - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTreeMarsh - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTreeOak - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTreeOakAutumn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTreeOakRound - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTreeOlive - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTreePalm - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTreePalmBurning - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTreePine - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTreePineDead - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTreePineSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTreePineSnowBurning - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTreeSavannah - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTreeSavannahOld - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTreeTundra - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTreeTundraSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTrident - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTrireme - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTriremeWrecked - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTrojanHorse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTrojanHorseBuilding - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTroll - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTunnelOpening - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTurma - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeTurmaHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeUFO - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeUnattackable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeUndermineDamage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeUnderworldPassage - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeUnderworldPassageSPC - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeUnit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeUnitClass - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeUnitRevealer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeValidIdleVillager - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeValkyrie - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeValkyrieHorse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXArkantosGodIn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXArkantosGodOut - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXArmorGlowSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXArrowSignal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXAsgardianHillFortBirth - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXBleed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXBlessingOfZeus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXBoltScorch - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXBoostArkantos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXCaladriaBurstHeal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXCaladriaPacify - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXChaos - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXCloud - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXCold - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXConversion - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXCurse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXDoves - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXDustDevil - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXDustLarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXDustMedium - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXDustSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXExplosion - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXFenirTreeFire - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXFimbulwinter - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXForestFire - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXGreatHunt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXHealing - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXHealingArea - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXHeavenLight - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXHeavenLightLoop - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXHeroBirth - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXHeroDeath - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXIceSheet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXImplodePullEffect - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXInsects - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXLavaSpurt - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXLightningCloud - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXLightningRain - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXLightningScorch - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXLightningSparks - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXLightningSparksGround - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXLinearShockwave - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXLocustSwarm - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXLure - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXMeteorImpactGround - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXMeteorImpactWater - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXMist - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXNidhoggScorchArea - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXOlympusTemple - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXOsiris - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXOsirisAnkh - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXOsirisBirth - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXPestilenceLarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXPestilenceSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXPoison - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXProsperityLarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXProsperitySmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXRagnarok - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXRain - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXRainSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXSandDriftDune - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXSandDriftPatch - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXSandDriftPlain - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXServantOfKronosBirth - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXShiftingSandsIn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXShiftingSandsOut - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXShockwave - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXSmoke - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXSnowDrift - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXSnowDriftDune - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXSnowDriftPatch - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXSnowDriftPlain - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXStun - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXTempestFloor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXTempestHailImpact - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXTraitor - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXTransformGlow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXTreeGaia - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXUIRangeIndicatorEgyptian - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXUIRangeIndicatorGreek - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXUnderworldExplosion - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXUnPetrify - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXVision - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXVortexFinish - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXVortexLanding - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXVortexStart - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVFXWeatherRain - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVillageCenter - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVillagerAtlantean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVillagerAtlanteanHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVillagerDwarf - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVillagerEgyptian - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVillagerGreek - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVillagerHero - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVillagerNorse - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVisionRevealer - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeVulture - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWadjet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWalkingBerryBush - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWalkingWoodsCypress - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWalkingWoodsCypressSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWalkingWoodsGaia - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWalkingWoodsHades - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWalkingWoodsMarsh - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWalkingWoodsOak - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWalkingWoodsOakAutumn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWalkingWoodsOakRound - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWalkingWoodsOlive - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWalkingWoodsPalm - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWalkingWoodsPine - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWalkingWoodsPineDead - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWalkingWoodsPineSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWalkingWoodsSavannah - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWalkingWoodsSavannahOld - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWalkingWoodsTundra - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWalkingWoodsTundraSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWallConnector - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWallGate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWallJail - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWallLong - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWallMedium - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWallOfAtlantisConnector - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWallOfAtlantisLong - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWallOfTroyConnector - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWallOfTroyGate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWallOfTroyGateDead - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWallOfTroyLong - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWallOfTroyShort - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWallShort - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWalrus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWalrusOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWarBarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWarElephant - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWarTurtle - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWaterBuffalo - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWaterBuffaloOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWaterCarnivora - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWaterCarnivoraBase - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWaterfall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWaterLily - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWaterPlant - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWaterReeds - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWaterTileCanal - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWaterTileClosed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWaterTilePool - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWaypointFlag - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWaypointFlagNaval - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWeapons - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWellOfUrd - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWhale - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWildCrops - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWolf - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWolfOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWonder - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWood - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWoodDropsite - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWoodenPlatform - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWoodPileLarge - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWoodPileMedium - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWoodPileSmall - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeWoodResource - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeZebra - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cUnitTypeZebraOfSet - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cVictoryTypeConquest - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cVictoryTypeKingOfTheHill - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cVictoryTypeRegicide - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cVictoryTypesCurrent - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cVictoryTypeSuddenDeath - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterAtlanteanHybrid - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterAtlanteanLake - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterAtlanteanRiver - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterAtlanteanSea - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterAtlanteanShallow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterEgyptHybrid - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterEgyptLake - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterEgyptRiver - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterEgyptRiverNile - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterEgyptRiverNileShallow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterEgyptSea - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterEgyptShallow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterEgyptWateringHole - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterGreekHybrid - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterGreekLake - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterGreekRiver - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterGreekRiver90 - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterGreekSea - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterGreekSeaAegean - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterGreekShallows - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterHadesRiver - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterHeightTypeAbs - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterHeightTypeAvg - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterHeightTypeMax - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterHeightTypeMin - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterMarshHybrid - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterMarshLake - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterMarshRiver - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterMarshShallow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterNorseHybrid - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterNorseLake - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterNorseLakeSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterNorseRiver - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterNorseRiverDown - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterNorseRiverSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterNorseSea - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterNorseSeaSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterNorseShallow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterTundraHybrid - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterTundraLake - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterTundraLakeSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterTundraRiver - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterTundraRiverSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterTundraSea - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterTundraSeaSnow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cWaterTundraShallow - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXAxisVector - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSAbilityHandler - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionEffectAccuracy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionEffectActionEnable - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionEffectDamageAll - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionEffectDamageArea - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionEffectDamageCrush - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionEffectDamageDivine - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionEffectDamageHack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionEffectDamagePierce - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionEffectDisplayedNumProjectiles - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionEffectHomingBallistics - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionEffectInstantBallistics - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionEffectMinRange - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionEffectModifyRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionEffectModifyRateCap - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionEffectNumBounces - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionEffectNumProjectiles - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionEffectPerfectAccuracy - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionEffectRange - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionEffectROF - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionEffectTrackRating - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionEffectVolleyMode - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionProtoEffectBoostRadius - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionProtoEffectDamageBonus - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionProtoEffectMinWorkRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionProtoEffectResourceYield - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionProtoEffectSetProjectile - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSActionProtoEffectWorkRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSAutoCreatePlanHandler - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSBuildingPlacementStateHandler - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSDamageTypeCrush - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSDamageTypeDivine - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSDamageTypeHack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSDamageTypeNone - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSDamageTypePierce - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSGodPowerCastedHandler - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSGodPowerGrantedHandler - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSKOTHStartHandler - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSPlayerAgeHandler - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSPlayerDataEffectPopulationCap - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSPlayerDataEffectPopulationLimit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSPlayerDataEffectTributePenalty - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSPlayerResourceEffectResCap - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSPlayerResourceEffectResStockpile - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSPlayerResourceEffectResTrickle - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSProtoEffectArmorCrush - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSProtoEffectArmorHack - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSProtoEffectArmorPierce - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSProtoEffectBuildingResearchRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSProtoEffectBuildingTrainingRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSProtoEffectBuildingWorkRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSProtoEffectBuildLimit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSProtoEffectBuildPoints - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSProtoEffectHitpoints - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSProtoEffectLifespan - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSProtoEffectLOS - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSProtoEffectMaxContained - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSProtoEffectPopCapAddition - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSProtoEffectPopulationCount - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSProtoEffectRechargeTime - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSProtoEffectRechargeTimeAux - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSProtoEffectSpeed - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSProtoEffectTrainPoints - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSProtoEffectTurnRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSProtoEffectUnitRegenLimit - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSProtoEffectUnitRegenRate - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSPUResourceEffectCarryCapacity - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSPUResourceEffectCost - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSPUResourceEffectResourceAmount - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSPUResourceEffectResourceReturn - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSRelativityAbsolute - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSRelativityAssign - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSRelativityBasePercent - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSRelativityPercent - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSRelicGarrisonedHandler - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSRelicPickedUpHandler - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSResignQuestionHandler - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSResourceBuildPlanHandler - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSTechEffectDisplayName - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSTechEffectGlobalNotification - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSTechEffectNotification - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cXSTechEffectRollover - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cYAxisVector - Variable in class RetoldConstants
cZAxisVector - Variable in class RetoldConstants


degToRad(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts an angle from degrees to radians.
deleteUnit(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Deletes the given unit.
displayType(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
With no arg, cycles through the various status display modes; Otherwise sets display type.
doAbilityInSelected(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Use ability in current unit selection.
doAbilityInType(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Use ability in proto unit type if the player has one.
doCommandInSelected(String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Use command in current unit selection.
doCommandInSelected2(String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Use command in current unit selection.
doMPSetup(boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Enter BMultiplayer setup.
doSPDeathMatchSetup() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Enter Single player setup for deathmatch.
doSPSupremacySetup() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Enter Single player setup for skirmish.
doTriggerImport(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Load some triggers.
dropToMainMenu() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Drop back to the main menu.


echo(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sends a message to the console output echoLocalized Syscall config error.
echoLocalized(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the game status text from a string in the string resource.
echoNum(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sends a number to the console output.
EconomyVictory() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Starts the Economy victory if valid.
editMode(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Changes the edit mode.
editorSetTechStatus(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Editor only function that activates/deactivates a given tech.
editorUpdateUnitVisuals() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Editor only functions; goes thru all the units and updates thier visuals.
ejectAll(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Ejectsall units from the given unit.
enterAttackMoveMode() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
enterRecordGameMode(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Loads a recorded game.
executeCommandOnButtonPos(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Use command in current unit selection.
executeCommandOnButtonPosAlt(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Use command in current unit selection.
exit(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Exits the game screenshot.
exitMPSetupSubScreen() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Leave the current MP screen and return to the MP setup menu.


fadeToColor(int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Fade in/out using color specified.
floor(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Rounds x down to the next lower integer and returns it as a float.
fov(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets camera and renderer field of view.


gadgetFlash(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Turns gadget flashing on/off.
gadgetReal(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Makes real the named gadget.
gadgetRealIfNotMP(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Makes real the named gadget.
gadgetRefresh(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Refresh the contents of the named gadget.
gadgetScrollDown(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Scrolls the gadget up one unit.
gadgetScrollLeft(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Scrolls the gadget to the left one unit.
gadgetScrollRight(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Scrolls the gadget to the Right one unit.
gadgetScrollUp(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Scrolls the gadget up one unit.
gadgetToggle(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles the reality of the named gadget.
gadgetToggleIfNotMP(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles the reality of the named gadget.
gadgetUnreal(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Makes unreal the named gadget.
gamepadCameraRotate(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates the position of the axis that controls camera rotation.


handleCameraBackward(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Handle the Editor and Game UI; Indicates that camera forward key has gone up or down.
handleCameraForward(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Handles the Editor and Game UI; Indicates that camera forward key has gone up or down.
hideGameMenu(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Hide the ingame menu.
hideUI() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Hides the UI and closes the console; Press enter to reveal UI again.
holdToAbortCinematic(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Increment the timer that the main game screen maintains to skip the current cinematic.
hypot(float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the hypothenuse between x and y (ie, sqrt(x^2 + y^2)).


IMEEnable(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Enables or disables IME.
imguiconsole() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles the ImGui version of the console.


kbAICostGetProtoUnitCost(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the AI cost for the given protoUnit type ID.
kbAICostGetTechCost(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the AI cost for the given tech ID.
kbAICostGetWeight(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the AI cost weight for the given resource.
kbAICostSetWeight(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the weight this resource type is given during AI cost calculuations.
kbAreaBordersAreaID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true of the provided areaID borders the provided borderAreaID.
kbAreaGetBorderAreaID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the areaID of the indexth border area in the given areaID.
kbAreaGetCenter(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the center of the given areaID.
kbAreaGetClosestAreaID(Vector, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Scans from the given position for areas of the given type; Returnsthe areaID of the closest matching area; minDistance can be left undefined to set no distance at all, if defined the found areas must be within that distance; areaType MUST be defined.
kbAreaGetDangerLevel(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the danger rating of the given areaID; If averageInBorderAreas is defined you will get the average rating of the provided area plus its border areas.
kbAreaGetGroupID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the areaGroupID of the given areaID.
kbAreaGetIDByPosition(Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the areaID that is located at the given position.
kbAreaGetIsIDValid(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns if the areaID is valid.
kbAreaGetNumber() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of areas the KB has generated.
kbAreaGetNumberBlackTiles(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of black tiles in the given areaID.
kbAreaGetNumberBorderAreas(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of border areas for the given areaID.
kbAreaGetNumberFogTiles(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of fog tiles in the given areaID.
kbAreaGetNumberTiles(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of tiles in the given areaID.
kbAreaGetNumberUnits(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of units in the given areaID.
kbAreaGetNumberVisibleTiles(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of visible tiles in the given areaID.
kbAreaGetPercentExplored(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns what percentage of tiles are either in fog or visible.
kbAreaGetType(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the type of the given areaID, cAreaType constants.
kbAreaGetUnitID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the unitID of the indexth unit in the given areaID.
kbAreaGetVisibilityChangeTime(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the gametime in milliseconds of the last visibility change for the given areaID; If any of the tiles change their visibility status this timer is updated.
kbAreaGroupGetAreaID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the areaID at the given index of the given areaGroupID.
kbAreaGroupGetBorderAreaGroupID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the areaGroupID of the indexth border area group in the given areaGroupID.
kbAreaGroupGetCenter(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the center of the given areaGroupID.
kbAreaGroupGetIDByPosition(Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the areaGroupID that is located at the given position.
kbAreaGroupGetIsIDValid(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns if the areaGroupID is valid.
kbAreaGroupGetNumber() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of area groups the KB has generated.
kbAreaGroupGetNumberAreas(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of areas of the given areaGroupID.
kbAreaGroupGetNumberBorderAreaGroups(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the amount of border area groups this areaGroupID has.
kbAreaGroupGetSurfaceArea(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the surface area of the given areaGroupID.
kbAreaGroupGetType(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the type of the given areaGroupID, cAreaGroupType constants.
kbAreaGroupsBordersAreaGroupID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true of the provided areaGroupID borders the provided borderAreaGroupID.
kbAreaUpdateAllAreas() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Force updates all the areas, use with caution due to performance concerns.
kbArmyAddUnit(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the unitID to the given army.
kbArmyCreate(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a army with the given name.
kbArmyDestroy(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Destroys the given army.
kbArmyGetCreationTime(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the creation time for the given army.
kbArmyGetCurrentAICost(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current AI cost (worth) for the given army.
kbArmyGetCurrentHitpoints(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current total hitpoints for the given army.
kbArmyGetHealth(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the health for the given army.
kbArmyGetID(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the ID of the given army.
kbArmyGetIDByIndex(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the indexth army ID.
kbArmyGetIsIDValid(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Return whether the armyID is valid.
kbArmyGetLocation(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the vector location for the given army.
kbArmyGetMaximumAICost(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the maximum AI cost (worth) for the given army.
kbArmyGetMaximumHitpoints(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the maximum total hitpoints for the given army.
kbArmyGetMembershipTime(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the creation time for the given army.
kbArmyGetName(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the name of the given army.
kbArmyGetNumber() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of armies.
kbArmyGetNumberUnits(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of units in the given army.
kbArmyGetNumberWithHealth(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of units with at least the minimum amount of health specified for the given army.
kbArmyGetNumberWithinLocation(int, Vector, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of units within range of the given point in the given army (minimum 1.0).
kbArmyGetUnitID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the appropriate unitID from the given army.
kbArmyRemoveUnit(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes the unitID from the given army.
kbArmyRemoveUnitByIndex(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes the unitIndexth unit from the given army.
kbArmyRemoveUnits(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes all units from the given army.
kbAttackRouteAddPath(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the given pathID to the given routeID; If addRouteStartAndTargetPoints is true the path will be adjusted so its first waypoint is the startPoint of the route and the last waypoint is the targetPoint of the route (if they arent already); Existing waypoints wont be altered, just new ones insterted potentially.
kbAttackRouteCreatePaths(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
TODO DOESNT WORK ATM; Creates all the paths following the provided parameters; The number of sectors equals the amount of paths generated.
kbAttackRouteDestroy(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Destroys the given routeID.
kbAttackRouteGetByName(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the attack route ID with the matching name.
kbAttackRouteGetIDByIndex(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the index-th attack route ID; Use in combination with kbAttackRouteGetNumber to know how many indexes there are; ATTENTION: this can often return -1 since destroyed attack routes are also fetched by this.
kbAttackRouteGetIsIDValid(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns if the provided routeID is valid.
kbAttackRouteGetNumber() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of attack routes the KB has saved; ATTENTION: this includes deleted attack routes.
kbAttackRouteGetNumberPaths(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns how many paths the given routeID has.
kbAttackRouteGetPathIDByIndex(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the indexth path ID of the routeID; Use in combination with kbAttackRouteGetNumberPaths to know how many indexes there are.
kbAttackRouteRemovePathByID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes the given pathID from the given routeID; ATTENTION: this does not delete the path, use kbPathDestroy for that.
kbBaseAddUnit(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the given unit to the base.
kbBaseCreate(int, String, Vector, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a base.
kbBaseDestroy(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Destroys the given base.
kbBaseDestroyAll(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Destroys all of the bases for the given player.
kbBaseFindOrCreateResourceBase(Vector, int, int, float, float, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
kbBaseGetBackVector(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the back vector of the base.
kbBaseGetDefenseRating(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the defense rating for the base.
kbBaseGetDistance(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets distance of the base.
kbBaseGetFrontVector(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the front vector of the base.
kbBaseGetIDByIndex(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the BaseID for the given base.
kbBaseGetIsIDValid(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns if the base exists for the player.
kbBaseGetLastKnownDamageLocation(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the last known damage location of the base.
kbBaseGetLastUnderAttackTime(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the time when the base was last attacked.
kbBaseGetLocation(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the location of the base.
kbBaseGetMainID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the main base ID for the player.
kbBaseGetMilitaryGatherPoint(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the military gather point of the base.
kbBaseGetNameByID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the name for the given base.
kbBaseGetNextID() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the ID of the next base that will be created, can be used for base names.
kbBaseGetNumber(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of bases for the given player.
kbBaseGetNumberUnitsOfType(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of units that match the unitTypeID.
kbBaseGetOffenseRating(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the offense rating for the base.
kbBaseGetOwner(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the player ID of the specified bases owner.
kbBaseGetTimeUnderAttack(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of continuous seconds the base has been under attack.
kbBaseGetUnits(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the unitIDs of all the units that are in the base.
kbBaseIsFlagSet(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets if the flag for the base is set to true.
kbBaseRemoveUnit(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes the given unit to the base.
kbBaseSetDistance(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets distance of the base.
kbBaseSetFlag(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the flag for the base to the state.
kbBaseSetFrontVector(int, int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the front (and back) of the base.
kbBaseSetMilitaryGatherPoint(int, int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the military gather point of the base.
kbBaseSetPositionAndDistance(int, int, Vector, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets position and distance of the base.
kbBuildingPlacementAddAreaID(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Puts this bpID into area PlacementType using area calculations, only one Type can be active at a time! You can call this function multiple times per bpID to add multiple areas, that's why it's called "add" and not "set"; Adds the AreaID to the bpID, addCenterInfluence adds a positional influence from the areaID center with 100 value, 30 range, and linear falloff; If numberBorderAreaLayers is 1 we loop through all our border areas and add them in the same way we did the original areaID (but no center influence); If numberBorderAreaLayers is 2 we also loop through all the newly added areas and add all their border areas too (no duplicates will be created); You can put numberBorderAreaLayers as high as you want but it will of course create the biggest placement ever.
kbBuildingPlacementAddBaseInfluence(int, int, int, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a base influence to the bpID, you can only do this AFTER setting your PlacementType; It is called BaseInfluence because of the input variables, but in the end this just adds a special position influence to the bpID; For the first step it works like any other position influence and calculates the value as normal using the commonly used parameters; But then there are 2 important/unique things: 1.
kbBuildingPlacementAddPositionInfluence(int, Vector, float, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the position influence for the given bpID, you can only do this AFTER setting your PlacementType; This works precisely the same as kbBuildingPlacementAddUnitInfluence(int, int, float, float, int, int, int) but instead of looking for a unit within range we just increase the value if the position is within range.
kbBuildingPlacementAddUnitInfluence(int, int, float, float, int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a unit influence to the bpID, you can only do this AFTER setting your PlacementType; For example, the spot were analyzing is at X/Z=15; We have a unit influence for cUnitTypeHouse with 25.0 value, 5.0 distance, and linear falloff; There is a House located at X/Z=12.5, now the following happens: The House is within 5.0 distance of our spot so the unit influence will be analyzed.
kbBuildingPlacementClearPlacementType(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Resets the given bpIDs PlacementType and influences, allowing you to configure it again without errors.
kbBuildingPlacementCreate(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a building placement with the given name (no concurrent duplicates), returns the bpID.
kbBuildingPlacementDestroy(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Destroys the bpID, freeing up its name/potential existing lot too.
kbBuildingPlacementGetBaseID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the bpIDs base ID, which is only set via kbBuildingPlacementSetBaseID(int, int, int).
kbBuildingPlacementGetBestResultPosition(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the best results position for bpID.
kbBuildingPlacementGetBestResultValue(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the best results value for bpID.
kbBuildingPlacementGetBufferSpace(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the buffer space set for this bpID.
kbBuildingPlacementGetBuildingPUID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the building set by kbBuildingPlacementSetBuildingPUID for the given bpID.
kbBuildingPlacementGetIsIDValid(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns whether the bpID is valid or not.
kbBuildingPlacementGetPlacementType(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the bpIDs placement type, cBuildingPlacementPlacementType constants.
kbBuildingPlacementGetSocketID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the socket ID set for this bpID.
kbBuildingPlacementGetState(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the bpIDs state, cBuildingPlacementPlacementState constants.
kbBuildingPlacementSetAreaGroupID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Puts this bpID into area PlacementType using area calculations, only one Type can be active at a time! This resets all influences, so do this first! Adds all areas belonging to the areaGroupID to the given bpID; It also adds the center of the areas as a position influence of: 100 range, 30 value, and linear falloff.
kbBuildingPlacementSetBaseID(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Puts this bpID into Base PlacementType using center position calculations, only one Type can be active at a time! This resets all influences, so do this first! Sets the base ID for this bpID which can be fetched via kbBuildingPlacementGetBaseID(int); Setting a base ID works as follows: it adds the center position of the base as the center position for the analysis.
kbBuildingPlacementSetBufferSpace(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the bpIDs buffer space, must be = 0.0; This control the minimum distance the building will be placed away from anything else that also has obstructionDefaults to 2.0.
kbBuildingPlacementSetBuildingPUID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the building that will be used during all the analysis of the given bpID; This must be a protoUnit, it cant be an abstractType.
kbBuildingPlacementSetCenterPosition(int, Vector, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Puts this bpID into CenterPosition PlacementType, only one Type can be active at a time! This resets all influences, so do this first! Read the explanation for kbBuildingPlacementSetStepSize to learn how this works.
kbBuildingPlacementSetCheckGPExclusion(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets if the given bpID will take current GP Exclusion effects into account; Defaults to true.
kbBuildingPlacementSetDockPositions(int, Vector, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Puts this bpID into Dock building mode with Area PlacementType using area calculations, only one Type can be active at a time! Sets the two points from which the building placement will calculate a possible Dock position; It will create a path as the crow flies between both points and must find a shoreline area on the way (the landPosition is included as the first waypoint on this path); Once it has found a shoreline area it will check all areas surrounding that specific shoreline area, and if theyre also of the type shoreline it will add them too to the list of areas to analyze; These automatically added areas have no influence added to them and dont add border areas, theyre just valid spots; The landPosition and waterPosition both get a position influence of 100 value in 100 range with linear falloff.
kbBuildingPlacementSetEventHandler(int, int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets an event handler for the bpID and event, use cBuildingPlacementEvent.
kbBuildingPlacementSetInnerRingRange(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
In base mode every building placement has an mechanic active that prefers positions within an "inner ring" over positions in the "outer ring"; So even if a position in the outer ring has 100000 value and the position in the inner ring has 10 value the inner ring position will always be chosen; This mechanic is used to make sure we build close to the bases center wherever possible, because building too far away is potentially very bad; The default value for this is set to 37.50 on every building placement; Putting it to your bases size or above practically removes this mechanic from the placement.
kbBuildingPlacementSetLOSType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the given bpIDs LOS type; If set to cBuildingPlacementLOSNormal (default) the location must have active visibility or be under fog to be valid; If set to cBuildingPlacementFullVisible the location must have active visibility to be valid; Regardless of the mode, any spot in the blackmap is not valid.
kbBuildingPlacementSetMinimumValue(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the minimum value a spot must have to be considered valid for the provided bpID; Defaults to 0.0.
kbBuildingPlacementSetRandomness(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets if the bpID will randomize the results a bit; Defaults to false; It will chose a number between -50% and +50% of the original value.
kbBuildingPlacementSetRequiresCompletelyUnobstructed(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets if the given BPIDs obstruction check should fail if there is any obstruction at all; Ordinarily units are ignored in this obstruction check since they can move off the foundation; But with this to true units will also cause specific spots to fail.
kbBuildingPlacementSetSocketID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets this bpID into Socket PlacementType, only one Type can be active at a time! Sets the bpIDs socket ID, which must be a valid unit ID.
kbBuildingPlacementSetStepSize(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets how big the step sizes are with which the bpID goes through the grid assigned to analyze; Default is 2.0; This is used for every placement type apart from socket; Example: You use kbBuildingPlacementSetCenterPosition(X/Z = 10.0, 5.0); This means that we will analyze all the spots between X/Z = 5.0 and X/Z = 15.0; The stepSize is used to increment X and Z until weve analyzed all spots; If we for this example take a stepSize of 5.0 we get the following: X=5, X=10, X=15 with Z remaining 5 are analyzed in the first run (we analyze one X row at a time and then increment Z).
kbBuildingPlacementStart(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Starts the bpIDs process of analyzing all the possible spots; Depending on the amount of spots that have to be analyzed this may take longer than a second; If this bpID is part of a build/godpower plan the plan will start it itself, and will also automatically destroy it; If were manually managing the bpID it wont be automatically started/destroyed.
kbCanAffordUnit(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the player can afford the proto unit.
kbCanAreaPath(Vector, Vector, int, float, boolean, int[]) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the given area path can be made.
kbCanPath(Vector, Vector, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the given unit type can path from pointA to pointB; Only performs high level pathing (ignores moveable obstructions like units).
kbCivGetName(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the civilization (major god) name for the given civID.
kbCreateAttackRouteWithPath(String, Vector, Vector, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the Route ID if successful; Creates an attack route and automatically adds some random attack sectors based on numInitialSectors; The startPoint/targetPoint/numInitialSectors only comes into play if you call kbAttackRouteCreatePaths as well; If you just need a route to add paths to manually then you need not worry about these 3 parameters; You can give attack routes that dont have kbAttackRouteCreatePaths called to attack plans directly, as long as you added valid paths yourself.
kbCreateTechProgression(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a tech progression of the given name.
kbCreateUnitProgression(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a unit progression of the given name.
kbCultureGetName(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the culture name for the given culture.
kbDefaultGetProtoStatBool(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the value for the provided bool stat of a unit's proto unit.
kbDefaultGetProtoStatFloat(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the value for the provided float stat of a proto unit.
kbDefaultGetProtoStatInt(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the value for the provided integer stat of a unit's proto unit.
kbDefaultGetProtoStatString(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the value for the provided string stat of a base proto unit.
kbEscrowAllocateCurrentResources() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Reallocates the current resource stockpile into the escrows.
kbEscrowCreate(String, int, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates an escrow.
kbEscrowDestroy(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Destroys an escrow.
kbEscrowFlush(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes all credits (and puts them into the root escrow) of the given resource type from the given escrow.
kbEscrowGetAmount(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the amount of credits in the given escrow for the given resource.
kbEscrowGetID(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the ID of the named escrow.
kbEscrowGetPercentage(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the percentage of the escrow.
kbEscrowSetCap(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the cap of the escrow.
kbEscrowSetPercentage(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the percentage of the escrow.
kbFindBestBuildingToRepair(Vector, float, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the id of the best building to repair.
kbFindClosestBase(int, int, Vector, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the nearest base belonging to playerID OR player relation from the location; Only returns bases with the military flag set if militaryBasesOnly is defined.
kbFunctionUnitGetByIndex(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the function unit from the given civ and function at index.
kbFunctionUnitGetNumber(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the number of function units from the given civ and function.
kbGetAlliedTradingBonus() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns allied trading bonus.
kbGetAmountResourcesByAreaGroup(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the amount of resources for the given area group.
kbGetAmountValidResourcesByPosition(Vector, int, int, float, float, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the combined resource amount of valid KB resources for the resource types.
kbGetAnimationID(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the hashed ID for a given animation name.
kbGetAutoMyBaseCreation() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the auto base creation value.
kbGetAutoMyBaseCreationDistance() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the auto base creation distance.
kbGetAutoMyBaseCreationDistanceTC() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the auto base creation distance.
kbGetAutoOtherBaseCreation() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the auto base detection value.
kbGetAutoOtherBaseCreationDistance() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the auto base creation distance.
kbGetAutoOtherBaseCreationDistanceTC() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the auto base creation distance.
kbGetCombatEfficiency(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the combat efficiency of the comparison (in terms of playerID1s units).
kbGetIsFFA() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Checks whether we have FFA turned on or not.
kbGetIslandMap() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns whether this map is an island map or not; If not every land area group has a land path to every other land area group this will return true.
kbGetIsLocationOnMap(Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns if the provided location is on the map.
kbGetKOTHVictoryTime() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns how long a KOTH needs to be held for for the team to win, in seconds.
kbGetMapCenter() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the center vector of the map.
kbGetMapXSize() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the X size of the map.
kbGetMapZSize() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the Z size of the map.
kbGetMarketBuyCost(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the gold amount required to buy 100 of the given resource.
kbGetMarketSellReward(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the gold amount received for selling 100 of the given resource.
kbGetNumberMutualAllies() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of mutual allies.
kbGetNumberResourceGatherers(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the number of gatherers of a resource for the given player.
kbGetNumberUnitTypeKilled(String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the number of units killed of the given unitType.
kbGetNumberValidResourcesByPosition(Vector, int, int, float, float, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of valid KB resources matching the parameters.
kbGetPopulationSlotsByUnitTypeID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of pop slots currently occupied by this unit type.
kbGetRandomUnitID() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the ID of a random unit among the living units on the map, belonging to any player, including Mother Nature units.
kbGetResourceAmount(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets current amount of the given resource.
kbGetResourceID(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the resource ID.
kbGetResourceName(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the resource name.
kbGetResourceSelectorFactor(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the ResourceSelector Factor value.
kbGetStatValueFloat(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the value of a given KB Stat as float.
kbGetStatValueInt(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the value of any given KB Stat as integer.
kbGetTotalResourceAmount(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets total amount of given resource so far.
kbGetUnitTypeID(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the unitType ID.
kbGetValidResourcesByPosition(Vector, int, int, float, float, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the resourceIDs matching the parameters.
kbGodPowerCanPrePurchase(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the given God Power is currently prepurchasable by the given player.
kbGodPowerCastEventGetCastLocation(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
kbGodPowerCastEventInfoGetCaster(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
kbGodPowerCastEventInfoGetProtoPower(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
kbGodPowerCheckActive(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns whether that God Power type, for that player, is currently in effect.
kbGodPowerCheckActiveForAnyPlayer(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns whether that God Power type is currently in effect.
kbGodPowerGetCost(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current cost of the given God Power for the given player.
kbGodPowerGetDataCost(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current base cost of the given God Power within power data for the given player.
kbGodPowerGetDataRepeatCost(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current base repeat cost of the given God Power within power data for the given player.
kbGodPowerGetID(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the ID for the given protoPowerName.
kbGodPowerGetIDInSlot(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the protoPowerID of the god power that is currently in the slotIndex for the given playerID.
kbGodPowerGetIsIDValid(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns if the provided protoPowerID corresponds to a valid god power.
kbGodPowerGetName(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the name of the given protoPowerID.
kbGodPowerGetNumCharges(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of available charges/uses of given God Power for a player.
kbGodPowerGetNumPrePurchasedUses(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current number of prepurchased uses/charges of a God Power for the given player.
kbGodPowerGetNumUsedTimes(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of times the given God Power has been used by the given player.
kbGodPowerGetPrePurchaseCost(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current cost of prepurchasing the provided number of charges of a God Power for the given player.
kbGodPowerGetRadius(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the radius of the provided protoPowerID for the given playerID.
kbGodPowerIsOnCooldown(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns whether the given God Power, for that player, is currently under cooldown.
kbGodPowerIsRepeatable(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the given God Power is infinitely castable by the given player.
kbLocationFogged(Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the location is currently fogged to the player.
kbLocationVisible(Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the location is currently visible to the player.
kbLookAtAllUnitsOnMap(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Cheats and looks at all of the units on the map; This will format your harddrive if youre not authorized to use it.
kbMaximumResourceGet(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the maximum amount of the given resource you can have.
kbPathAddWaypoint(int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the waypoint to the given path.
kbPathAddWaypointAfter(int, int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the waypoint to the given path.
kbPathCalculateLength(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the length of the given path after calculating it.
kbPathCreate(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a path with the given name.
kbPathCreateAreaPath(int, int, int, int, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
kbPathDestroy(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Destroys the given path.
kbPathGetIDByIndex(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the indexth pathID, use in combination with kbPathGetNumber.
kbPathGetIDByName(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the pathID of the given name.
kbPathGetIsIDValid(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns if the provided pathID is valid.
kbPathGetLength(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the length of the given path.
kbPathGetName(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the name of the given path.
kbPathGetNumber() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of paths the KB has.
kbPathGetNumberWaypoints(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of waypoints in the given path.
kbPathGetWaypoint(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the appropriate waypoint from the given path.
kbPlayerGetAge(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current age for the given player.
kbPlayerGetBuildingEfficiency(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the building efficiency for the given player.
kbPlayerGetCiv(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the civilization (major god) for the given player.
kbPlayerGetCulture(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the culture for the given player.
kbPlayerGetHandicap(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the players handicap multiplier (ie, 1.0 = no handicap).
kbPlayerGetMaxPop(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the maximum population for the given player.
kbPlayerGetName(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the players name.
kbPlayerGetPop(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current population for the player, means cheating if used by AI for other players.
kbPlayerGetPopCap(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current population cap for the given player, means cheating if used by AI for other players.
kbPlayerGetProtoStatBool(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the value for the provided bool stat of a player's proto unit.
kbPlayerGetProtoStatFloat(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the value for the provided float stat of a player's proto unit.
kbPlayerGetProtoStatInt(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the value for the provided integer stat of a player's proto unit.
kbPlayerGetProtoStatString(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the value for the provided string stat of a player's proto unit.
kbPlayerGetStartingPosition(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the player starting position.
kbPlayerGetTeam(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the players team number.
kbPlayerHasLost(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the player has either resigned or has been defeated.
kbPlayerIsAlly(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the given player is an ally.
kbPlayerIsEnemy(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the given player is an enemy.
kbPlayerIsHuman(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the given player is a a human player.
kbPlayerIsMutualAlly(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the given player is a mutual ally.
kbPlayerIsNeutral(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the given player is a neutral player.
kbPlayerIsResigned(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the players resigned status.
kbPlayerSetHandicap(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the indicated players handicap multiplier (ie, 1.0 = no handicap).
kbProgessionGetTotalResourceCost(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the total cost of the given resource for this progressionID; A resourceID of -1 will return the total Cost.
kbProgressionGetNodeData(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the data at nodeIndex, either UnitID or TechID, depending on the type.
kbProgressionGetNodeType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the type of node at the given index, either Unit type or Tech type.
kbProgressionGetTotalNodes(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the total number of steps to complete the progression.
kbProtoUnitAvailable(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the protoUnit is currently available.
kbProtoUnitCanResearch(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Checks whether the proto unit can research the specific technology.
kbProtoUnitCanTrain(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Checks whether the proto unit can train the specified unit.
kbProtoUnitCostPerResource(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the cost of the protounit for the given resource.
kbProtoUnitGetCost(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the cost of the protounit.
kbProtoUnitGetCostTotal(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the total cost of the protounit with AI cost weight factored in.
kbProtoUnitGetGatherRate(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the unit gather rate.
kbProtoUnitGetID(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the ID of the protounit.
kbProtoUnitGetIsValidID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the protoUnitID is valid.
kbProtoUnitGetName(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the name of the protounit ID.
kbProtoUnitGetTrainers(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns an array of all accessible PUIDs that can train this protoUnitID.
kbProtoUnitInitialResource(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the initial resource amount of the protounit for the given rsource.
kbProtoUnitIsType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the protoUnit has the given unitType set.
kbRelicGetTechID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the tech ID for the given relic unit ID, or -1, if it's invalid.
kbResourceCombineHerdableResourcesAroundUnit(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Combines all Herdable KB Resources around the provided unitID within the provided distance; If there is already an active gather plan harvesting from one of the resources then all others will be merged into that resource.
kbResourceGet(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current amount of the given resource.
kbResourceGetBlacklisted(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns whether the resourceID is blacklisted or not.
kbResourceGetClosestDropsiteID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the unitID of the dropsite that is closest to the center of the resourceID.
kbResourceGetFarmIDWithFurthestAwayDropsite(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the unitID of the Farm that is furthest away from a dropsite of the resourceID.
kbResourceGetIDByIndex(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the resourceID at the index; Use kbResourceGetNumber to find out how many indexes there are.
kbResourceGetIDByUnitID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the resourceID of the given unitID.
kbResourceGetIncome(int, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the resource income over the last X seconds.
kbResourceGetIsIDValid(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns if the resourceID is valid.
kbResourceGetNumber() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of KB resources that we currently have.
kbResourceGetNumberUnits(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns how many units are in the resourceID.
kbResourceGetPlanID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the planID that may be associated with the resourceID; Each gather plan that goes to gather from a resource will attach its planID to said resourceID.
kbResourceGetPosition(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the position of the resourceID; This position is the center position of all units combined in the resourceID; ATTENTION: for Berry Bush resources this position isn't updated when certain Berry Bushes disappear.
kbResourceGetSubType(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the resourceIDs subtype; A subtype here means the cAIResourceSubType constants, like cAIResourceSubTypeEasy.
kbResourceGetTotalResources(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the total amount of resources that are left in the resourceID; If for example 10 trees with each 150 wood remain in the resource this func will return 1500.
kbResourceGetType(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the resourceIDs type; A type here means the cResource constants, like cResourceFood.
kbResourceGetUnit(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the unitID found at the index of the resourceID; Use together with kbResourceGetNumberUnits to find out how many index there are; ATTENTION: you should always check if the unitID that is returned is valid for this specific function.
kbResourceSetBlacklisted(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles whether or not the resourceID is blacklisted; A resource that is blacklisted cant be picked up by the automatic search for new KB resources that the gather plan does.
kbResourceSortTowardsPosition(int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sorts all the units in the resource towards to position.
kbSetAutoMyBaseCreation(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not the KB automatically creates bases for its OWN units.
kbSetAutoMyBaseCreationDistance(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the default distances for which OWN bases are made.
kbSetAutoMyBaseCreationDistanceTC(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the default distances for which OWN bases are made.
kbSetAutoOtherBaseCreation(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not the KB automatically creates bases for OTHER players units.
kbSetAutoOtherBaseCreationDistance(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the default distances for which OTHER players bases are made.
kbSetAutoOtherBaseCreationDistanceTC(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the default distances for which OTHER players bases are made.
kbSetResourceSelectorFactor(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the ResourceSelector Factor value.
kbSharedFunctionUnitGetByIndex(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the shared function unit with the given function at index.
kbSharedFunctionUnitGetNumber(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the number of shared function units from the given function.
kbTechAffectsUnitType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns if the provided techID affects the provided unitTypeID; DETAIL: this only looks at cEffectTypeData effects.
kbTechAffectsWorkRate(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns if the techID affects work rate in any way, for this resourceID must be left at -1; If resourceID is defined it will return if the techID affects the work rate of a specific resourceID.
kbTechCanAfford(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns if the player can afford the provided techID with the current resource stockpile; If provided the escrow will be taken into account.
kbTechCostPerResource(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the cost of the provided techID for the given resourceID.
kbTechGetCost(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the cost of the provided techID, without taking AI weights into account.
kbTechGetCostTotal(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the total cost of the provided techID, takes AI weights into account.
kbTechGetDataEffectAmount(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the data effects amount at the given effectIndex of the given techID; In the techtree.xml these are denoted by " amount= "; Reports warnings as kbTechGetDataEffectMember.
kbTechGetDataEffectData2(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
The value that is returned here is different for each cDataEffect variation, have to figure out yourself what it gives back; Reports warnings as kbTechGetDataEffectMember.
kbTechGetDataEffectData3(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
The value that is returned here is different for each cDataEffect variation, have to figure out yourself what it gives back; Reports warnings as kbTechGetDataEffectMember.
kbTechGetDataEffectData4(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
The value that is returned here is different for each cDataEffect variation, have to figure out yourself what it gives back; Reports warnings as kbTechGetDataEffectMember.
kbTechGetDataEffectData5(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
The value that is returned here is different for each cDataEffect variation, have to figure out yourself what it gives back; Reports warnings as kbTechGetDataEffectMember.
kbTechGetDataEffectData6(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
The value that is returned here is different for each cDataEffect variation, have to figure out yourself what it gives back; Reports warnings as kbTechGetDataEffectMember.
kbTechGetDataEffectTargetID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the effects target ID of the given techID at the given effectIndex; The return value is the cUnitType constant of the PUID/Abstract defined, the following would return cUnitTypeHoplite
kbTechGetDataEffectTargetType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the effects target type of the given techID at the given effectIndex; The return values correspond with the cEffectTargetType constants; Reports warnings as kbTechGetDataEffectMember.
kbTechGetDataEffectType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the data effect type at the given effectIndex of the given techID; In the techtree.xml these are denoted by " subtype= "The return values correspond to the cDataEffect constants; Reports warnings as kbTechGetDataEffectMember.
kbTechGetEffectType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the effect type of the given techID at the given effectIndex; The return values correspond with the cEffectType constants; For anything else than cDataEffect there is no way to get more information sadly.
kbTechGetFlag(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns if the flag is set for the given techID.
kbTechGetName(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the name for the provided techID.
kbTechGetNumberEffects(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of "" nodes of the tech; CAUTION: this number also includes effects that we're unable to give any information for.
kbTechGetPercentComplete(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the percent complete for the provided techID; The return value will be within 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive).
kbTechGetResearchPoints(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the research points for the provided techID.
kbTechGetStatus(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current tech status for the provided techID; Takes prereqs into account if checkPrereqs is set to true; The return values correspond with the cTechStatus constants.
kbTechTreeGetAllObtainableTechnologies(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns all technology IDs of the technologies that are obtainable to us (excluding age ups and technologies which prereqs we havent met), the IDs correspond to the cTech constants; If needAliveResearcher is true we exclude technologies for which we have no building alive to research it.
kbTechTreeGetCheapestUnitUpgrade(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets cheapest researchable unit upgrade, optionally for specified unit/unit line.
kbTechTreeGetResearchers(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns all PUIDs that are available to us and that can research the provided techID.
kbUnitCount(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns a quick unit count of units for a player.
kbUnitGetActionDamageForType(int, String, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns total damage stat for this unit action for this unit.
kbUnitGetActionID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns action ID of the unit.
kbUnitGetActionIDByIndex(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns action ID at the index of the unit.
kbUnitGetActionMaximumRange(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the maximum range of the action for the unit.
kbUnitGetActionStatFloat(int, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the value for the provided float stat of a provided unit action.
kbUnitGetActionType(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the actionTypeID of the unit.
kbUnitGetActionTypeByIndex(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns action type at the index of the unit.
kbUnitGetAreaID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the area ID for this unit ID.
kbUnitGetArmyID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the army ID for this unit ID.
kbUnitGetBaseID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the base ID for this unit ID.
kbUnitGetCarryCapacity(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the resource carry capacity of the unit.
kbUnitGetContainedUnitByIndex(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the ID for the unit contained at the given index, or -1, if it's invalid; Use in combination with the constants in the BKBData::BKBStatusEffect enum.
kbUnitGetContainer(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the container for the given unit, or -1, if it's not being currently contained.
kbUnitGetCurAnimationID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the ID of the current animation for the given unit.
kbUnitGetCurrentAICost(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current AI cost (worth) for this unit ID.
kbUnitGetDistanceToPoint(int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the distance from the given unit to the point including the unit's radius.
kbUnitGetDistanceToUnit(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the distance from the given unit to other unit including the unit's radii.
kbUnitGetHeading(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the heading for this unit ID.
kbUnitGetIdleTime(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the idle time for this unit ID.
kbUnitGetIsAffectedByStatusEffect(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the selected unit is affected by the given status effect.
kbUnitGetIsIDValid(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns if the unitID corresponds to a unit that is currently in the game; Dead units remain valid for some time after their death, which is why deadIsValid variable exists; If deadIsValid is false then dead units are considered not valid.
kbUnitGetKBResourceID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns what KB resource this unit is in.
kbUnitGetMaintainActionPausedByIndex(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns action is paused or not at the index of the unit.
kbUnitGetMaximumAICost(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the maximum AI cost (worth) for this unit ID.
kbUnitGetMovementType(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the movementType for this unitTypeID.
kbUnitGetNumberActions(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns number of actions of the unit.
kbUnitGetNumberContained(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of units contained within the given unit.
kbUnitGetNumberContainedOfType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of units contained of a particular unitType within the given unit.
kbUnitGetNumberWorkers(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of units currently working on the given unit.
kbUnitGetPlanID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the plan ID for this unit ID.
kbUnitGetPlayerID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the player ID for this unit ID.
kbUnitGetPosition(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the position for this unit ID; If we dont know a recent position of this unit it reports back as cNoRecentPositionKnown; Any unit that isnt visible under fog of war will be set to cNoRecentPositionKnown after 2526 seconds of losing line of sight of the unit.
kbUnitGetProtoUnitID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the unit's protounit ID.
kbUnitGetResourceAmount(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the resource amount of the unit.
kbUnitGetResourceAutoGatherRate(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the autogather rate value for the provided resource of a unit.
kbUnitGetStatBool(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the value for the provided bool stat of a unit.
kbUnitGetStatFloat(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the value for the provided float stat of a unit.
kbUnitGetStatInt(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the value for the provided integer stat of a unit.
kbUnitGetStatString(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the value for the provided string stat of a unit.
kbUnitGetTargetUnitID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the target unit ID of the given unit.
kbUnitGetWorkerID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the indexth worker unit ID.
kbUnitIsContainedBy(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true, if unit is contained by a container belonging to the given unitType.
kbUnitIsEmpowered(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if this unit is empowered.
kbUnitIsInLush(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if unit is within terrain lush belonging to the given player.
kbUnitIsTrainingOrResearching(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if this unit is Training or Researching.
kbUnitIsType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the unit is of the unitTypeID.
kbUnitPickAddCombatEfficiencyType(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds an enemy unitTypeID to the upID's combat efficiency calculation.
kbUnitPickCreate(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a unit picker and return the ID of it.
kbUnitPickDestroy(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Destroys the given upID.
kbUnitPickGetAttackUnitType(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the upID's attack unit type.
kbUnitPickGetCounterMode(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns whether or not the unit picker actually went into counter mode, can only be used after kbUnitPickRun.
kbUnitPickGetIsIDValid(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns if the upID is valid.
kbUnitPickGetNumberResults(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of results, can only be used after kbUnitPickRun.
kbUnitPickGetPreferenceWeight(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the upID's preference weight.
kbUnitPickGetResult(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the indexth ProtoUnitID, can only be used after kbUnitPickRun.
kbUnitPickGetResultFactor(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the indexth total factor, can only be used after kbUnitPickRun.
kbUnitPickGetResultFactors(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns all the result factors, can only be used after kbUnitPickRun.
kbUnitPickGetResults(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns all the results, can only be used after kbUnitPickRun.
kbUnitPickRemoveCombatEfficiencyType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes a unitTypeID from the upID's combat efficiency calculation.
kbUnitPickResetAll(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Resets all the upID's values.
kbUnitPickResetCombatEfficiencyTypes(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Resets the enemy unitTypeIDs for the upID's combat efficiency calculation.
kbUnitPickResetMovementType(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Resets the unit pick movement type to cPassabilityNone.
kbUnitPickRun(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Resets all the previous results and then runs the unit picker again.
kbUnitPickSetAttackUnitType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the upID's attack unit type; When were querying to see if we have enough enemies to go into counter mode, this is the unitTypeID we use to query for.
kbUnitPickSetCombatEfficiencyWeight(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the upID's Combat Efficiency weight; We multiply the unit combat efficiencies by this amount for a final combat efficiency weight; Setting combat efficiency values is done via kbUnitPickAddCombatEfficiencyType.
kbUnitPickSetEnemyPlayerID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the upID's enemy player ID, -1 is allowed to not take any player into account; When we query to decide if we can go to counter mode we search for units belonging to this playerID; When analyzing the strength of units we take the stats of the units belonging to this playerID.
kbUnitPickSetMinimumCounterModeNumberUnits(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the minimum number of enemy units that have to be visible (not seeable only) to turn on counter enemy mode; Can be used together with kbUnitPickSetMinimumCounterModePop, if one of the two is true we will enter counter mode.
kbUnitPickSetMinimumCounterModePop(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the minimum total pop count of enemy units that have to be visible (not seeable only) to turn on counter enemy mode; Can be used together with kbUnitPickSetMinimumCounterModeNumberUnits, if one of the two is true we will enter counter mode.
kbUnitPickSetMovementType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the upID's movement type, this is used to filter our own units; If any of our units dont have at least one of the specified movement types it's not valid; Use cPassability*** constants for this, you can stack multiple types on top of one another.
kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the upID's Preference Factor for that unitTypeID.
kbUnitPickSetPreferenceWeight(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the upID's Preference weight; We multiply the unit preferences by this amount for a final preference weight; Setting unit preference values is done via kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor.
kbUnitQueryCreate(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a unit query, returns the query ID.
kbUnitQueryDestroy(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Destroys the given unit query.
kbUnitQueryExecute(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Executes the query (using the query data) and returns the number of units found; ATTENTION
kbUnitQueryExecuteOnQuery(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Executes the query (using the query data) on the other query and returns the number of units found; For example, your previousQueryID searches for enemy units and finds 20 of them of which 5 are myth units; Then your currentQueryID looks only for myth units; If you now execute your currentQueryID on your previousQueryID you will get back the 5 myth units you originally found in your previousQueryID.
kbUnitQueryGetPopulationSlots(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of pop slots currently occupied by the results in the given query; If this is called on a query that uses a player relation instead of a playerID it will calculate using default population values.
kbUnitQueryGetResult(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the UnitID of the indexth result in the current query.
kbUnitQueryGetResults(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns all unit IDs in the current query.
kbUnitQueryGetUnitCost(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the total aiCost of the found units, uses values set by kbSetAICostWeight to calculate multipliers; If considerHealth is true it will take the current hitpoints of the unit into account; For example, if your Hoplite is half hp then only half the cost of the Hoplite is added to the total.
kbUnitQueryGetUnitHitpoints(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the total maximum hitpoints of the found units; If considerHealth is true it will instead return the total of current hitpoints.
kbUnitQueryNumberResults(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of results in the current query.
kbUnitQueryResetData(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Resets the given unit query data AND results.
kbUnitQueryResetResults(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Resets the given unit query results.
kbUnitQuerySetActionType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Query Data - Sets what action type the units must be performing to be picked up by the query; This can be all cActionType constants; If you call this on enemy units and dont have the cUnitQuerySeeableStateVisible state (requires active LOS of the unit) set then it will cheat!!! Default value: -1 (not filtered on actions).
kbUnitQuerySetAreaGroupID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Query Data - Sets what areaGroupID the unit must be in to be valid for the query; Default value: -1 (not filtered on areas groups).
kbUnitQuerySetAreaID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Query Data - Sets what areaID the unit must be in to be valid for the query; Default value: -1 (not filtered on areas).
kbUnitQuerySetArmyID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Query Data - Sets what armyID the unit must be in to be valid for the query; Default value: -1 (not filtered on armies).
kbUnitQuerySetAscendingSort(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Query Data - Sets if the query results will be sorted from closest to furthest in relation to the position; You MUST combine this with kbUnitQuerySetPosition(int, java.util.Vector) or it has no effect; Default value: false (randomly sorted).
kbUnitQuerySetBaseID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Query Data - Sets what base the unit must be in to be valid for the query; Main use for this is with AI scripting where the AI bases can be analyzed; Default value: -1 (not filtered on bases).
kbUnitQuerySetExcludeTypes(int, int[]) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Query Data - if a unit is any of the types in the types array it will be skipped; This array accepts proto units as well as abstract types.
kbUnitQuerySetIgnoreKnockedOutUnits(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Query Data - Sets if the query will count knocked out units or not; If for example this is set to true then a knocked out Arkantos will not be picked up by the query; Default value: true.
kbUnitQuerySetMaxCreationTime(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Query Data - Sets maximum creation time, in game time milisseconds, for unit to be considered valid for the query and whether or not the check for creation time should be inclusive.
kbUnitQuerySetMaximumDistance(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Query Data - Sets the maximum distance from the position the query will search, in a circular radius; You MUST combine this with kbUnitQuerySetPosition(int, java.util.Vector) or it has no effect; Default value: -1.0 (no distance and thus entire map).
kbUnitQuerySetMinCreationTime(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Query Data - Sets minimum creation time, in game time milisseconds, for unit to be considered valid for the query and whether or not the check for creation time should be inclusive.
kbUnitQuerySetPlayerID(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Query Data - Sets the player whose units we will search for.
kbUnitQuerySetPlayerRelation(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Query Data - Sets the player relation the query will search for.
kbUnitQuerySetPosition(int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Query Data - Sets from what position the query will start searching; You MUST combine this with kbUnitQuerySetMaximumDistance or it has no effect; Default value: cInvalidVector (not filtered by position).
kbUnitQuerySetState(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Query Data - Sets what unit state the queries will search for; Valid inputs here are the unit state constants which are prefixed by cUnitState; If you for example provide cUnitStateAlive inhere the query will only find units that are alive; Default value: cUnitStateAny (be mindful here that this state will also find dead units).
kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Query Data - Set what units the query will search for; This can be all cUnitType constants; You MUST set this for every query, or it has no idea what to search for; Default value: -1 (finds no units).
kbUnitQuerySetVisibleState(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Query Data - sets the state in relation to LOS for what units are considered valid for this queryID; A unit can have different visiblity states in the KB that you can uniquely search for: cUnitQuerySeeableStateAllValid: no filtering.
kbUnitTypeCount(String, int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns a quick unit count of units for a player.
kbUnitTypeCountInArea(String, int, int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns a quick unit count of units for a player, within the vicinity of the given center unit.
kbUnitTypeGetName(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the name of the unit type.
kbUnitVisible(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the unit is currently visible to the player.
kothVictory() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Starts the King of the Hill victory if valid.


leaveBenchmark() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Leaves the currently running benchmark.
leaveGame(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Destroys the world and returns to main menu.
loadBackgroundScenario(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the main menu background scenario file.
loadBuiltInPrefab(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
For UI use only.
loadCamera(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Load camera from file.
loadCampaignScenario(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Loads in a campaign scenario file.
loadGame(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Loads in a saved game.
loadLightingSet(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Loads the specified lighting set.
loadNextCampaignScenario() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Loads campaign scenario file within the next campaign node in campaign manager.
loadRecentFile(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Loads the file named, interpreting whether it is a scenario, savegame, etc dynamically.
loadScenario(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Loads in a scenario file.
loadTutorial(String, int, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Loads in a tutorial scenario file.
loadTutorialWpf(String, int, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Loads in a tutorial scenario file, specifying wpf compliant load screen image.
loadUserPrefab(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
For UI use only.
log(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the natural logarithm of x.
log10(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the common logarithm of x.
log2(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the binary logarithm of x.


map(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Maps input event to command, in that context; See input mapper design.doc for more details.
mapQuickAction(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
max(float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the larger of the two values as a float.
min(float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the smaller of the two values as a float.
minimapRotateMode(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Changes the minimap rotation mode; No arg means toggle.
minimapZoom(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the zoom factor of the minimap.
minimapZoomDelta(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Changes the zoom factor of the minimap up or down by that amount (remaining centered on the current view).
modeEnter(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Enters the named mode.
modeToggleBetweenIfNotMP(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles between the two modes only if were not in a BMultiplayer game.
musicPlaySong(String, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Play a sound as if it were a music track.
musicSetVolume(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Set the current music volume.
musicStop() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Stop playing music.
musicToggleBattleMode() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles between battle mode and normal mode.


obscuredUnitToggle() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles between different ways obscured units are shown.
observingCycleCurrentPlayer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Increments the current player.
observingToggleFogOfWar() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Togglee Fog of War without effecting simulation.
openCinematicViewDebugger() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Opens The Cinematic View Debugger.
openConfigEditor() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Opens The Config Editor.
openFlareType() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Open menu to change Flare Type.
openGrassTypeEditorGui() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Opens The Grass Type Editor Gui.
openLightingEditorGui() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Opens The Lighting Editor Gui.
openModelSystemDiagnosticsGui() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Opens The Model System Diagnostics window.
openPhotoScreen() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Open screen shot screen.
openPrefabsDialog() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Opens load dialog for prefabs/groupings.
openSaveLoadFileBrowserGui() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Opens The File Browser Gui.
openTerrainMiniMapColorGui() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Opens The minimap color guide Gui.
openTerrainTextureBrowserGui() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Opens The terrain texture browser.
openTerrainTextureEditor() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Opens The terrain texture Editor.
openWaterBrowserGui() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Opens The Water Browser Gui.
openWaterEditorGui() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Opens The Water Editor Gui.
openWeatheringTypeEditorGui() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Opens The Weathering Type Editor Gui.


pause(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
With no arg, toggles pause state on/off; Otherwise, sets pause state.
pause2(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
With no arg, toggles pause state on/off - otherwise, sets pause state.
playerResign() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Resigns the currently controlled player.
playMovie(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Plays movies from a playlist in the AVI directory.
postGame() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Procedes to the post game report.
postGamePlayAgain() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does what needs to be done.
pow(float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the yth power of x (x^y).
preQueueInSelected(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Tries to preQueue the selected unit type or tech in any valid selected unit.
preQueueInSelectedByID(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Just like preQueueInSelected, but faster because it takes an ID.


quickSave() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Create a save file named QuickSaveGame and close the pause pop up if its opened.


radToDeg(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts an angle from radians to degrees.
redo() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Redoes the last undone operation.
relicCapture() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Starts the Relic Capture victory if valid.
renderBaseID(int, int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the render state of the given base.
renderForceReset() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Forces the renderer to reset.
renderFriendOrFoe(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
With no arg, toggles friend or foe colors; Otherwise, sets it.
renderPlanID(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the render state of the given plan.
renderWindow(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
With no arg, toggles window/fullscreen; Otherwise, sets mode to window(1)/fullscreen(0).
repairUnit(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Starts the auto repair on the specified unit.
res(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Changes screen resolution.
researchByID(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Start the research of TechID from ResearchingUnitID for the current player (if no player is specified).
researchTechInSelected(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Research a tech in current unit selection.
resetCameraPhotoScreen() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Reset camera in the photo mode.
resetDefaultPlayerColors() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Reloads the player colors from the XML file.
resetSunColor() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Reset the sun color to full.
resourceMarket(int, String, float, String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sends out a market use command for the given player, resource and amount; Negative means selling.
resourceUnitConstructBuilding(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Find a nearby villager and construct a specified unit.
restart() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Relaunch current scenario.
restartCurrentGame() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Restarts the current game with the same seed.
restartCurrentGameWithSeed(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Restarts the current game with the specified seed (1 to randomize).
restartReplay() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Restarts the playback of the current recorded game playback.
retellCurrentGame() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Retell the current game with the same seed.
RetoldConstants - Class in Unnamed Package
AoM Retold Code Reference.
RetoldConstants() - Constructor for class RetoldConstants
RetoldFunctions - Class in Unnamed Package
AoM Retold Code Reference.
RetoldFunctions() - Constructor for class RetoldFunctions
rmAddClosestLocConstraint(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a constraint to the closest point finder, optionally extending (or shrinking) it by the given buffer.
rmAddGlobalHeightNoise(int, float, float, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds height noise to the entire map (much faster than a global area would); Noise types can be cNoiseFractalSum or cNoiseTurbulence, the latter generating more random Perlin noise.
rmAddPlayerResource(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds to the specified resource of one player.
rmAddWaypointLinePlacementLoc(Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a point to the line to place players on.
rmAreaAddCliffEdgeConstraint(int, int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a cliff edge tile to the provided type if all constraints for that type pass (otherwise the default type is used); Priority is none, ramp, side.
rmAreaAddCliffOuterLayerConstraint(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a constraint that the outer cliff layers have to satisfy to get painted; Useful when building cliffs into other cliffs.
rmAreaAddCliffRampAtAngle(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a ramp to the cliff centered at the given angle with the given fraction of the cliff area circumference.
rmAreaAddConstraint(int, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the specified constraint to the area.
rmAreaAddForestConstraint(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a constraint that a tile must pass for forest to be painted in this area.
rmAreaAddHeightBlend(int, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds blending parameters that define how smoothly area height blends into its surroundings; Multipleblending instances can be applied to an area.
rmAreaAddHeightBlendConstraint(int, int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a constraint to the height blend with the given index to an area.
rmAreaAddHeightBlendExpansionConstraint(int, int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a constraint to the height blend with the given index to an area that will be used when blending with tiles reached by expanding.
rmAreaAddHeightConstraint(int, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the specified constraint to the areas height constraints, ignoring tiles that do not pass all constraints when setting the height.
rmAreaAddInfluencePoint(int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds an influence point for an area to grow towards.
rmAreaAddInfluenceSegment(int, Vector, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds an influence segment for an area to expand within/towards.
rmAreaAddOriginConstraint(int, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the specified constraint to the areas origin (the first tile the area grows from).
rmAreaAddRemoveType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a unit type to remove from tiles that lie inside the area.
rmAreaAddTerrainConstraint(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a constraint that a tile must pass for forest to be painted in this area.
rmAreaAddTerrainLayer(int, int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a terrain layer to an area.
rmAreaAddTerrainMixLayer(int, int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a terrain layer to an area.
rmAreaAddTerrainReplacement(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a terrain replacement rule to the area.
rmAreaAddToClass(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds an area to the given class.
rmAreaBuild(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Builds the specified area, returning true if the minimum number of tiles has been reached.
rmAreaBuildAll(boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Builds all unbuilt areas, returning an array of the IDs of all areas processed.
rmAreaBuildMany(int[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Builds the given areas.
rmAreaCreate(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a new area.
rmAreaDefAddCliffEdgeConstraint(int, int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a cliff edge tile to the provided type if all constraints for that type pass (otherwise the default type is used); Priority is none, ramp, side.
rmAreaDefAddCliffOuterLayerConstraint(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a constraint that the outer cliff layers have to satisfy to get painted; Useful when building cliffs into other cliffs.
rmAreaDefAddCliffRampAtAngle(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a ramp to the cliff centered at the given angle with the given fraction of the cliff area circumference.
rmAreaDefAddConstraint(int, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the specified constraint to the area definition.
rmAreaDefAddForestConstraint(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a constraint that a tile must pass for terrain to be painted in this area.
rmAreaDefAddHeightBlend(int, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds blending parameters that define how smoothly area height blends into its surroundings; Multipleblending instances can be applied to an area.
rmAreaDefAddHeightBlendConstraint(int, int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a constraint to the height blend with the given index to an area def.
rmAreaDefAddHeightBlendExpansionConstraint(int, int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a constraint to the height blend with the given index to an area that will be used when blending with tiles reached by expanding.
rmAreaDefAddHeightConstraint(int, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the specified constraint to the areas height constraints, ignoring tiles that do not pass all constraints when setting the height.
rmAreaDefAddInfluencePoint(int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds an influence point for an area definition to grow towards.
rmAreaDefAddInfluenceSegment(int, Vector, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds an influence segment for an area definition to expand within/towards.
rmAreaDefAddOriginConstraint(int, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the specified constraint to the areas origin (the first tile the area grows from) for the given area definition.
rmAreaDefAddRemoveType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a unit type to remove from tiles that lie inside areas of the given definition.
rmAreaDefAddTerrainConstraint(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a constraint that a tile must pass for terrain to be painted in this area.
rmAreaDefAddTerrainLayer(int, int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a terrain layer to an area definition.
rmAreaDefAddTerrainMixLayer(int, int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a terrain layer to an area definition.
rmAreaDefAddTerrainReplacement(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a terrain replacement rule to the area definition.
rmAreaDefAddToClass(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds areas created from an area definition to the given class.
rmAreaDefCreate(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a new area definition.
rmAreaDefCreateAndBuildAreas(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates multiple areas from an area definiton and builds them; If a name override is provided that name is used incrementally, otherwise the name of the area definition followed by the number of areas created with the definition so far is used.
rmAreaDefCreateArea(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates an area from an area definiton; If a name override is provided that name is used, otherwise the name of the area definition followed by the number of areas created with the definition so far is used.
rmAreaDefCreateAreas(int, int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates multiple areas from an area definiton; If a name override is provided that name is used incrementally, otherwise the name of the area definition followed by the number of areas created with the definition so far is used.
rmAreaDefGetCreatedArea(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the ID of the ith area created by this area definition.
rmAreaDefGetCreatedAreas(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets all area IDs created by this area definition.
rmAreaDefGetID(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the area definition ID for a given area definiton name.
rmAreaDefGetName(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the name for a given area definition ID.
rmAreaDefGetNumberCreatedAreas(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the number of areas created by this area definition.
rmAreaDefSetAvoidSelfDistance(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the distance that all areas created by this definition should avoid each other by.
rmAreaDefSetBlobDistance(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the minimum and maximum distance blobs can be from the center of areas from a definition.
rmAreaDefSetBlobs(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the minimum and maximum number of blobs for an area definition.
rmAreaDefSetCliffEmbellishmentDensity(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the embellishment density for all cliff layers.
rmAreaDefSetCliffLayerEmbellishmentDensity(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the embellishment density for the specified cliff layer.
rmAreaDefSetCliffLayerPaint(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not to paint the given cliff layer.
rmAreaDefSetCliffPaintInsideAsSide(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
If set, the inside of a cliff will be painted with side terrain instead.
rmAreaDefSetCliffRamps(int, int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds ramps with the given size, variance, and spacing centering around the given angle to the cliff.
rmAreaDefSetCliffRampSteepness(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets an area definitions cliff ramp steepness.
rmAreaDefSetCliffSideRadius(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the inner and outer radius in tiles to consider as cliff edge for an area definition (extending the area outwards if necessary, ignoring any constraints).
rmAreaDefSetCliffSideSheernessThreshold(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the minimum slope (angle in radians) a cliff side tile must have to be considered as a sheer tile instead (radians within [0, PI/2]).
rmAreaDefSetCliffType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the cliff type for an area definition.
rmAreaDefSetCoherence(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the area definition coherence between 0.0 (randomly) and 1.0 (circular); If minDistThresh is set, coherence is only applied to tiles further away than the threshold (with 1.0 being used otherwise).
rmAreaDefSetCoherenceSquare(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Uses square instead of circular coherence, making areas grow as a square instead of a circle.
rmAreaDefSetConstraintBuffer(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets an override for the min/max constraint buffers in meters for the given area definition.
rmAreaDefSetEdgeSmoothDistance(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets an area definitions edge smoothing distance.
rmAreaDefSetForestTreeDensity(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the probability to place a tree on forest tree tiles in an area definition.
rmAreaDefSetForestType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the forest type for an area definition.
rmAreaDefSetForestUnderbrushDensity(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the probability to place underbrush on forest underbrush tiles in an area definition.
rmAreaDefSetHeight(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the height for an area definition.
rmAreaDefSetHeightFactors(int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Defines the factor to apply to the height of each cliff tile vertex depending on how many cliff tiles the vertex is part of.
rmAreaDefSetHeightNoise(int, int, float, float, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds height noise to the area; Noise types can be cNoiseFractalSum or cNoiseTurbulence, the latter generating more random Perlin noise.
rmAreaDefSetHeightNoiseBias(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the area definitions elevation variation noise bias (-1 means down only, 0 means down and up equally, 1 means up only).
rmAreaDefSetHeightNoiseEdgeFalloffDist(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the area definitions elevation noise to falloff as it gets closer to the areas edge.
rmAreaDefSetHeightRelative(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the relative height for an area definition.
rmAreaDefSetLoc(int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the area location for an area definition.
rmAreaDefSetLocPlayer(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the area location to a player's location for an area definition.
rmAreaDefSetLocTeam(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the area location to a teams location for an area definition.
rmAreaDefSetMix(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the mix for an area definition, overriding the terrain type if set.
rmAreaDefSetOriginConstraintBuffer(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets an override for the min/max origin constraint buffers in meters for the given area.
rmAreaDefSetParent(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets an areas parent area to which the areas from this def are restricted to; If you can, use this instead of an area constraint for performance.
rmAreaDefSetPath(int, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmAreaDefSetPathSegment(int, int, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmAreaDefSetReveal(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets areas created from the given area definition to be revealed (1 means dont reveal, 0 means reveal, 0 means reveal plus that number of extra tiles.
rmAreaDefSetSize(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmAreaDefSetSizeRange(int, float, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmAreaDefSetTerrainType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the terrain type for an area definition.
rmAreaDefSetWarnOnBuildFailure(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmAreaDefSetWaterDepth(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the water depth to be used (0.0f) for the water painted by this area def.
rmAreaDefSetWaterEdgeHeight(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the height of the land around the water painted by this area def (applied before the height blend); The buffer distance determines the width of the land around the water.
rmAreaDefSetWaterHeight(int, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the level up to which water will be painted for the area def; The type defines whether the provided value is absolute, or whether the minimum, average, or maximum height of the area should be used as an offset instead.
rmAreaDefSetWaterHeightBlend(int, int, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the height blend to be applied at the edge of the water painted by this area def up to a given distance away from the edge.
rmAreaDefSetWaterPaintTerrain(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
If set to true, the water edge terrain (beaches/shores) will be painted for water painted by this area def.
rmAreaDefSetWaterType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the water type for an area definition.
rmAreaFindOriginLoc(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
(Re)randomizes the areas origin tile, returning true if one has been found successfully and false otherwise; If not called previously, building the area will also call this.
rmAreaFindOriginLocClosestToLoc(int, Vector, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
(Re)randomizes the areas origin tile, trying to find the tile that is closest to the provided location while still satisfying the (origin) constraints; Returnstrue if one has been found successfully and false otherwise.
rmAreaFindOriginLocFurthestFromLoc(int, Vector, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
(Re)randomizes the areas origin tile, trying to find the tile that is furthest from the provided location while still satisfying the (origin) constraints; Returnstrue if one has been found successfully and false otherwise; Keep maxDist small or this may be very slow.
rmAreaGetBuildState(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the build state of an area (not started, failed, incomplete, success).
rmAreaGetClosestLoc(int, Vector, int[]) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the loc fraction of the tile of an area that's closest to the given loc, optionally requiring that it passes the given constraints.
rmAreaGetID(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the area ID for a given area name.
rmAreaGetLoc(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the fractions of a an areas (origin) location.
rmAreaGetName(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the name for a given area ID.
rmAreaGetTileCount(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the number of tiles of a built area.
rmAreaGetTiles(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the tiles of an area as an array of vectors of tile coordinates (not meters).
rmAreaPaint(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Paints the specified area (must be built first).
rmAreaPaintAll() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Paints all unpainted (but built) areas.
rmAreaPaintMany(int[]) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Paints the given areas (must be built first).
rmAreaSetBlobDistance(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the minimum and maximum distance blobs can be from the center of an area.
rmAreaSetBlobs(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the minimum and maximum number of blobs for an area.
rmAreaSetCliffEmbellishmentDensity(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the embellishment density for all cliff layers.
rmAreaSetCliffLayerEmbellishmentDensity(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the embellishment density for the specified cliff layer.
rmAreaSetCliffLayerPaint(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not to paint the given cliff layer.
rmAreaSetCliffPaintInsideAsSide(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
If set, the inside of a cliff will be painted with side terrain instead.
rmAreaSetCliffRamps(int, int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds ramps with the given size, variance, and spacing centering around the given angle to the cliff.
rmAreaSetCliffRampSteepness(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets an areas cliff ramp steepness.
rmAreaSetCliffSideRadius(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the inner and outer radius in tiles to consider as cliff edge for an area (extending the area outwards if necessary, ignoring any constraints).
rmAreaSetCliffSideSheernessThreshold(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the minimum slope (angle in radians) a cliff side tile must have to be considered as a sheer tile instead (radians within [0, PI/2]).
rmAreaSetCliffType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the cliff type for an area.
rmAreaSetCoherence(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the area coherence between 0.0 (randomly) and 1.0 (circular); If minDistThresh is set, coherence is only applied to tiles further away than the threshold (with 1.0 being used otherwise).
rmAreaSetCoherenceSquare(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Uses square instead of circular coherence, making areas grow as a square instead of a circle.
rmAreaSetConstraintBuffer(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets an override for the min/max constraint buffers in meters for the given area.
rmAreaSetEdgeSmoothDistance(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets an areas edge smoothing distance.
rmAreaSetFailed(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Marks an area as failed if building has not started yet, meaning it cannot be built anymore and will not be considered by rmAreaBuildAll().
rmAreaSetForestTreeDensity(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the probability to place a tree on forest tree tiles in an area.
rmAreaSetForestType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the forest type for an area.
rmAreaSetForestUnderbrushDensity(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the probability to place underbrush on forest underbrush tiles in an area.
rmAreaSetHeight(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the height for an area.
rmAreaSetHeightFactors(int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Defines the factor to apply to the height of each tile vertex depending on how many tiles the vertex is part of.
rmAreaSetHeightNoise(int, int, float, float, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds height noise to the area; Noise types can be cNoiseFractalSum or cNoiseTurbulence, the latter generating more random Perlin noise.
rmAreaSetHeightNoiseBias(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the areas elevation variation noise bias (-1 means down only, 0 means down and up equally, 1 means up only).
rmAreaSetHeightNoiseEdgeFalloffDist(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the areas elevation noise to falloff as it gets closer to the areas edge.
rmAreaSetHeightRelative(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the relative height for an area.
rmAreaSetLoc(int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the area location.
rmAreaSetLocPlayer(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the area location to a player's location.
rmAreaSetLocTeam(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the area location to a teams location.
rmAreaSetMix(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the mix for an area, overriding the terrain type if set.
rmAreaSetOriginConstraintBuffer(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets an override for the min/max origin constraint buffers in meters for the given area.
rmAreaSetPainted(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Marks an area as painted, meaning it cannot be painted and will not be considered by rmAreaBuildAll() or rmAreaPaintAll().
rmAreaSetParent(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets an areas parent area to which the area is restricted to; If you can, use this instead of an area constraint for performance.
rmAreaSetPath(int, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmAreaSetPathSegment(int, int, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmAreaSetReveal(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the area to be revealed (1 means dont reveal, 0 means reveal, 0 means reveal plus that number of extra tiles.
rmAreaSetSize(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmAreaSetSizeRange(int, float, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmAreaSetTerrainType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the terrain type for an area.
rmAreaSetWarnOnBuildFailure(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmAreaSetWaterDepth(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the water depth to be used (0.0f) for the water painted by this area.
rmAreaSetWaterEdgeHeight(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the height of the land around the water painted by this area (applied before the height blend); The buffer distance determines the width of the land around the water.
rmAreaSetWaterHeight(int, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the level up to which water will be painted for the area; The type defines whether the provided value is absolute, or whether the minimum, average, or maximum height of the area should be used as an offset instead.
rmAreaSetWaterHeightBlend(int, int, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the height blend to be applied at the edge of the water painted by this area up to a given distance away from the edge.
rmAreaSetWaterPaintTerrain(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
If set to true, the water edge terrain (beaches/shores) will be painted for water painted by this area.
rmAreaSetWaterType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the water type for an area.
rmClassCreate(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Defines a new class with the given name.
rmClassDefine(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Defines a new class with the given name; Deprecated, please use rmClassCreate(java.lang.String) instead!
rmClassGetAreas(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the area IDs that have been added to this class.
rmClassGetID(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the class ID for a given class name.
rmClassGetNumberAreas(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of areas (no defs) that have been added to this class.
rmClassGetNumberAreaTiles(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of tiles all areas in this class span across the entire map.
rmClassGetNumberObjects(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of objects (no defs) that have been added to this class.
rmClassGetNumberPaths(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of paths (no defs) that have been added to this class.
rmClassGetObjects(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the object IDs that have been added to this class.
rmClassGetPaths(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the path IDs that have been added to this class.
rmClearClosestLocConstraints() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Clears the constraints for the closest loc finder.
rmCreateAreaConstraint(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to force something to remain within an area.
rmCreateAreaDistanceConstraint(int, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to avoid an area at least by the given distance.
rmCreateAreaEdgeConstraint(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to make something remain within an areas edge.
rmCreateAreaEdgeDistanceConstraint(int, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to avoid an areas edge by at least the given distance.
rmCreateAreaEdgeMaxDistanceConstraint(int, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to avoid an areas edge by no more than the given distance.
rmCreateAreaMaxDistanceConstraint(int, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to avoid an area by no more than the given distance.
rmCreateBoxConstraint(Vector, Vector, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to remain within the specified box.
rmCreateBoxDistanceConstraint(Vector, Vector, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to avoid the specified box.
rmCreateBoxMaxDistanceConstraint(Vector, Vector, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to remain within the specified distance to a square or rectangle.
rmCreateCircularConstraint(Vector, float, float, float, boolean, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a circular area to avoid.
rmCreateClassDistanceConstraint(int, float, int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to avoid elements of a given class by a distance.
rmCreateClassMaxDistanceConstraint(int, float, int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to remain within the specified distance to elements of a given class.
rmCreateCliffRampConstraint(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to make something remain within an areas cliff ramp edge.
rmCreateCliffRampDistanceConstraint(int, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to avoid an areas cliff edge by at least the given distance.
rmCreateCliffRampMaxDistanceConstraint(int, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to avoid an areas cliff edge by no more than the given distance.
rmCreateCliffSideConstraint(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to make something remain within an areas cliff edge.
rmCreateCliffSideDistanceConstraint(int, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to avoid an areas cliff edge by at least the given distance.
rmCreateCliffSideMaxDistanceConstraint(int, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to avoid an areas cliff edge by no more than the given distance.
rmCreateFlagDistanceConstraint(int, float, boolean, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to avoid units with a certain flag by a distance.
rmCreateFlagMaxDistanceConstraint(int, float, boolean, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to remain within the specified distance to units with certain flag.
rmCreateLocDistanceConstraint(Vector, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint that requires valid tiles to avoid a location by at least the given distance.
rmCreateLocMaxDistanceConstraint(Vector, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint that requires valid tiles to be within a given disance to the specified location.
rmCreateMaxHeightConstraint(float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to avoid terrain with height higher than the provided height.
rmCreateMaxWaterDepthConstraint(float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to avoid terrain with water deeper than the provided depth.
rmCreateMinHeightConstraint(float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to avoid terrain with height lower than the provided height.
rmCreateMinWaterDepthConstraint(float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to avoid terrain with water less deep than the provided depth.
rmCreatePassabilityDistanceConstraint(int, boolean, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to avoid terrain with the given passability by more than the specified distance.
rmCreatePassabilityMaxDistanceConstraint(int, boolean, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to remain within the specified distance to terrain with the given passability.
rmCreatePathDistanceConstraint(int, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to avoid a path by at least a given a distance (in meters).
rmCreatePathMaxDistanceConstraint(int, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to make something remain within a distance (in meters) of a path.
rmCreateTerrainTypeDistanceConstraint(int, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to avoid terrain of the specified type.
rmCreateTerrainTypeMaxDistanceConstraint(int, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to make something remain within a distance (in meters) of a terrain type.
rmCreateTileDistanceConstraint(Vector, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to avoid a tile by a distance.
rmCreateTileMaxDistanceConstraint(Vector, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to remain within the specified distance of a tile.
rmCreateTypeDistanceConstraint(int, float, boolean, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to avoid units of a certain type by a distance.
rmCreateTypeMaxDistanceConstraint(int, float, boolean, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to remain within the specified distance to units a certain type.
rmCreateWaterDistanceConstraint(boolean, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to avoid terrain that does (not) have water (shallow and impassable).
rmCreateWaterMaxDistanceConstraint(boolean, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a constraint to make something remain within a distance (in meters) of terrain that does (not) have water (shallow and impassable).
rmCustomCliffAddObject(int, int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a proto and assigns a weight when placing it for one layer of a custom cliff.
rmCustomCliffAddObjectToAllLayers(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a proto and assigns a weight when placing it for a custom cliff.
rmCustomCliffCreate(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a new custom cliff.
rmCustomCliffSetMix(int, int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the cliff mix and object density for one layer of a custom cliff.
rmCustomCliffSetTerrain(int, int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the cliff terrain and object density for one layer of a custom cliff.
rmCustomForestAddTreeType(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a tree type to randomize from with the given weight to a custom forest.
rmCustomForestAddUnderbrushType(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds an underbrush type to randomize from with the given weight to a custom forest.
rmCustomForestCreate(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a new custom forest.
rmCustomForestSetMix(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the floor mix for a custom forest.
rmCustomForestSetParams(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the tree and underbrush density parameters for a custom forest.
rmCustomForestSetTerrain(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the terrain type for a custom forest.
rmCustomMixAddObjectEntry(int, int, float, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a proto object entry for the custom mix with the given ID.
rmCustomMixAddPaintEntry(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a terrain paint entry for the custom mix with the given ID.
rmCustomMixCreate(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a new custom mix.
rmCustomMixSetObjectParams(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the base weight (weight to not place anything) for a custom mix.
rmCustomMixSetPaintParams(int, int, float, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the terrain paint parameters for the custom mix with the given ID.
rmEchoError(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Prints an error message to the debugger.
rmEchoInfo(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Prints an info message to the debugger.
rmEchoWarning(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Prints a warning message to the debugger.
rmFractionToAreaRadius(float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Calculates the radius of the area that covers the given fraction of the entire map.
rmFractionToAreaSquareMeters(float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a fraction of the entire map to an area in square meters.
rmFractionToAreaTiles(float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a fraction of the entire map to a number of tiles.
rmFractionToMeters(Vector, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a vector of fractions to a vector in meters.
rmFractionToTileIndex(Vector, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a vector of fractions to the vector of the closest the closest tile.
rmGenerationAddLogLine(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a line to the generation log printed to the debugger once generation finishes.
rmGenerationGetSuccess() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the internal generation result previously set by rmGenerationSetSuccess().
rmGenerationSetSuccess(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the internal generation result to true (success) or false (failure).
rmGetClosestLoc(Vector, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds the closest loc to another loc, satisfying the previously added constraints; If additiveConstraints is set to false, only one constraint has to evaluate to true for a tile to be accepted.
rmGetConstraintID(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the constraint ID for a given constraint name.
rmGetConstraintName(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the constraint name for a given constraint ID.
rmGetMapSquareMeters() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the area of the map in square meters.
rmGetMapTiles() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the total number of tiles.
rmGetMapXMeters() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the X size of the map in meters.
rmGetMapXTiles() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the X size of the map in tiles.
rmGetMapZMeters() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the Z size of the map in meters.
rmGetMapZTiles() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the Z size of the map in tiles.
rmGetNumberPlacedPlayers() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of players that have already been placed.
rmGetNumberPlacedPlayersOnTeam(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the number of players that have already placed for the team with the specified ID.
rmGetNumberPlayersOnTeam(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the number of players on the specified team.
rmGetPlacedPlayer(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the ID of the player in the specified index based on the placement order.
rmGetPlacedPlayerOnTeam(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the player in the specified position on the team (in the order of placement).
rmGetPlacedTeam(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the team ID in the specified position based on placement order (ie, the first team that had all of its players placed is at position 0, etc).
rmGetPlayerCiv(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the civilization ID of the specified player.
rmGetPlayerColorIndex(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the color index of the specified player.
rmGetPlayerCulture(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the culture ID of the specified player.
rmGetPlayerLoc(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets a player's starting location.
rmGetPlayerName(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets a player's name.
rmGetPlayerOnTeam(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the player in the specified position on the team (as loaded into the game).
rmGetPlayerTeam(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the team the specified player is on.
rmInitializeLand(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Initializes the terrain to the specified type and height.
rmInitializeMix(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Initializes the terrain to the specified mix type and height.
rmInitializeWater(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Initializes the terrain to the specified water type, level, and depth (defaults to the depth value from the waterbody file).
rmIsTileAcceptableForConstraint(int, int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Checks whether a tile is acceptable under a given constraint.
rmLocGenAddAngleRandomizerSectorPriority(int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenAddLocBinding(int, int, float, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenAddLocConstraint(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenApply(boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenCreateAngleRandomizer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenCreateLoc() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenCreateRadiusRandomizer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenGenerate() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenGetExhaustion() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenGetLoc(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenGetLocIDByOwner(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenGetLocOwner(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenGetNumberLocs() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenGetNumberLocsByOwner(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenGetTime() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenReset() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenSetArea(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenSetDistStrictness(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenSetInAreaID(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenSetLocAngleParams(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenSetLocAngleRandomizer(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenSetLocAngleVariance(int, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenSetLocAvoidDistance(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenSetLocForwardAngle(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenSetLocOrigin(int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenSetLocOwner(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenSetLocRadiusRandomizer(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenSetLocRadiusVariance(int, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenSetLocSquarePlacement(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenSetMaxIterations(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenSetObject(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmLocGenSetRadiusRandomizerRadius(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmMetersToFraction(Vector, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts vector of in meters to a vector in fractions.
rmMetersToTileIndex(Vector, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a vector of meters to a vector of a tile position (rounded to the closest tile).
rmMetersToTiles(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a length in meters to a number of tiles.
rmMultiplyPlayerResource(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Multiplys a player's amount of the specified resource by the given factor.
rmObjectAddConstraint(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the specified constraint to the given object.
rmObjectAddItem(int, int, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds an item by proto ID to the object.
rmObjectAddToClass(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds an object to the given class.
rmObjectCreate(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a new object.
rmObjectDefAddConstraint(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the specified constraint to the given object definition.
rmObjectDefAddItem(int, int, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds an item by proto ID to the object definition.
rmObjectDefAddItemRange(int, int, int, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds an item by proto ID to the object definition, randomizing between min/max when deriving an object from this definition.
rmObjectDefAddToClass(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Add objects created from an object definition to the given class.
rmObjectDefCreate(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a new object definition.
rmObjectDefCreateObject(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a new object from an object definition.
rmObjectDefCreateObjects(int, int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates multiple objects from an object definiton; If a name override is provided that name is used incrementally, otherwise the name of the object definition followed by the number of objects created with the definition so far is used.
rmObjectDefGetConstraint(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Get the constraint ID at a given index for an object def.
rmObjectDefGetCreatedObject(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the ID of the ith object created by this object definition.
rmObjectDefGetCreatedObjects(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets all object IDs created by this object definition.
rmObjectDefGetID(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the object definition ID for a given object definition name.
rmObjectDefGetName(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the name for a given object definition ID.
rmObjectDefGetNumberConstraints(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Get the number of constraints that have been added to an object def.
rmObjectDefGetNumberCreatedObjects(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the number of objects created (not necessarily placed successfully) by this object definition.
rmObjectDefPlaceAnywhere(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Place object def anywhere on the map for given player.
rmObjectDefPlaceAtArea(int, int, int, float, float, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Place object def for the player at the given areas location.
rmObjectDefPlaceAtLoc(int, int, Vector, float, float, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Place object def at specific location for given player.
rmObjectDefPlaceInArea(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Place object def for the player in the given area.
rmObjectDefPlaceNearLoc(int, int, Vector, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Place object def at specific location for given player, flooding outwards until the given distance (or all objects have been placed).
rmObjectDefSetItemPlaceAnywhere(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Ignores placement restrictions when placing the item at the given index for an object def.
rmObjectDefSetItemRotation(int, int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the rotation type and angle (only for the custom angle rotation type) for the item at the given index for an object def.
rmObjectDefSetItemVariation(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets variation type (0 being the first variation) for the item at the given index for an object def.
rmObjectGetCentroidLoc(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the centroid of all units placed for an object and its items.
rmObjectGetConstraint(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Get the constraint ID at a given index for an object.
rmObjectGetID(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the object ID for a given object name.
rmObjectGetLoc(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the location of an object (after it has been placed).
rmObjectGetName(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the name for a given object ID.
rmObjectGetNumberConstraints(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Get the number of constraints that have been added to an object.
rmObjectiveAdd(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a map objective.
rmObjectiveSetPlayer(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Restricts the objective to the given player.
rmObjectiveSetTeam(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Restricts the objective to the given team.
rmObjectPlaceAnywhere(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Place object anywhere on the map for given player.
rmObjectPlaceAtArea(int, int, int, float, float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Place object for the player at the given areas location.
rmObjectPlaceAtLoc(int, int, Vector, float, float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Place object at specific location for given player.
rmObjectPlaceInArea(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Place object for the player in the given area.
rmObjectPlaceNearLoc(int, int, Vector, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Place object at specific location for given player, flooding outwards until a valid tile has been found.
rmObjectSetItemPlaceAnywhere(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Ignores placement restrictions when placing the item at the given index for an object.
rmObjectSetItemRotation(int, int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the rotation type and angle (only for the custom angle rotation type) for the item at the given index for an object.
rmObjectSetItemVariation(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets variation type (0 being the first variation) for the item at the given index for an object.
rmPathAddConstraint(int, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathAddRandomWaypoint(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathAddToClass(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a path to the given class.
rmPathAddWaypoint(int, Vector, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathAddWaypointConstraint(int, int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathAddWaypointInArea(int, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathBuild(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathCreate(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathDefAddConstraint(int, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathDefAddRandomWaypoint(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathDefAddToClass(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Add paths created from a path definition to the given class.
rmPathDefAddWaypoint(int, Vector, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathDefAddWaypointConstraint(int, int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathDefAddWaypointInArea(int, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathDefCreate(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a new path definition.
rmPathDefCreatePath(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates an path from an path definiton; If a name override is provided that name is used, otherwise the name of the path definition followed by the number of paths created with the definition so far is used.
rmPathDefCreatePaths(int, int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates multiple paths from an path definiton; If a name override is provided that name is used incrementally, otherwise the name of the path definition followed by the number of paths created with the definition so far is used.
rmPathDefGetCreatedPath(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the ID of the ith path created by this path definition.
rmPathDefGetCreatedPaths(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets all path IDs created by this path definition.
rmPathDefGetID(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the path definition ID for a given path definiton name.
rmPathDefGetName(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the name for a given path definition ID.
rmPathDefSetAllowDiagonals(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathDefSetAllTerrainCosts(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathDefSetCostNoise(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathDefSetIgnoreStartEndConstraints(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathDefSetTerrainCost(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathGetID(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the path ID for a given path name.
rmPathGetName(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the name for a given path ID.
rmPathGetNumberSegments(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathGetTiles(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathSetAllowDiagonals(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathSetAllTerrainCosts(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathSetCostNoise(int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathSetIgnoreStartEndConstraints(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPathSetTerrainCost(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmPlacePlayer(int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the location for the provided player.
rmPlacePlayersOnCircle(float, float, float, float, float, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Places players in a circle; The location of the circle defaults to the map center if not provided.
rmPlacePlayersOnEllipse(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Places players in an ellipse; The location of the ellipse defaults to the map center if not provided.
rmPlacePlayersOnSquare(float, float, float, float, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Places players in a square (or rectangle); The location of the square defaults to the map center if not provided.
rmPlacePlayersOnWaypointLine(boolean, float, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Places players along a line defined by previously added points with rmAddWaypointLinePlacementPoints().
rmRadiusToAreaFraction(float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Calculates the fraction an area with the given radius in meters covers of the entire map.
rmRemoveUnitType(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes all units with the given type from the map, returning the total number of removed units.
rmRestart() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Restarts script execution; cNumberRestarts tracks the number of times the script has been restarted so far.
rmRevealLocToPlayer(int, Vector, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Reveals tiles around a location (square or circular).
rmSetLighting(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets a lighting set.
rmSetMapRevealed(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not to reveal the entirety of the map.
rmSetMapSize(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the number of tiles for the x and z axis to use.
rmSetNatureCiv(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets Mother Natures civilization, or randomizes from all civs if the civID is -1.
rmSetNatureCivFromCulture(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Randomizes Mother Natures civilization from the given culture, or from all civs if cultureID is -1.
rmSetPlacementTeam(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the team to place.
rmSetPlayerArea(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets a player's official area.
rmSetPlayerResource(int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets one players amount of the specified resource.
rmSetPlayerResourcesInfinite(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Grants a player infinite resources if set to true.
rmSetPostGenWaterBeautification(boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Determines whether waterbodies will be expanded based on their height to fill gaps, and whether water body terrain will be repainted.
rmSetProgress(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the progress bar to the specified percentage in [0.0, 1.0].
rmSetShuffleTeams(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether team placement order will be shuffled (ie, the order in which teams are placed) before placement with one of the placement functions.
rmSetTeamPlayerOrderType(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the ordering of players within teams for placement (sorted by ascending color index, random, or lobby order).
rmSetTeamSpacingModifier(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the team spacing modifier, with values; Overrides team ally distance if set.
rmSetTOBConversion(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not objects with the ConvertToTOB flag get automatically converted.
rmSplineAddLoc(int, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a loc to the spline.
rmSplineCreate(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a new spline with the given name, returning the ID of the created spline.
rmSplineEvaluate(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Evaluates an initialzed spline in (numPoints - 1) equal intervals, resulting in numPoints interpolated points.
rmSplineEvaluateAt(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Evaluates an initialzed spline at time t in [0.0, 1.0].
rmSplineGetID(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the spline ID for a given spline name.
rmSplineGetName(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the name for a given spline ID.
rmSplineInitialize(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Initializes a spline with the points added so that it can be evaluated subsequently.
rmSplineToPaths(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmSquareMetersToAreaFraction(float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts an area of square meters to a fraction of the map.
rmSummarySetGoal(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the goal text to be used in the objectives screen.
rmSummarySetSpotlightHeader(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the spotlight title to be used in the objectives/summary screen.
rmSummarySetSpotlightImage(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the path for the spotlight image to be used in the objectives/summary screen.
rmSummarySetSpotlightText(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the spotlight text to be used in the objectives/summary screen.
rmSummarySetTitle(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the title text to be used in the objectives screen.
rmTileIndexToFraction(Vector, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a vector of a tile position to a vector infractions.
rmTileIndexToMeters(Vector, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a vector of a tile position to a vector of meters.
rmTilesToAreaFraction(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts an area tile count to a fraction of the entire map.
rmTilesToMeters(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a number of tiles to a length in meters.
rmTriggerAddScriptInclude(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds an XS trigger script to include to the trigtemp.xs trigger script; The path is relative to the trigger folder (and NOT the RM folder).
rmTriggerAddScriptLine(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a single line of XS code to the trigtemp.xs trigger script.
rmTriggerAddUnitsToArmy(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmTriggerCreateArmy(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmWallsPlace(int, Vector[]) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmWallsPlaceAroundArea(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmWallsPlaceLine(int, Vector, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmWallsPlaceSquare(int, Vector, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Simon TODO.
rmWaterTypeAddBeachLayer(int, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a beach layer (towards land) when painting water edges for the provided water type; Distance should increase from layer to layer.
rmWaterTypeAddShoreLayer(int, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a shore layer (towards water) when painting water edges for the provided water type; Distance should increase from layer to layer.
rmWaterTypeSetFloorTerrain(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the floor terrain type to use for the water type with the given ID.
rmXFractionToMeters(float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a fraction of the x axis to a length in meters.
rmXFractionToTileIndex(float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a fraction of the x axis to the index of the closest tile on the x axis.
rmXFractionToTiles(float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a fraction of the x axis to a length in tiles (rounded to the closest tile).
rmXMetersToFraction(float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a length in meters to a fraction of the x axis.
rmXMetersToTileIndex(float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a length in meters to a tile index on the x axis (rounded to the closest tile).
rmXTileIndexToFraction(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a tile position on the x axis to a fraction of the x axis.
rmXTileIndexToMeters(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts the index of a tile on the x axis to meters.
rmXTilesToFraction(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a length in tiles to a fraction of the x axis.
rmZFractionToMeters(float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a fraction of the z axis to a length in meters.
rmZFractionToTileIndex(float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a fraction of the z axis to the index of the closest tile on the z axis.
rmZFractionToTiles(float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a fraction of the z axis to a length in tiles (rounded to the closest tile).
rmZMetersToFraction(float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a length in meters to a fraction of the z axis.
rmZMetersToTileIndex(float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a length in meters to a tile index on the x axis (rounded to the closest tile).
rmZTileIndexToFraction(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a tile position on the z axis to a fraction of the z axis.
rmZTileIndexToMeters(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts the index of a tile on the z axis to meters.
rmZTilesToFraction(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts a length in tiles to a fraction of the z axis.
round(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Rounds x to the nearest integer and returns it as a float.


saveCamera(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Save camera to file.
saveEditorScenario(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Saves out a scenario file.
saveEditorScenarioCampaign(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Saves out a scenario file to campaign/ingame asset folder.
saveEditorScenarioLocal(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Saves out a scenario file to local player folder.
saveGame(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Saves out a game in progress.
saveLightingSet(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Saves the current status of lighting values as a set.
saveScenario(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Saves out a scenario file.
scoreUpdate() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Causes score to update even if it isnt supposed to yet, time wise.
screenshot(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Take a screen shot.
sendPromptType(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Send AIChat to current player from sendingPlayer; specify desired.
setCurrentPlayerInReplay(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the currently viewed player in playback.
setDropDefaultMips(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Set mip levels to skip for default category textures.
setDropTerrainMips(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Set mip levels to skip for terrain category textures.
setFlareType() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Set Flare type.
setGameFadeIn(int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Turn fade in on/off, set color duration.
setGraphicDetail(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the graphic detail; (0 = HIGH, 1 = MEDIUM, 2 = LOW).
setIgnoreAsserts(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the system to ignore asserts, useful for automated scripts.
setMapVisibility(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Change the current Map Visibility.
setMinimapUnitFilter(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the minimap filter for units.
setReplaySpeed(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the replay playback rate, valid between [0.5f, 2.0f].
setReplaySpeedAlt(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the replay playback rate, valid between [0.5f, 2.0f] (Alternative version for hotkeys).
setRlinkMpMode(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Set MP to online (0) or LAN (1).
setSceneLightParams(float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets scene light params.
setShadowBiasMul(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Set the shadow buffer bias multipler (supaScreenshot only).
setShadowQuality(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Set the quality level of shadows.
setShadowRotationOp(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Controls shadow projection rotation optimization.
setShadowSnapping(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Controls shadow matrix snapping.
setSquadMode(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the mode for a squad.
setStance(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the stance for the selected units.
setStoryMode() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Enables Story Mode and adjusts world difficulty level accordingly.
setSunPosition(float, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the sun height above the horizon and position in the world; The bool tells if the changes are relative.
setTechStatus(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Debug only function that activates/deactivates a given tech.
setToneMapParams(float, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets tonemap params.
setUnitToRepair(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Find a nearby unit and set it to repair building.
setViewToSelectedUnitPlayer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the currently viewed player in playback via the currently selected unit.
setViewToSelectedUnitPlayerAlt() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the currently viewed player in playback via the currently selected unit; (alternative version for second hotkey).
SetVillagerToGather(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Find a nearby villager and set it to gather resource.
setWorldDifficulty(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the world difficulty level.
sgn(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the signum of x as an integer (1 if x > 0, -1 if x < 0, or 0 if x == 0).
showCampaignDialog(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
UI used only.
showGameFromPostGame() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does what needs to be done.
showGameMenu() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Show the ingame menu.
showModsScreen() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Show/hide the mods screen.
showSPCNote(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Displays the SPC Note Dialog with the specified title and text.
sin(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the sine of x.
skipNextCampaignScenario() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Skips the immediately subsequent scenario within the current campaign.
spawnUnitsSafe(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Spawn Units from building.
spectateRate(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
0 = stopped, 1 = realtime, other = realtime multiplier (if not CPU / GPU limited).
spectatorFlipPlayers() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Flip player sides in spectator UI.
sqrt(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the square root of x.
squadMode(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the mode for a squad.
squadWheel(float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Wheels the squad.
startBlankGame(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Initializes a blank map with the given parms.
startCampaign(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Starts the given campaign.
startMoviePlayback(String, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Start fullscreen playback of a movie.
startRandomGame(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Begins a new random game.
startRandomGame2(String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Begins a new random game with the given parms.
startRandomGameAgeAndMapCode(int, boolean, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Generates a random map game with the given starting age, nomad start(true/false), and map code.
startRandomGameMapCode(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Generates a random map game with the given map code.
startRandomGameMapCodeAI(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Generates a random map game with the given map code; Specify true/false if you want.
stopTrackingAllOfDebugUIState(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Stops updating all channels of debug data for the specified simulation output.
stopTrackingDebugUIState(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Stops updating debug data for the specified simulation output.
sunColor(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Set sun color to given RGB (0-255).
sunDecreaseInclination(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the decrease sun inclination key has gone up/down.
sunDecreaseRotation(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the decrease sun rotation key has gone up/down.
sunGetColor() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Get sun color.
sunIncreaseInclination(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the increase sun inclination key has gone up/down.
sunIncreaseRotation(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the increase sun rotation key has gone up/down.
supaScreenshot(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Take a supascreen of the entire map.


tan(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the tangent of x.
terrainAdjustGlobalHeight(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adjusts (raise/lower) the terrain height by the specified meters.
terrainEdgeDensity() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Brings up the terrain edge density dialog.
terrainEdgeRepeatFrequency(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the texture repeat frequency on the terrain edge.
terrainFilter() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Filters the entire terrain.
terrainFilterArea(int, int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Filters a subarea of the terrain.
terrainFlatten(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Flattens the entire terrain.
terrainFlattenArea(int, int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Flattens a subarea of the terrain.
terrainPaint(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Paint whole terrain with given texture.
terrainPaintMix(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Paint whole terrain with given mix.
terrainSetMix(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the terrain mix to paint.
terrainSetSubtype(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the terrain subtype to paint.
terrainSetType(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the terrain type to paint.
terrainUpdateSystemGrassMask() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Updates the system grass length, preventing grass from growing in gameplay critical areas (ie, traderoutes).
tis(String, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Just like train in selected, but more abbreviated.
toggleBoidsTweakerGui() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggle The Boids Tweaker Gui redo.
toggleDebugTime() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Handles the time display toggling.
toggleEasyDragMilitary(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
With no argument, toggles state of Easy Drag Military setting; Otherwise, sets it.
toggleExtendedMinimap() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggle the extended minimap.
toggleFreeCamera() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Enable the free camera mode, W A S D Q E For movement + Right click drag to rotate.
toggleGameMenu() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggle the ingame menu.
togglePushToTalk(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Push to talk for multiplayer voice chat.
toggleRMVisualizer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Show/hide the RM visualizer.
toggleScore() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Handles the score toggling.
toggleShadows() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggle shadows on/off.
toggleTargetSelectorEditorGui() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles The Target Selector Tweaker Gui.
toggleTime() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Handles the time display toggling.
toggleTimeline() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggle the replay timeline.
toggleTREchoLog() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Show/hide the TR echo log.
toggleUIPhotoScreen() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggle UI show state in the photo mode.
toggleXSDebugger() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Show/hide the XS Debugger screen.
trackAddWaypoint() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the cameras current position and orientation to the current camera track.
trackAdvance(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Advances the camera track to a specific location.
trackClear() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Clears all tracks.
trackCopy() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Copies selected track.
trackEditWaypoint() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Edits the currently selected camera track.
trackGotoSelectedEvent(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Moves the camera to the current event.
trackGotoSelectedWaypoint(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Moves the camera to the current waypoint.
trackInsert() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a new camera track.
trackPause() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Pauses the current camera track.
trackPlay(float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Plays a track file (otherwise if "none" than plays the current track) with no arg uses current duration, otherwise sets duration.
trackRemove() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes selected track.
trackRemoveWaypoint() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes the most recently added track waypoint from the current camera track.
trackSetSelectedWaypoint(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the current waypoint to the button with the same index.
trackStepBackward() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Steps the current camera track 1 step backward.
trackStepForward() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Steps the current camera track 1 step forward.
trackStop() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Stops the current camera track.
trackToggleShow() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles rendering of the camera track on and off.
trActivateCheat(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Executes a cheat for the provided player.
trAddArmyToPlan(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the units in the specified army to the specified plan.
trainByID(int, int, int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Start the training of a unit of ProtoUnitID from TrainingUnitID for the current player (if no player is specified).
trainInSelected(String, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Tries to train the selected unit type in any valid selected unit.
trainInSelectedByID(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Just like train in selected, but fastAr because it takes a protoID click.
trainReinforcement(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Trains a reinforcement.
trAISetAttackResponseDistance(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the attack response distance for the provided playerIDs AI if it has one; This distance controls from what within distance the AI will call other units to help if one of its units gets attacked.
trAnythingIsSelected() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if any unit is selected.
trArmyClear(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Clears the given army, removing all unit IDs from army data.
trArmyDispatch(String, String, int, float, float, float, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates the units in the army specified.
trArmyDispatchAtUnit(String, String, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates the units in the army specified at the location of the target unit.
trArmyDoWorkOnArmy(String, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Tasks the selected army to perform work on the first valid unit within the given arny.
trArmySelect(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Selects the units in the army specified.
trArmySelectInt(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Selects the units in the army specified.
trArmyUnitChangeName(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Set an override name for a specific unit in an army.
trBlockAllAmbientSounds() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Blocks all ambient sounds from this point forward.
trBlockAllSounds(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Blocks all sounds from playing from this point forward.
trBuildingIsOnCursor(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the proto unit specified is on the cursor and is a building.
trBuildingTimeShiftAtPos(int, float, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Cast timeshift on this unit at this position.
trCameraCut(Vector, Vector, Vector, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Puts the camera in the specified location.
trCameraCutPlayer(int, Vector, Vector, Vector, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Puts the camera in the specified location for the given player.
trCameraLock(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles camera movement locking over the current position.
trCameraLockOnUnit(boolean, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Orients the camera to the selected unit, and keeps it locked on that unit.
trCameraPanWithUnit(boolean, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Moves the camera in the same direction that a particular unit moves.
trCameraShake(float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Makes the camera shake.
trCameraStateView(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Puts the camera in the location of a saved camera state, for the given player, or for all players, if no player is set.
trCameraTrackLoad(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Loads a camera track.
trCameraTrackPlay(float, int, boolean, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Plays the current camera track, if blend with game camera is true, it will best fit the strategy camera location at the last waypoint and smooth transition to it.
trCameraTrackPlayPlayer(String, int, boolean, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Loads and plays a camera track for a given player, if blend with game camera is true, it will best fit the strategy camera location at the last waypoint and smooth transition to it.
trCampaignBranchChoice(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Pop up a dialog allowing choice to load a scenario.
trCampaignLoseMission() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets player as defeated within a campaign mission and displays defeat dialog.
trCampaignProgress() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Completes current scenario within campaign, and advances to next scenario or cinematic.
trCampaignProgressChoice() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Completes current scenario within campaign, and displays prompt to progress to next scenario or return to campaign menu.
trCampaignStartNew(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Shows dialog for advancing to the given campaign.
trChangeProtoUnitInArea(int, String, float, String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
All units within dist of the selected ref object are changed into the given protoUnit.
trChangeTerrainHeight(float, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the terrain elevation for the provided rectangular region.
trChangeTerrainHeightCircular(Vector, float, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the terrain elevation for the provided circular region.
trChatClearHudMessages() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Clears the messages visible on screen.
trChatHistoryClear() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Forces the chat history to reset.
trChatHistoryContains(String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Checks whether or not any of the last sent chat messages by a player contain the given text.
trChatKeepLastMessagesOnScreen(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether the last messages should always remain visible.
trChatSend(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Changes the chat status.
trChatSendSpoofed(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Changes the chat status, but does not append player.
trChatSendSpoofedToPlayer(int, int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Changes the chat status, but does not append player; Goes to specific player.
trChatSendToPlayer(int, int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Changes the chat status for one specific player.
trChatSetStatus(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Changes the chat status.
trCinematicDoAbort() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Aborts the cinematic.
trCinematicIsAborted() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the abort cinematic status.
trClearCounterDisplay() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
trConvertUnitsInArea(int, int, String, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
All units within dist of the selected ref object that match type are converted to the target player.
trCounterAbort(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Abort a counter.
trCounterAddGenericXS(String, String, String, String, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Start an XSbased counter, that may or may not fire an event; The name of this counter is also a QV under the hood that can be adjusted at will; If you attached an xsCall to this counter the QV variable will be updated each frame so doing custom things to it wont have an effect.
trCounterAddPlayerName(String, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Displays a player name as a counter.
trCounterAddString(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Displays a string as a counter.
trCounterAddTime(String, int, int, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Start a counter that may or may not fire an event.
trCounterAddTimeMs(String, int, int, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Start a counter that may or may not fire an event.
trCounterDecrementManual(String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Decrement the current value of the counter.
trCounterGetValue(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current value of the given counter.
trCounterIncrementManual(String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Increment the current value of the counter.
trCounterPause(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Pause a counter.
trCounterPersistent(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Enables or disables persistency for a counter; Persistent counters arent deleted even after reaching their maximum value.
trCounterPlayerSpecific(String, boolean, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not a given counter should be restricted to specific players, and, if so, assigns the given player to the counter.
trCounterSetManual(String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the current value of the given manual counter.
trCounterSetManualString(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Changes the string to be displayed on a given string pseudocounter.
trCounterSetPlayerName(String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Changes the player name to be displayed on a given player name pseudocounter.
trCounterSetVisibility(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Hides or displays a counter.
trCounterTimeSetValue(String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Forcibly sets the current value of a given counter.
trCreateRevealer(int, String, Vector, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a revealer with the given attributes.
trCurrentPlayer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current player.
trDamageUnit(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does a specific amount of damage to HP in instant typeless damage.
trDamageUnitPercent(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does percent of a unit's total HP in instant typeless damage.
trDamageUnitsInArea(int, String, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
All units within dist of the selected ref object that match type take dmg.
trDamageUnitsPercentInArea(int, String, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
All units within dist of the selected ref object are damaged by the given factor.
trDefakifyArmy(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Defakifies the army.
trDefakifySelection() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the selected unit as not having a fake player trDefakifySelection.
trDefakifySelectionSubModels() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Resets all submodels back to using the player colour of the parent model.
trDelayedRuleActivation(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a rule to the runtime to be activated on the next update.
trDisableConquestCheck(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Temporarily disables or reenables conquest victory check in a scenario that supports it.
trDisableNotificationSounds(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not notification sounds should be disabled for this scenario.
trDisablePopCapNotifications(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not persistent popcap notifications should be disabled for this scenario.
trDisablePowerNotifications(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not power casting notifications should be disabled for this scenario.
trDisablePowerTimers(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not displaying timers for active powers should be disabled for this scenario.
trDisableRule(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Tells the challenge system this rule was activated.
trDisableTrigger(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Disables (sets active = false) the trigger specified by the given eventID.
trDisableUnitDeletion(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not unit and building deletion should be disabled for this scenario.
trEcho(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Trigger echo.
trEchoStatValue(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Fetch a stat value from the KB and echo to chat trEchoStatValue maintext.
trEndChallenge(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Player completed the challenge; If achieved victory is true, player completed all objectives before the timer elapsed.
trEndGame() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Signal that the game has ended.
trEnforceAIAssist(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not AI assist support should be enforced for this scenario.
trEventFire(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Cause an event to occur.
trEventSetHandler(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets a handler function for an event id.
trExecuteOnAI(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Executes a command on the AI player.
trFadeOutAllSounds(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Fades out all sounds over a given duration.
trFadeOutMusic(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Fades out current music over a given duration.
trFakifyArmy(String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Fakifies the army to the specified fake player index.
trFakifySelection(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the selected unit as having the fake player with the specified index (07).
trFakifySelectionSubModelByOverrideName(String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets named submodels of the selection to fake player with the specified index (07).
trForbidProtounit(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds protounit to the forbidden list.
trForceShowObjectivePanel(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Forces the objective panel to always display.
trFormationScale(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Scales the formation size of formations in the game.
trFormatString(String, String[]) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Inserts (loc)strings into (loc)strings.
trGameLoadScenario(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Start a game using scenario.
trGamePause(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Pause or unpause the game.
trGenerateLush() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Generates lush for all selected buildings, if owning player supports lush generation.
trGetCurrentSkyboxUnitID() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the unit ID for the current skybox, if applicable.
trGetNextUnitID() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the ID for the next unit to be allocated.
trGetRecentUnits() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns an array containing recently created units; If autoresetting is set, returns units created on the last frame.
trGetScenarioUserData(int, int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
*** NOTE: This function is DEPRECATED *** Gets the scenario user data and returns the default value when it is not present yet.
trGetSkyboxVariationID(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the variation ID for the given skybox.
trGetTerrainHeight(Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the terrain height at the given map position.
trGetTerrainSubtype(Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Fetches the terrain subtype ID for the given map position.
trGetTerrainType(Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Fetches the terrain type ID for the given map position.
trGetWaterType(Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Fetches the water type ID for the given map position.
trGetWorldDifficulty() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the world difficulty.
trGodPowerCancelAll() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Cancels all active god powers; You have to be in an active game to use this.
trGodPowerEnableBlocking(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not God Power blocking is enabled; Default=ON.
trGodPowerGrant(int, String, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Grants X uses of the specified God Power to the player.
trGodPowerGrantAtSlot(int, String, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Grants X uses of the specified god power in a specific God Power UI slot.
trGodPowerInvoke(int, String, Vector, Vector, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Invokes the specified God Power.
trGodPowerInvokeAtArmy(int, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Invokes the specified God Power at the specified army.
trGodPowerPrePurchase(int, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Prepurchases X uses of the specified God Power to the player, if applicable.
trGodPowerRedefine(int, String, String, String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Replaces the icon, and display name and rollover strings of a power for the given player.
trGodPowerSetCooldown(int, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the cooldown of the specified God Power for the given player.
trGodPowerSetCost(int, String, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the cost of the specified God Power for the given player.
trGodPowerSetUseCount(int, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the number of charges of the specified God Power for the given player.
trGodPowerSetUsedTimes(int, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Overrides the number of timesthe specified God Power has been used.
trHealUnit(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adjust the units hitpoints by the given value.
trHealUnitPercent(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Heals the selected units by a percentage of their total HP.
trHealUnitsInArea(int, String, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
All units within dist of the selected ref object have their HPs adjusted by the given value.
trHealUnitsPercentInArea(int, String, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
All units within dist of the selected ref object have their HPs adjusted by the given factor.
trHideScoreboard() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Hides the users Scoreboard.
trImmediateUnitGarrison(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Instantly garrisons units inside another unit without considering distance.
trInGamepadMode() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if were currently in gamepad mode.
trInInputContext(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if were in the given input context.
trInRadialMenuPage(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the given radial menu page is open.
trIsDialogueNotPlaying() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns false if dialogue is currently playing.
trIsMinimapExpanded() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the minimap is expanded.
trKillAIPlan(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
No help.
trKillUnitsInArea(int, String, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
All units within dist of the selected ref object that match type are killed.
trLeaveGame() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Leaves the current game; Most often that means going to the main menu but while in editor playtest it means you go back to the editor.
trLetterBox(boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Turns letter box mode on or off; Letterbox toggles the black border around the screen while in cinematic mode.
trMapMutateUnits(String, String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Transforms all units on the map belonging to the given unit type into the set protoUnit through PU mutation, maintaining original BUnit pointer.
trMarketReset() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Resets Market buy and sell prices to default values.
trMessageSetText(String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Displays the message text.
trMinimapFlare(int, float, Vector, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sends a Minimap flare to a certain player.
trModifyProtounitAction(String, String, int, int, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Modifies proto unit action data for this scenario only.
trModifyProtounitActionUnitType(String, String, String, int, int, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Modifies proto unit action data taking a unittype parameter for this scenario only.
trModifyProtounitData(String, int, int, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Modifies proto unit data for this scenario only.
trModifyProtounitResource(String, String, int, int, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Modifies proto unit data taking a resource parameter for this scenario only.
trMusicPlay(String, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Plays the music file.
trMusicPlayCurrent() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Plays the current music.
trMusicSetCurrentMusicSet(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the current music set.
trMusicSetMood(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Changes the music to mood associated with mood id.
trMusicStop() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Stops the current music.
trObjectGettingWorked(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the object is currently being worked.
trObjectiveComplete(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Completes the specified objective; Forces a reoccurring objective complete if forceComplete is true.
trObjectiveCreateMarker(int, String, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Instantiates an objective marker and binds it to the given objective.
trObjectiveFailed(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the specified objective as failed.
trObjectiveHide(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Hides the specified objective on the UI.
trObjectiveIncomplete(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Marks a specified objective as incomplete.
trObjectiveRemoveMarker(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes the specified objective marker from the given objective.
trObjectiveShow(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Shows the specified objective on the UI.
trObjectivesTracker(String, String, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Displays the objectives tracker text.
trOverlayText(String, float, float, int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Puts up a big moviecredits style text overlay.
trPaintTerrain(int, int, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Paints a rectangular area by the given terrain type and subtype.
trPaintTerrainBySubtypeName(String, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Paints a rectangular area by the terrain identified by the given terrain subtype UI name.
trPaintTerrainCircular(int, int, Vector, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Paints a circular area by the given terrain type and subtype.
trPaintTerrainCircularBySubtypeName(String, Vector, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Paints a circular area by the terrain identified by the given terrain subtype UI name.
trPaintWater(int, float, float, float, float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Paints an area by the water entry identified by the given ID.
trPaintWaterCircular(String, Vector, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Paints a circular area by the water entry identified by the given name.
trPaintWaterRectangular(String, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Paints a rectangular area by the water entry identified by the given name.
trPlaceFoundation(String, float, float, float, int, int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Places a foundation for the given building and returns the ID of the foundation.
trPlayerAdjustScore(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adjust the overridden score value for a player by the given delta.
trPlayerAllowAgeUpSpawning(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not units will be spawned through ageup techs.
trPlayerAllowShades(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not the given player will be allowed to spawn shades.
trPlayerAllowStartingUnitsSpawning(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not starting units will be spawned for the given player.
trPlayerAtPopCap(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if player is at pop cap.
trPlayerChangeProtoUnit(int, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Transforms all units for a player belonging to the given unit type into the set protoUnit; Does not use PU mutation, and does not maintain original BUnit data.
trPlayerControlsSocket(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the specified player is built on the specified socket.
trPlayerEnablePartisans(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not partisan spawning will be enabled for the given player.
trPlayerEnableTimeshift(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not timeshifting will be enabled for the given player.
trPlayerGetCivilization(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true/false if the player civilization matches the given parameter.
trPlayerGetDiplomacy(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the diplomacy status between players.
trPlayerGetType(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns whether the given player is a human or a computer/AI player.
trPlayerGetVillagerPriority(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the villager priority preset for player.
trPlayerGrantResources(int, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Advances the campaign.
trPlayerIsActive(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true/false if the player is active.
trPlayerIsDefeated(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true/false if the player has been defeated.
trPlayerIsDefeatedOrResigned(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true/false if the player has resigned or has been defeated.
trPlayerKillAllBuildings(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Kills all of the buildings of a given player.
trPlayerKillAllGodPowers(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Kills all of the current God Powers of a player.
trPlayerModifyData(int, int, int, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Modifies player data for this scenario only.
trPlayerModifyLOS(int, boolean, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds/removes LOS between players.
trPlayerModifyResourceData(int, int, int, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Modifies player data for this scenario only.
trPlayerMutateUnits(int, String, String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Transforms all units for a player belonging to the given unit type into the set protoUnit through PU mutation, maintaining original BUnit pointer.
trPlayerOverrideArtCulture(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Overrides the culture used for choosing the players art.
trPlayerOverrideCivName(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Overrides the string used for the displayed civilization name.
trPlayerRemoveAllUnits(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes all of the units of a given player without affecting Player Stats.
trPlayerResetBlackMap(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Resets the black map for a given HUMAN player.
trPlayerResetBlackMapForAllPlayers() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
TrPlayerResetBlackMapForAllPlayers(Resets the black map for all HUMAN players.
trPlayerSetActive(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the active player.
trPlayerSetCiv(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Replaces the civilization for the given player.
trPlayerSetColor(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the player color for the given player.
trPlayerSetDefeated(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Call this when a player is defeated on the local machine (meaning that this func must be called synchronously on all machines, it will not pass around a command).
trPlayerSetDiplomacy(int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the diplomacy status between players.
trPlayerSetName(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the displayed name for the given player.
trPlayerSetScore(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Overrides the score for a player by the given value.
trPlayerSetVictorious(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the given player as victorious for the current game.
trPlayerSetWon(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Call this when a player has won on the local machine (meaning that this func must be called synchronously on all machines, it will not pass around a command).
trPlayerTechTreeEnabledGodPowers(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Enables/Disables the Tech Tree from granting God Powers to a player; Default=ON.
trPlayerTimeshiftAddEntry(int, String, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a timeshifting entry towards the given protoUnit to a player for this scenario only.
trPlayerTimeshiftModifyCost(int, String, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Modifies timeshifting cost ratio for a given protoUnit for this scenario only.
trPlayerTribute(int, String, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Tributes resources to a player.
trPlayNextMusicTrack() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Plays the next song in the music play list.
trProtoUnitActionSetEnabled(String, int, String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Enables or disables an action for a proto unit.
trProtounitActionSpecialEffect(String, String, int, int, String, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Modifies proto unit action data by adding a new or adjusting an existing onHitEffect for this scenario only.
trProtounitActionSpecialEffectActive(String, String, int, int, String, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Modifies proto unit action data by setting a specified existing onHitEffect as active or inactive.
trProtounitActionSpecialEffectDuration(String, String, int, int, String, int, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Modifies the duration of an existing onHitEffect within the given protoAction for this scenario only.
trProtounitActionSpecialEffectModifier(String, String, int, int, String, float, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Modifies proto unit action data by adding a new or adjusting an existing onHitEffect and assigning a new stat modifier to it for this scenario only.
trProtounitActionSpecialEffectProtoUnit(String, String, int, int, String, String, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Modifies proto unit action data by adding a new or adjusting an existing onHitEffect taking a protoUnit parameter for this scenario only.
trProtounitAddCommand(String, int, String, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Assigns a protoUnitCommand entry towards the given protoUnit for this scenario only.
trProtounitAddTech(String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Assigns a tech entry towards the given protoUnit for this scenario only.
trProtounitAddTrain(String, int, String, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Assigns a train entry towards the given protoUnit for this scenario only.
trProtoUnitChangeName(String, int, String, String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Modify the name and rollover text of a proto unit.
trProtoUnitHighlight(int, String, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Highlights all units belonging to the given protounit for a player.
trProtoUnitMovementType(String, int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Modifies proto unit movement type for this scenario only.
trProtounitRemoveCommand(String, int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes a protoUnitCommand entry from the given protoUnit for this scenario only.
trProtounitRemoveTech(String, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes a tech entry from the given protoUnit for this scenario only.
trProtounitRemoveTrain(String, int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes a train entry from the given protoUnit for this scenario only.
trProtoUnitSetFlag(int, String, String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets or unsets the given flag within the given protounit.
trProtoUnitSetIcon(String, int, String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Modify the icon of a proto unit.
trProtoUnitSetUnitType(int, String, String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets or unsets the given unit type within the given protounit.
trQuestVarCopy(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Copies value of one of the trigger scratch variables.
trQuestVarEcho(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Chats out the value of one of the trigger scratch variables.
trQuestVarGet(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Retrieve value of a trigger scratch variable, returns zero if unset.
trQuestVarSet(String, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets one of the trigger scratch variables.
trQuestVarSetFromRand(String, float, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets one of the trigger scratch variables within a random range.
trQuestVarSetFromRandUnique(String, float, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets one of the trigger scratch variables within a random range, while avoiding repeating consecutive values.
trQueueStartingUnits(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Queues starting units for player if they have a starting TC.
trRateConstruction(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Modify construction rate.
trRateResearch(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Modify research rate.
trRatesReset() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Resets all the rates to normal (1.0f).
trRateTrain(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Modify training rate.
trRelicCreate(float, float, float, int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a new relic from defined relic name.
trRelicForce(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Changes type of selected relic to the given relic name.
trRemoveUnitsInArea(int, String, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
All units within dist of the selected ref object that match type are killed.
trRenderRain(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Controls rain rendering.
trRenderSky(boolean, String, int, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Turn sky rendering on/off and set which sky to use.
trRenderSnow(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Controls snow rendering.
trResetRecentUnits() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Resets list of recentlycreated units.
trRestartScenario() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Restarts the scenario.
trRevealEntireMap() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Shows whole map, similar to how revealed mode works (SP modes only).
trSelectionGetNumber() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns how many units you currently have selected.
trSelectionGetUnitID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the ID of the selected unit.
trSetAutoResetRecentUnits(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not the list of recentlycreated units should be reset at each frame; Set to true by default.
trSetCounterDisplay(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
trSetCurrentPlayerStatus(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the current player as active or inactive.
trSetCurrentScenarioUserData(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
*** NOTE: This function is DEPRECATED *** Sets the current scenario user data.
trSetFogAndBlackmap(boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Turn fog and black map on/off; (SP modes only).
trSetFogAndBlackmapMultiplayer(boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Turn fog and black map on/off, affecting all players; (no SP check).
trSetLighting(String, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Fades to the specified lighting set over fadetime.
trSetObscuredUnits(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not units can be drawn obscured or not.
trSetPauseInObjectiveWindow(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
trSetPauseOnAgeUpgrade(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
trSetRevealerActiveState(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds the specified revealer and sets it to active or inactive.
trSetShadowFarClip(boolean, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Enable or disables the shadow far clippping plane.
trSetShowCursor(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Forces the cursor (mouse pointer) to be shown/hidden.
trSetUnitIdleProcessing(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not units can do their idle processing.
trSetUserControls(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the player controls on or off.
trShowChoiceDialog(String, String, int, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Displays dialog with 2 choices, and activates a trigger in response.
trShowChoiceDialogForPlayer(int, String, String, int, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Displays dialog with 2 choices for a given player, and activates a trigger in response.
trShowHidePopup(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles a popup.
trShowImageDialog(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Displays a custom image in a dialog, with a subtitle text2 text1.
trShowLosePopup(String, String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Message and sound.
trShowTextMessage(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Displays a text box with the specified title and text.
trShowWinLose(String, String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Message and sound.
trShowWinPopup(String, String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Message and sound.
trSocketBuild(int, int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Autoconstructs a building over a given socket unit.
trSocketIsEmpty(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if there isnt a fullybuilt building occupying the specified socket.
trSocketPlaceFoundation(int, int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Places a foundation into this socket unit.
trSoundPlayDialogue(int, String, String, String, String, int, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Plays the sound associated with the dialogue.
trSoundPlayDialogueTalkingHeads(int, String, String, String, String, boolean, String, int, boolean, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Plays the sound associated with the dialogue, using the talking heads version of the UI.
trSoundPlayFN(String, int, String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Plays the sound associated with the filename.
trSoundPlayPaused(String, String, int, String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Plays the sound associated with the filename.
trSoundsetPlay(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Plays the sound associated with the given soundset.
trSoundsetPlayPlayer(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Plays the sound associated with the given soundset for the given player.
trSoundTimer(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
TrSoundTimer(int32 milliseconds, int32 eventID) creates a high performance sound timer and passes the eventID as data.
trTechHideEffects(int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets whether or not effects should be hidden in the rollover for the given technology for this scenario only.
trTechModifyCost(int, int, int, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Modifies the cost of the given technology for this scenario only.
trTechModifyResearchPoints(int, int, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Modifies the reseach points of the given technology for this scenario only.
trTechRemove(int, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Disables the given tech for the player, and removes it from the UI of the given protoUnit.
trTechReplaceIconByTech(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Replaces the icon of a technology for this scenario only.
trTechSetIconPath(int, int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Replaces the icon of a technology for this scenario only.
trTechSetStatus(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the tech status for the player.
trTechSetStringID(int, int, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets a given string field of a technology to the given string ID for this scenario only.
trTechStatusActive(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if tech is active for player.
trTechStatusCheck(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if techs status is techStatus.
trTechStatusResearching(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if tech is being researched for player.
trTerrainAtPosition(String, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Checks if the terrain at the given map position matches the expected terrain subtype.
trTownBellRung(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if town bell has been recently rung on the given unit.
trTownBellUnrung(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if town bell has been recently unrung on the given unit.
trTutorialEndChoice() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Completes tutorial, and displays prompt to progress to next campaign or return to main menu.
trUIBlockRadialMenu(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Blocks a given radial menu.
trUIFadeToColor(int, int, int, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Fade in/out using color specified.
trUIFlashAbility(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Flashes the button of a given unit ability in command panel UI.
trUIFlashAgeUp(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Flashes the ageup button in command panel UI, if applicable.
trUIFlashCommand(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Flashes the button of a given protoUnitCommand in command panel UI.
trUIFlashGodPowerAtSlot(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Flashes the god power at a given gp slot.
trUIFlashTech(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Flashes the button of a given technology in command panel UI.
trUIFlashTrain(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Flashes the button of a given protoUnit in command panel UI.
trUIGamepadPromptFlash(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles flashing state for a given gamepad prompt.
trUIGamepadPromptVisibility(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles visibility for a given gamepad prompt.
trUIHideRadialMenuPromptPanel(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Hides the radial menu prompt panel.
trUIIdleBannerFlash(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles flashing state on Minimap gadget.
trUIMinimapFlash(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles flashing state on Minimap gadget.
trUIPanelFlash(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles flashing state for a given HUD panel.
trUIPanelVisibility(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles visibility for a given HUD panel.
trUIResourceEntryFlash(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles flashing state for a given resource entry in the HUD resoruces panel.
trUIVillagerPriorityButtonFlash(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles flashing state on a given Villager Priority Dialog button.
trUIVillagerPriorityButtonHUDFlash(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles flashing state on HUD Villager Priority Dialog button.
trUnBlockAllAmbientSounds() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Unblocks all ambient sounds that were previously blocked from playing.
trUnblockAllSounds() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Unblocks all sounds that were previously blocked from playing.
trUnforbidProtounit(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes protounit from the forbidden list.
trUnitAddModifier(int, int, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds modifier for given modify type and parameter, when applicable, to selected units.
trUnitAdjustModifier(int, int, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adjust existing modifier for given modify type and parameter, when applicable, to selected units.
trUnitAlive() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if all selected units are alive.
trUnitApplyEffect(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Applys a given effect towards the selected units.
trUnitApplyEffectDamage(int, float, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Applys a given effect with a damage value towards the selected units.
trUnitApplyEffectProtoUnit(int, float, int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Applys a given effect towards the selected units.
trUnitBuildUnit(String, Vector, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Selects units and makes the build a unit at specified location.
trUnitCancelAllQueued(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Cancels all queued items for the unit.
trUnitChangeName(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Set an override name for a specific unit.
trUnitChangeProtoUnit(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Changes the proto unit for a given set of units.
trUnitConvert(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Converts the selected units to player.
trUnitCreate(String, float, float, float, int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a new unit.
trUnitCreateForced(String, float, float, float, int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a new unit, ignoring placement rules.
trUnitCreateFromSource(String, int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a new unit.
trUnitCreateFromSourceMulti(String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates multiple units from a source object.
trUnitDead() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if all selected units are dead.
trUnitDelayedTransform() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Activates delayed transform (eg as used for Roc state change) action within selected units, whenever applicable.
trUnitDelete(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes or kills the selected unit(s).
trUnitDestroy(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Destroys the selected unit(s).
trUnitDistanceToPoint(float, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the shortest distance between the trRT units and the point.
trUnitDistanceToUnitID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the shortest distance between the trRT units and the given unit.
trUnitDoWorkOnUnit(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Tasks the selected unit(s) to perform work on the given unit.
trUnitFaceUnit(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Moves the selected unit(s) to face the given unit.
trUnitFullyBuilt() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if all selected units are fully built.
trUnitGameSelect(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Selects the given units for the current player.
trUnitGarrison(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Tasks the selected unit(s) to garrision into another unit.
trUnitGetHeading(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the unit's heading.
trUnitGetNumberManuallySelected() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Fetches number of selected units.
trUnitGetPosition(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the unit's position.
trUnitGetTargetID(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the attack target for the given unit.
trUnitHasLOS(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the player can see the selected unit, otherwise returns false.
trUnitHasTarget(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if all selected units have an attack target or are attacking.
trUnitHighlight(float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does something to highlight the units selected.
trUnitImmobilized() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if all selected units are immobilized by a Freeze Action.
trUnitInLush(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if all selected units are within terrain lush belonging to the given player.
trUnitIsAttacking() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if all selected units are attacking.
trUnitIsNotOwnedBy(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Determines if the selected units are not owned by the player specified.
trUnitIsOwnedBy(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Determines if the selected units are owned by the player specified.
trUnitIsSelected() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns if the specified unit is selected.
trUnitMakeInvulnerable(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Makes a unit invulnerable to damage; Turn it off to return the unit to normal.
trUnitModifyResourceInventory(int, float, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Modifies resource inventory for the selected units.
trUnitMoveFromArea(float, float, float, int, boolean, int, String, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Moves all matching units near the selected unit(s) to the given position.
trUnitMoveFromAreaToUnit(int, boolean, int, String, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Moves all matching units near the selected unit(s) to the given target unit.
trUnitMoveToPoint(float, float, float, int, boolean, boolean, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Moves the selected unit(s) to the given position.
trUnitMoveToUnit(int, int, boolean, boolean, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Moves the selected unit(s) to the spot occupied by the given unit.
trUnitMutate(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Transforms selected units into the given protoUnit through PU mutation, maintaining original BUnit pointer.
trUnitPatrolToPoint(float, float, float, boolean, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Moves the selected unit(s) to the given position.
trUnitPercentComplete() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the percent complete as 0 to 100.
trUnitPercentDamaged() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the percent damaged as 0 to 100.
trUnitPerformAction(String, int, Vector, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Performs a given protoAction through the selected units.
trUnitPlayerFakifyInArea(int, int, String, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets all units within dist of the selected ref object as having the fake player with the specified index (07).
trUnitRemoveControlAction() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes the current control action so the next thing can take effect immediately.
trUnitReposition(float, float, float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the position for the selected units to the given absolute coordinates.
trUnitRepositionToUnit(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the position for the selected units to the coordinates of the given unit.
trUnitReveal(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Reveals the currently selected units to the given player.
trUnitRotateX(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Rotates the selected units around the X axis by the given amount of degrees.
trUnitRotateY(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Rotates the selected units around the Y axis by the given amount of degrees.
trUnitRotateZ(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Rotates the selected units around the Z axis by the given amount of degrees.
trUnitSelectByID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Selects the unit in the trigger selection system.
trUnitSelectClear() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Clears the units in the trigger selection system.
trUnitSetAnimation(String, int, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the cinematic animation version for the selected unit(s).
trUnitSetAnimationPath(String, String, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the cinematic animation version for the selected unit(s).
trUnitSetConvertible(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets forbid conversion accordingly for the selected units towards the given player.
trUnitSetGatherPointPosForPlayer(int, int, float, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the gather point of the unit on this position.
trUnitSetGatherPointUnitForPlayer(int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the gather point of the unit on this unit.
trUnitSetHeading(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the units heading.
trUnitSetHitpoints(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Set the units hitpoints to the given value, respecting maximum hitpoints.
trUnitSetOrientationForward(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Rotates the selected units around the Y axis by the given amount of degrees.
trUnitSetOrientationRight(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Rotates the selected units around the Z axis by the given amount of degrees.
trUnitSetOrientationUp(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Rotates the selected units around the X axis by the given amount of degrees.
trUnitSetPassiveMode(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Enables or disables Passive Mode for selected Units.
trUnitSetScale(float, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the scale for the given set of units.
trUnitSetShading(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Assign the given shading type with the set opacity to the selected units.
trUnitSetStance(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Set the stance for the given set of units.
trUnitSetVariation(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the variation for the selected units to the given value.
trUnitSetVeterancyRank(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the veterancy level for the selected units to the given rank, whenever applicable.
trUnitTeleport(float, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Moves units from current position to position specified.
trUnitTeleportToUnit(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Teleport the selected unit(s) to the spot occupied by the given unit.
trUnitThrow(int, float, int, float, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Throws the selected units with the provided parameters.
trUnitTransformCommand() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Performs the transformation defined by the units transform command (eg heroization, etc) immediately, whenever applicable.
trUnitTypeIsHovered(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns if the cursor is hovering over the given unit type.
trUnitTypeIsSelected(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns if at least one unit of the specified unit type is selected.
trUnitUngarrisonContained() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Ungarrisons all contained units.
trUnitVisibleToPlayer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the player can see the selected unit, and it is on screen; Desync sensitive.
trWaterAtPosition(String, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Checks if the water at the given map position matches the expected water type.
trWaypointAddPoint(Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the waypoint into the trigger selection system.
trWaypointAddUnitPosition(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the units position as a waypoint in the trigger selection system.
trWaypointClear() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Clears the waypoints in the trigger selection system.
trWorldSpacePrompt(String, int, boolean, String, Vector, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Show a world space prompt over a selected unit.
trWorldSpacePromptArea(String, Vector, String, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Show a world space prompt in selected location.
trWorldSpacePromptArmy(String, String, boolean, String, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Show a world space prompt over a selected army.
trWorldSpacePromptHide(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Hide a world space prompt.
trWPFDialogOpen(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the given WPF dialog is currently open.


ui3ChoicePopupReject() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for 3rd choice in the 3 choice popup.
uiAcceptOptions() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Close and accept the currently set options.
uiAddChatNotification(int, int, String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds a notification to the games chat output, can play a sound too.
uiAddFriendPopupSearch() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for executing search in add friend popup.
uiAddSelectionButtonDown(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the add selection button has been pressed.
uiAddSelectionButtonUp() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the add selection button has been released.
uiAddSelectNumberGroup(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Adds the units in the given number group to current selection.
uiAgeUpFromAnywhere() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Open age up popup from anywhere.
uiApplyLightingSet(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for UI use only; Applies a Lighting Set.
uiAutoScoutSelectedUnit(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Enables/disables auto scout on selected unit.
uiBeginClickDrag() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that clickdrag button has been pressed.
uiBeginClickRotate() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that clickrotate button has been pressed.
uiBuildAtPointer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Instructs the currently selected unit(s) to build the current proto unit cursor building type at the pointer location.
uiBuildAtSite() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for UI use only; Selects nearest worker and opens the gamepad build menu.
uiBuildMode(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does and editMode and setProtoID, after verifying sufficient resources for the current player.
uiBuildWallAtPointer(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Instructs the currently selected unit(s) to build the current proto unit cursor building type at the pointer location, with walllike endpoint behavior.
uiCameraControl(float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Controls camera with gamepad stick.
uiCancelRadialMenu() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Cancels radial menu selected entry.
uiCancelRadialMenuLT() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Cancels radial menu selected entry.
uiCancelRadialMenuReleased() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Cancels radial menu selected entry.
uiCancelSelectedBuilding() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Cancels currently built unit.
uiCenterPointer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Centers mouse pointer.
uiChangeBrushSize(float, float, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Changes the size of the current brush.
uiChangeBrushType(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Changes the brush to the named type.
uiChangeElevationToSample(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the change elevation to sample button has gone up/down.
uiChangeGizmoType(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Changes the guizmo to the parameter type.
uiChatDisplayModeToggle() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles the chat display mode.
uiChatDisplayModeToHistory() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles the chat display mode to history mode.
uiChatDisplayModeToRecent() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles the chat display mode to recent mode.
uiChatScrollBack(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Scrolls chat back one.
uiChatScrollForward(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Scrolls chat forward one.
uiClearChat(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Clears the chat and resets to recent mode; clearOnly == true if you dont want it to populate the chat, but only clear it.
uiClearCursor() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Resets the cursor to the basic pointer.
uiClearGatherPoint() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Clears the gather point for the selected unit(s), returning it to a default state.
uiClearMenu(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes any dangling child menus off of the given gadget.
uiClearNumberGroup(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Erases the given number group.
uiClearSelection() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Deselects all selected units.
uiClearTribute() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Clears tribute in the diplomacy menu.
uiCloseControlsPopup() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Closes the controls popup.
uiCloseDialog() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Closes (as if clicked on the close button) any active dialog.
uiCloseFieldSet() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Closes (as if clicked on the close button) any active field set.
uiCloseRadialMenu() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Conducts the cancel command on the radial menu (whatever that does for the specific context).
uiConfirmAndLoadQuickSave() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Opens a yes no popup to and loads save game if player confirms.
uiControlGroupsPress() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Opens the control group gamepad menu menu.
uiControlGroupsRelease() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Opens the control group gamepad menu menu.
uiControlSelectionButtonDown() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Handles control+selection button pressing.
uiControlSelectionButtonUp() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates control+selection button has been released.
uiConvertUnits(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the convert units button has gone up/down.
uiCopyToClipboard() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Copies the brush selection to the clipboard.
uiCoverTerrainWithWater(float, float, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Flattens terrain and paints water over the entire map.
uiCreateNumberGroup(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a number group with the currently selected units.
uiCycleCurrentActivate() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Acts like the current cycle gadget has been pressed.
uiCycleGadget(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Cycles through the active child gadget of a deluxe gadget.
uiDecPlaceVariation() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Decrements the variation to place.
uiDeleteAllSelectedUnits() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Deletes all selected unit.
uiDeleteCameraStartLoc() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
uiDeleteSelectedUnit(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Deletes selected unit.
uiDeleteUnits(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the delete units button has gone up/down.
uiDeselectAllOfTarget() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Used to deselect all units that match the type of the unit under the cursor.
uiDeselectTarget() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Used to deselect the unit under the cursor.
uiDoubleClickDeselect() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Double click deselect at pointer location.
uiDoubleClickSelect(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Double click select at pointer location.
uiDumpAllUnitHotKeyMappings() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Spews all hot key mappings that create units to the console.
uiDumpKeyMappings(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Spews all key mappings out to the console.
uiDumpUnmappedKeys(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Spews all empty keys out to the console.
uiEjectAtPointer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for UI use only; Sends an ejection command with waypoint for the selected unit.
uiEjectBackToWork() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for UI use only; Sends an ejection command for the selected unit, tasking ungarrisoned units back to work.
uiEjectFromAllMapControlBuildings() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for UI use only; Ejects all units from all Map Control Buildings.
uiEjectGarrisonedUnits() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for UI use only; Sends an ejection command for the selected unit.
uiEmpowerAtPointer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Commands the selected unit(s) to Empower the target building at the pointer position.
uiEnterContext(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Enters the specified UI context.
uiEnterGameMenuModeIfNotResigned() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Wrapper that enters GameMenu mode if the player isnt resigned.
uiErase(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the erase button has gone up/down.
uiExportGrouping() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Save a group.
uiExportTriggers() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Save some triggers.
uiFilterTerrainSelection() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Filter the current terrain selection.
uiFindAllOfSelectedType() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds all units of the same type as the selected unit.
uiFindAllOfTwoTypes(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds all units belonging to any of the two provided types.
uiFindAllOfTwoTypesAnd(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds all units belonging to both of the two provided types.
uiFindAllOfTwoTypesOnScreen(String, String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds all units of either of the two types currently on screen.
uiFindAllOfTwoTypesOnScreenAnd(String, String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds all units of both of the two types currently on screen.
uiFindAllOfType(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds all units of the same type.
uiFindAllOfTypeIdle(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds all idle units of the same type.
uiFindAllOfTypeIdle2(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds all idle units of the same type.
uiFindAllOfTypeOnScreen(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds all units of the same type currently on screen.
uiFindAllOfTypeOnScreenIdle(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds all units of the same type currently on screen.
uiFindAllOfTypes(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds all units of the same types.
uiFindAnyOfTypes(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds the next unit of any of the given types (separated by commas or spaces) in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle.
uiFindGatherersNotGathering() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds the gatherer unit that's not gathering in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle.
uiFindIdleOrAnyType(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds the next idle unit of the given type in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle; If none are found, finds the next unit even if it's not idle.
uiFindIdleType(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds the next idle unit of the given type in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle.
uiFindIdleType2(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds the next idle unit of the given type in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle.
uiFindKeyMapping(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds all key mappings for a given key.
uiFindMenuPress() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Opens the find buildings/units menu.
uiFindMenuRelease() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Opens the find buildings/units menu.
uiFindNextIdleGroupOfType(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds the next contiguous group of idle units of the given type in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle.
uiFindNextIdleGroupOfType2(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds the next contiguous group of idle units of the given type in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle.
uiFindResourceGatherers(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds the next resource gatherer unit of the given resource type in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle.
uiFindTownBellTC() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds the next town center that has the town bell active, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle.
uiFindTwoTypes(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds the next unit of the given two types in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle.
uiFindTwoTypesAnd(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds the next unit of both of the given two types in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle.
uiFindType(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Finds the next unit (idle or not) of the given type in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle.
uiFlareAtPointer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sends out a flare at the pointer position.
uiFlareAtUnit(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sends out a flare at the unit's position.
uiFlattenTerrainSelection() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Flatten the current terrain selection.
uiFrontendAotgFocusDifficulty() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for focusing the difficulty selector for AotG.
uiFrontendAotgLabyrinthToggleRewardsDetailsVisibility() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Toggle visibility of rewards details in AotG.
uiFrontendBlessingsPickerConfirmSelection() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for confirming blessings selection in the blessings picker UI.
uiFrontendChatBrowserClose() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Closes frontend chat browser.
uiFrontendChatBrowserSendMessage() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Sends message in the frontend chat browser.
uiFrontendChatBrowserToggleRoomOptions() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Toggle room options dropdown in the frontend chat browser.
uiFrontendClanCreate() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for confirming creation of a clan in the clan create popup.
uiFrontendClanJoinChangePage(boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for switching clan join pages.
uiFrontendGenericCycleFocusBackward(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for cycling focus between page subsections.
uiFrontendGenericCycleFocusForward(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for cycling focus between page subsections.
uiFrontendGenericHorizontalScroll(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for sending generic horizontal scrolling command to WPFG.
uiFrontendGenericHorizontalScrollLeft(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Held hotkey for sending generic horizontal scrolling command to WPFG.
uiFrontendGenericHorizontalScrollRight(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Held hotkey for sending generic horizontal scrolling command to WPFG.
uiFrontendGenericVerticalScroll(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for sending generic vertical scrolling command to WPFG.
uiFrontendGenericVerticalScrollDown(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Held hotkey for sending generic vertical scrolling command to WPFG.
uiFrontendGenericVerticalScrollUp(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Held hotkey for sending generic vertical scrolling command to WPFG.
uiFrontendGodPickerConfirmSelection() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for confirming god selection in the god picker UI.
uiFrontendGodPickerCycleGod(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for cycling between selected gods in the god picker UI.
uiFrontendGodsPageToggleLegend() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for toggling the legend open/closed in the god picker.
uiFrontendLabyrinthConfirmSelection() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for confirming mission selection in the labyrinth UI.
uiFrontendMainMenuNextTab() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for navigating between main menu tabs.
uiFrontendMainMenuPreviousTab() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for navigating between main menu tabs.
uiFrontEndMainMenuTab(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for navigating to a specific main menu tab.
uiFrontendMatchHistoryChangePage(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for switching match history pages.
uiFrontendModBrowserChangePage(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for swapping pages in the mod browser.
uiFrontendModManagerToggleSelectedMod() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for toggling selected mod in the mod manager.
uiFrontendModManagerUpdateAll() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for repairing/updating all mods in the mod manager.
uiFrontendMPBrowseOpenFilters() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for opening the filters popup in the MP browse screen.
uiFrontendMPBrowseRefreshGames() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for refreshing game list in the MP browse screen.
uiFrontendMPRankedSetupBack() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for cancelling search (if searching), otherwise navigating back.
uiFrontendMPRankedSetupBeginSearch(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for starting search in Ranked setup screen.
uiFrontendMPRankedSetupCancel() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for cancelling ranked search.
uiFrontendNavigateBack() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for navigating to previous main menu page.
uiFrontendNotificationsDismissAll() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Dismiss all notifications in the notifications sidebar.
uiFrontendOpenNotificationPanel(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Toggle notifications panel open/closed.
uiFrontendPublishMod() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for publishing a mod in the publish popup.
uiFrontendPublishModChangeThumbnail() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for attaching thumbnail to a mod in the mod popup.
uiFrontEndReportClan() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for reporting selected clan.
uiFrontEndReportSelectedGame() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for refreshing game list in the MP browse screen.
uiFrontendReportSend() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for submitting a report.
uiFrontendReturnToMPLobby() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for navigating back to a multiplayer lobby.
uiFrontendSkirmishCancelCountdown() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for cancelling skirmish lobby countdown.
uiFrontendSkirmishLeaveLobby() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for leaving a skirmish lobby.
uiFrontendSkirmishReadyToggle() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for readying up in a skirmish lobby.
uiFrontendToggleChatBrowser(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for toggling chat browser.
uiFrontendToggleHamburgerDropdown(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for toggling hamburger dropdown menu.
uiFrontendToggleMinimisedMPLobby(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for toggling display of the minimised MP lobby.
uiFrontendToggleSocialDropdown(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for toggling social dropdown menu.
uiFrontendToggleSocialSidebar(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for toggling social sidebar.
uiFtueBack() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Go back to the previous FTUE page.
uiFtueContinue(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Continue to next FTUE page.
uiGamepadCycleScoreboardView() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Cycle scoreboard view.
uiGamepadLBDown() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Used to indicate the LB was pressed, since it's contextual it needs to feed into the gamepad input state manager.
uiGamepadLBUp() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Used to indicate the LB was released, since it's contextual it needs to feed into the gamepad input state manager.
uiGamepadRBDown() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Used to indicate the RB was pressed, since it's contextual it needs to feed into the gamepad input state manager.
uiGamepadRBUp() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Used to indicate the RB was released, since it's contextual it needs to feed into the gamepad input state manager.
uiGamepadReplayCycleMapVis() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Replay functions Cycle Map Visibility.
uiGamepadReplayDPadDown() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Replay functions Pause.
uiGamepadReplayDPadLeft() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Replay function Slowed Playback.
uiGamepadReplayDPadRight() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Replay function Fast Playback.
uiGamepadReplayDPadUp() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Replay functions Play.
uiGamepadReplayPlayerViewMenuPress() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Opens replay player view ring menu.
uiGamepadReplayPlayerViewMenuRelease() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Closes replay player view ring menu.
uiGamepadReplayRestart() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Replay function Restart.
uiGamepadReplaySwitchResourceView() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Swap between power bar and resource view in replay mode.
uiGarrisonToPointer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Commands the selected unit(s) to garrison in a building at the pointer position.
uiGenericAltPress() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Activates the alternative press functionality for the highlighted button.
uiGenericInputPopupConfirm() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for confirming input in the generic input popup.
uiGodPowersPress() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Opens the god powers menu.
uiGodPowersRelease() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Opens the god powers menu.
uiGuardAtPointer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for UI use only; Sends an guard order.
uiHandleIdleBanner(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Does the right thing.
uiHandleTrainingPanelAction(int, int, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Handles clicking over an item in the global queue/training panel.
uiHandleUserTab(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Handles toggle of user textures.
uiHideCursor(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Testing only.
uiHotkeyToggleObjectivesDialog() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
uiIgnoreNextKey() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Used when activating a text box with a key to avoid having that key go into the text box too.
uiImportTriggers() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Load some triggers.
uiIncPlaceVariation() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Increments the variation to place.
uiLeaveContext(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Leaves the specified UI context.
uiLeaveModeOnUnshift() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Causes game to return to editMode none when shift hotkey is released.
uiLoadSavePopupDelete() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for deleting the selected save file.
uiLoadSavePopupOpenDirectory() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for opening the save/load directory (PC Only).
uiLoadSavePopupSave() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for creating a new save file.
uiLoadTriggers(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Load some triggers.
uiLookAtAndSelectUnit(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Moves the camera to see the specified unit and selects it.
uiLookAtBattle(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Moves the camera to see the specified battle.
uiLookAtNumberGroup(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Moves the camera to see the given number group.
uiLookAtProto(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Moves the camera to see the first instance of proto unit X owned by the current player.
uiLookAtSelection() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Moves the camera to see the first selected unit.
uiLookAtUnit(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Moves the camera to see the specified Unit.
uiLowerElevation(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the lower elevation button has gone up/down.
uiLowerTerrainSelection(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the lower terrain selection button has gone up/down.
uiLTSelectRadialMenuEntry() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Select the currently highlighted option in the radial menu.
uiMessageBox(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Pops up a message box with text that activated the cmd when the ok button is hit.
uiMinimapDPadDown() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; DPad Down function while minimap is enlarged.
uiMinimapDPadLeft() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; DPad Left function while minimap is enlarged.
uiMinimapDPadRight() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; DPad Right function while minimap is enlarged.
uiMinimapDPadUp() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; DPad Up function while minimap is enlarged.
uiMinimapEnlarge() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Enlarges the minimap for minimap navigation.
uiMinorGodUI(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Used to activate the minor god UI.
uiMinorGodUIInSelected(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Used to activate the minor god UI in current selection.
uiMoveAllMilitaryAtPointer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Moves all military units to the pointer position.
uiMoveAllUnitOfTypeToUnitLocation(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Find units of a certain type, and tell them to walk over.
uiMoveSelectionAddButtonDown() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that selection button has been pressed.
uiMoveSelectionAddButtonUp() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that selection button has been released.
uiMoveSelectionButtonDown() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that selection button has been pressed.
uiMoveSelectionButtonUp() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that selection button has been released.
uiMoveUnitBackward(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the move unit backward key has gone up/down.
uiMoveUnitDown(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the move unit down key has gone up/down.
uiMoveUnitForward(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the move unit forward key has gone up/down.
uiMoveUnitLeft(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the move unit left key has gone up/down.
uiMoveUnitOfNameToUnitLocation(int, String, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Find the unit of a certain protounit name nearest to the target unit, and tell them to walk over.
uiMoveUnitOfTypeToUnitLocation(int, String, float, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Find the unit of a certain type nearest to the target unit, and tell them to walk over.
uiMoveUnitRight(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the move unit right key has gone up/down.
uiMoveUnitsToPointer(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for UI use only; Moves a number of units of the type given to the location of the pointer.
uiMoveUnitUp(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the move unit up key has gone up/down.
uiMPFilterPopupApply() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Inteneded for ui use only; Hotkey for applying filters in the MP filters popup.
uiMPFilterPopupReset() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for resetting filters in the MP filters popup.
uiMPHostPopupHostGame() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for opening a lobby in the MP Host popup.
uiMPPartySearch() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for searching for a user in the MP Host popup.
uiMPPartyViewXBLProfile() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for Viewing Xbl profile in the MP Host popup.
uiNewScenario() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Creates a new blank scenario.
uiNorseBuildAtSite() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for UI use only; Selects nearest infantry and opens the gamepad build menu.
uiObjectivesPopupChangeTab(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for changing tabs in the objectives popup.
uiObjectivesPopupToggleHints() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for toggling hints in the objectives popup.
uiObjectivesPopupToggleObjectivesDisplay() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for toggling objectives panel display in the objectives popup.
uiOpenChatMenu() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Opens the chat menu.
uiOpenCodeOfConduct() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Opens the code of conduct.
uiOpenDiplomacyMenu() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Opens the diplomacy menu.
uiOpenGameSettings() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Opens the game settings dialog.
uiOpenRecordGameBrowser() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Open a record game from the replays directory.
uiOpenScenarioBrowser(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Open a scenario from the scenario directory.
uiPaint(boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the paint button has gone up/down.
uiPaintCliff(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the paint cliff button has gone up/down.
uiPaintForest(boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the paint button has gone up/down.
uiPaintTerrainOverlay(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the paint terrain overlay button has gone up/down.
uiPaintTerrainToSample(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the sample terrain button has gone up/down.
uiPaintWater(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the paint water button has gone up/down.
uiPaintWaterArea(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Painting water area.
uiPaintWaterObjects() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Paint objects on the currently selected water.
uiPasteFromClipboard() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Pastes the contents of the clipboard to the brush selection.
uiPatrolAtPointer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for UI use only; Sends an patrol order.
uiPayFoundation(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Pays for the given foundation.
uiPitchUnitDown(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the pitch unit down key has gone up/down.
uiPitchUnitUp(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the pitch unit up key has gone up/down.
uiPlaceAtPointer(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Places unit at pointer location.
uiPopupAccept() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Generic Accept hotkey for currently displaying popups.
uiPopupCancel() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Generic Cancel hotkey for currently displaying popup.
uiPostgameAchievementsGoodGame() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for sending a GG from the postgame highlights screen.
uiPostgameAchievementsSkipToOverview() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for skipping postgame highlights.
uiPostgameChangeTab(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for changing top level tabs in the postgame screen.
uiPostgameClosePopups() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for use only; Catchall Hotkey for closing popups throughout the postgame screen.
uiPostgameLeave() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for returning to main menu from the postgame screen.
uiPostgameStatisticsChangeTab(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for changing tabs in the postgame stats screen.
uiPostgameViewMap() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for returning to map view from the postgame screen.
uiPrimaryContextualButtonDoublePress(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Used to call the primary gamepad contextual button double press.
uiPrimaryContextualButtonDown() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Used to call the primary gamepad contextual button down.
uiPrimaryContextualButtonUp() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Used to call the primary gamepad contextual button up.
uiQuickActionChangeToDefault() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Used to change the quick action to the default.
uiQuickActionCycleLeft() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Used to cycle the quick action to the left.
uiQuickActionCycleRight() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Used to cycle the quick action to the right.
uiQuickActionNullOp() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Used to prevent calls to uiReleaseQuickSelectLeftUp causing a change in input context and breaking quick actions.
uiQuickActionToggleAutoBuild() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Used to toggle auto building.
uiQuickSelectDown(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Quick selects certain units.
uiQuickSelectLeft(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; quick selects certain units.
uiQuickSelectRight(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; quick selects certain units.
uiQuickSelectUp(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Quick selects certain units.
uiQuickTopButtonActionDown() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Used to enter the gamepad quick action mode.
uiQuickTopButtonActionUp(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Used to exit the gamepad quick action mode, or execute the command; Using this with a false parameter will allow you to disable trying a quick action if it was closed fast.
uiRadialMenuAltAction() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Activates the page specific action.
uiRadialMenuChangePage() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Changes radial menu page.
uiRadialMenuThumbAction() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Activates the page specific thumb action.
uiRadialMenuViewAction() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Activates the page specific view action.
uiRadialMenuXAxis(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates the X position of the radial menu selector.
uiRadialMenuYAxis(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates the Y position of the radial menu selector.
uiRaiseElevation(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the raise elevation button has gone up/down.
uiRaiseTerrainSelection(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the raise terrain selection button has gone up/down.
uiRecalcVariation(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the recalc variation button has gone up/down.
uiRefreshCommandPanel() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Forces a refresh on the command panel.
uiRefreshEditorMenu() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Reconstitutes the entire editor menu.
uiReleaseDownKeys() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Pops up all downed keys.
uiReleaseQuickSelectDown() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Releases down in the quick select manager.
uiReleaseQuickSelectLeft() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Releases left in the quick select manager.
uiReleaseQuickSelectRight() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Releases right in the quick select manager.
uiReleaseQuickSelectUp() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Releases up in the quick select manager.
uiReleaseRadialMenuAltAction() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Releases the page specific action (mainly for hold triggers).
uiReleaseRadialMenuEntry() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Release the currently highlighted option in the radial menu.
uiRemoveFromAnyNumberGroup() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes current selection from any army.
uiRemoveSelectedUnit(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Removes specified unit, or selected unit if not ID is specified.
uiRemoveSelectionButtonDown(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the remove selection button has been pressed.
uiRemoveSelectionButtonUp() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the remove selection button has been released.
uiRepairAtPointer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Commands the selected unit(s) to repair the target building at the pointer position.
uiResetAllBindings() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for resetting all hotkeys in the settings screen.
uiResetCameraOrientation() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Reset the rotation and zoom of the camera to default.
uiResetCurrentBinding() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for resetting the currently selected hotkey in the settings screen.
uiResetInGameCameraRotation() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Reset the Rotation of the ingame (strategy) camera to default.
uiResetInGameCameraZoom() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Reset the Zoom of the ingame (strategy) camera to default.
uiResetPageOptions() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for resetting current options page.
uiRollUnitLeft(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the roll unit left key has gone up/down.
uiRollUnitRight(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the roll unit right key has gone up/down.
uiRotateClipboard(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Rotate the clipboard by amount.
uiRotateSelection(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; rotates the selected UNIT.
uiRotateWaterLeft(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the rotate water left button has gone up/down.
uiRotateWaterRight(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the rotate water right button has gone up/down.
uiRoughen(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the roughen button has gone up/down.
uiSampleCliffElevationAtPointer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Samples Cliff elevation height at pointer.
uiSampleElevationAtPointer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Samples elevation height at pointer.
uiSampleTerrainAtPointer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Samples terrain type at pointer.
uiSaveAsScenarioBrowser() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Save a scenario to the scenario directory.
uiSaveBuiltInPrefab(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Save some groups.
uiSaveScenarioBrowser() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Save a scenario to the scenario directory.
uiSaveScenarioPrompt(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Checks for currentlyset active player and triggers prompt to user, if it's not set to player 1, before opening save dialog.
uiSaveTriggers(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Save some triggers.
uiSaveUserPrefab(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Save some groups.
uiScenarioLoad() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Load a scenario, checking dirty bit on world.
uiScenarioTestMainMenu() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Test a scenario into main menu screen.
uiScrollBrushSize(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Increament the size of the current brush up/down.
uiScrollChatPanelAxis(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Scroll the chat panel.
uiScrollCliffHeight(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Increment the height of the cliff brush up/down.
uiSecondaryContextualButtonDown() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Used to call the secondary gamepad contextual button down.
uiSecondaryContextualButtonUp() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Used to call the secondary gamepad contextual button up.
uiSeekShelter() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for UI use only; Tasks all valid Town Bell targets to garrison within the nearest building.
uiSelectAgeUpGod(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Select the left god when input; bool is true, the right god when it is false.
uiSelectionButtonDown() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that selection button has been pressed.
uiSelectionButtonUp() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that selection button has been released.
uiSelectLocation() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Pans the camera to the location.
uiSelectNextUnitStack(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Selects the next unit stack.
uiSelectNumberGroup(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Selects the units in the given number group.
uiSelectRadialMenuEntry() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Select the currently highlighted option in the radial menu.
uiSelectTransportUnit() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
uiSelectType(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Selects units of the same type.
uiSelectWaterAtPointer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Selects water at pointer location.
uiSendInGameChatMessage(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui only; Hotkey for sending chat message ingame.
uiSendTribute() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Send tribute in the diplomacy menu.
uiSetBrushType(String, float, float, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Makes the current brush based on the name and parameters.
uiSetBuildingPlacementRender(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Controls rendering of the building placement info for the given ID.
uiSetCameraStartLoc() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
uiSetClickDragParams(float, float, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Set the parameters for clickdrag movement.
uiSetCliffType(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the cliff type by name.
uiSetCliffTypeNum(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the cliff type by index.
uiSetClipboardRotation(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the clipboard rotation amount.
uiSetForestType(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the forest type by name.
uiSetForestTypeNum(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the forest type by index.
uiSetGatherPointAtGamepadPointer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the gather points for the selected unit(s) to the pointer position.
uiSetGatherPointAtGamepadPointerOfNearbyUnitTypes(String, float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Updates the gather point of all nearby units of specified type(s) closest to the currently selected unit.
uiSetGatherPointAtPointer(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the gather points for the selected unit(s) to the pointer position.
uiSetGatherPointAtPointerOfNearbyUnitTypes(String, float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Updates the gather point of all nearby units of specified type(s) closest to the currently selected unit.
uiSetGatherPointAtPointerOfNearbyUnitTypesToUnit(int, String, float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Updates the gather point of all nearby units of specified type(s) closest to the currently selected unit, to the position of the selected unit.
uiSetKBArmyRender(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Render the kbArmy info for the given ID; If not set given, will not render the army.
uiSetKBAttackRouteRender(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Render the attackRoute info for the given ID.
uiSetKBResourceRender(int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Render the kbResource info for the given ID; If not set given, will not render the resource.
uiSetNearestUnitNamedToBuild(int, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Find the nearest unit to the specified target unit with one of the specified names, and have it start building.
uiSetPlacementPlayer(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets current placement player to the given player ID.
uiSetProtoCursor(String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the cursor to a protounit.
uiSetProtoCursorID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the cursor to a protounit.
uiSetProtoID(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the proto ID to place.
uiSetTerrainDetailPaintMode(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the terrain detail paint mode (0) paint overlay (1) paint wetness (2) smooth.
uiSetWaterType(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the water type by name.
uiSetWaterTypeNum(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the water type by index.
uiShowAIDebugInfoArea(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Brings up the area info for the given ID.
uiShowAIDebugInfoAreaGroup(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Brings up the area info for the given ID.
uiShowAIDebugInfoAttackRoute(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Brings up the attackRoute info for the given ID.
uiShowAIDebugInfoBase(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Brings up the base info for the given ID.
uiShowAIDebugInfoEscrow(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Brings up the escrow info for the given ID.
uiShowAIDebugInfoKBArmy(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Brings up the kbArmy info for the given ID.
uiShowAIDebugInfoKBResource(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Brings up the kbResource info for the given ID.
uiShowAIDebugInfoKBUnit(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Brings up the kbunit info for the given ID.
uiShowAIDebugInfoKBUnitPick(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Brings up the kbUnitPick info for the given ID.
uiShowAIDebugInfoPlacement(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Brings up the building placement info for the given ID.
uiShowAIDebugInfoPlan(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Brings up the plan debug text for the given plan ID.
uiShowCameraStartLoc() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
uiShowChatWindow() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
uiShowEconomicUI() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Displays Economic UI on command panel, if applicable.
uiShowHelpPopupHistoryTopic(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Opens the help popup with selected history topic.
uiShowMilitaryUI() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Displays Military UI on command panel, if applicable.
uiSmooth(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the smooth button has gone up/down.
uiSnapCameraToSelected() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for gamepad ui use only, snaps the camera to a currently selected unit.
uiSocketBuild(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Performs autobuilding for the given socket, if it has valid socket building data.
uiSpecialPowerAtPointer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Use a special power at targeted location.
uiSpewDownKeys() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Spews all down keys.
uiSplashScreenPressAnyKey() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Progress from splash screen.
uiStartScenarioTest() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Test a scenario.
uiStickRotatePlacedUnit(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Rotate placed unit with gamepad stick, ie, intended to be mapped to gamepad stick.
uiStopScenarioTest() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Test a scenario.
uiStopSelectedUnits() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Stop selected units.
uiSwitchControlsPopup(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Switches pages in the controls popup.
uiSwitchFromChatToDiplomacy() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Closes the chat menu and opens the diplomacy menu.
uiSwitchFromDiplomacyToChat() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Closes the diplomacy menu and opens the chat menu.
uiSwitchToGamepadMode() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Switch the user input into gamepad mode.
uiSwitchToMouseMode(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Switch the user input into mouse mode; Param sets last input type to either keyboard or mouse.
uiTerrainSelection(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the terrain selection button has gone up/down.
uiToggleBrushMask(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
This is not what you are looking for.
uiToggleDiplomacyDialog() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles the diplomacy dialog.
uiToggleGame() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Turns off and on the game UI.
uiToggleGarrisonMode() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for UI use only; Sends a toggle garrison mode command for the selected unit.
uiToggleGizmoSnapping() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles guizmo snapping.
uiToggleSelectionButton() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only.
uiToggleTerrainPasteMode(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
This is not what you are looking for.
uiToggleUI() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Toggles visibility of main game UI.
uiTransformSelectedUnit(String, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Transforms the selected unit into the specified proto unit.
uiTriggerResetParameters() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
uiTriggerResetSounds() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
uiTriggerSelectLocation() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Pans the camera to the location.
uiUnbindCurrentBinding() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Hotkey for unbinding the currently selected hotkey in the settings screen.
uiUnbuildSelectedUnit() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Enter unbuild mode with selected building.
uiUnbuildSelectedUnitAtPointer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Actually unbuild selected building.
uiUniformLowerElevation(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
UiUniformLowerElevation lowers the terrain height uniformly in the brush region.
uiUniformRaiseElevation(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
UiUniformRaiseElevation raises the terrain height uniformly in the brush region.
uiUnitCommandsMenuPress() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Opens the unit commands gamepad menu menu.
uiUnitCommandsMenuRelease() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Opens the unit commands gamepad menu menu.
uiUnSelectWater() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Unselects currently selected water.
uiVillagerPrioritiesPress() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Opens the villager priorities gamepad menu menu.
uiVillagerPrioritiesRelease() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Opens the villager priorities gamepad menu menu.
uiVillagerReturnResources(int, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Tell villagers in a defined area to return currently held resources.
uiWheelRotate(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Rotate with wheel, ie, intended to be mapped to wheel.
uiWheelRotateCamera(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Rotate with wheel, ie, intended to be mapped to wheel.
uiWheelRotatePlacedUnit(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Rotate placed unit with wheel, ie, intended to be mapped to.
uiWorkAtPointer(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Issues "work" at pointer location; mode 1 - ignore when clickdrag is enabled, mode 2 - ignore when clickdrag is disabled.
uiYawUnitLeft(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the yaw unit left key has gone up/down.
uiYawUnitRight(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Intended for ui use only; Indicates that the yaw unit right key has gone up/down.
uiZoomToMinimapEvent() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Zooms to the most recent minimap event.
uiZoomToMinimapEvent2() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Zooms to the most recent minimap event.
uiZoomToProto(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Zooms to the first instance of proto unit X owned by the current player.
undo() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Undoes the last editing operation.
unitData(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Spews database values on the specified unit or the selected unit (if no argument).
unitDecVariation(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Decrements the current variation of the given UnitID (current selected unit(s) if UnitID is -1).
unitIncVariation(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Increments the current variation of the given UnitID (current selected unit(s) if UnitID is -1).
unitPlayerDefakify() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the selected units to stop using a fake player.
unitPlayerFakify(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the selected units to use the fake player indicated.
unitReturnToWork() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Issues a return to work for the selected unit(s).
unitSetStance(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the unit stance for all selected units to the given AI stance ID.
unitSetStanceVillager(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets internal unit AI stance for all selected villagers to the given AI stance.
unitSetTactic(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the tactic for this unit.
unitSetVariation(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the current variation of the given UnitID (current selected unit(s) if UnitID is -1).
unitTownBell() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Issues a town bell for the selected unit(s).
unpauseNoChecks() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Forces the game to unpause.


viewEntireWorld() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the camera to cover the entire terrain; Only in the editor.
vsync(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Set vertical syncing (-1 toggles, 0 is off, 1 is on).


windowsStore_BlockRatingPrompt() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Block user prompt for app rating.
windowsStore_HideRatingPrompt() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Hide user prompt for app rating.
windowsStore_ShowRatingPrompt() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Show user prompt for app rating.
windowsStore_TryShowRatingPrompt() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Prompt user for app rating if they pass prerequisites.
windowStore_LaunchRatingURI() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Open the windows store to rate this game.
wpfNavigateFrame(String, String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
In the current WPF UI screen, change the page of the named Frame to the given URI.


XBLSignInOut() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Triggers the XBL sign in out dialog.
xsBoolToFloat(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Casts a bool to a float (1.0 if true, 0.0 if false).
xsBoolToInt(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Casts a bool to an int (1 if true, 0 if false).
xsBoolToString(boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Casts a bool to a string.
xsDisableRule(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Disables the given rule.
xsDisableRuleGroup(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Disables all rules in the given rule group.
xsDisableSelf() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Disables the current rule.
xsEchoTimerMS() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Prints the time in milliseconds that elapsed since the timer was last started.
xsEnableRule(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Enables the given rule.
xsEnableRuleGroup(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Enables all rule in the given rule group.
xsFloatToBool(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Casts a float to a bool (false if == 0.0, true otherwise).
xsFloatToInt(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Casts a float to an int, truncating the fractional part.
xsFloatToString(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Casts a float to a string.
xsGetContextPlayer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current context player ID.
xsGetTime() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current gametime (in seconds).
xsGetTimeMS() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the current gametime (in milliseconds).
xsIntToBool(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Casts an int to a bool (false if == 0, true otherwise).
xsIntToFloat(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Casts an int to a float.
xsIntToString(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Casts an int to a string.
xsIsRuleEnabled(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the rule is enabled.
xsIsRuleGroupEnabled(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if any rule in the group is enabled.
xsRandBool(float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true with a probability of trueChance in [0.0, 1.0], and false otherwise.
xsRandFloat(float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns a random floating point number in the range (inclusive).
xsRandGetSeed() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Gets the current seed of the random number generator.
xsRandInt(int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns a random integer number in the range (inclusive).
xsRandSetSeed(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the seed of the random number generator.
xsRuleGroupIgnoreIntervalOnce(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Ignores the next interval and updates as soon as possible.
xsRuleIgnoreIntervalOnce(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Ignores the next interval and updates as soon as possible.
xsSetContextPlayer(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the current context player ID (DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING).
xsSetRuleMaxInterval(String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the max interval of the given rule.
xsSetRuleMaxIntervalSelf(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the max interval of the current rule.
xsSetRuleMinInterval(String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the min interval of the given rule.
xsSetRuleMinIntervalSelf(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the min interval of the current rule.
xsSetRulePriority(String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the priority of the given rule.
xsSetRulePrioritySelf(int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Sets the priority of the current rule.
xsStartTimer() - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Starts the timer.
xsStringCharAt(String, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the character at the given index of a string as a string(or an empty string on invalid index).
xsStringContains(String, String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the given substring is present in the string, and false otherwise.
xsStringEndsWith(String, String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the string ends with the given substring, and false otherwise.
xsStringFindFirst(String, String, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the index of the first occurrence of a string in another string, searching from the given index; Returns1 if the substring is not found.
xsStringFindLast(String, String, int, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the index of the last occurrence of a string in another string, searching backwards from the given index; Returns1 if the substring is not found.
xsStringLength(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the length of a string.
xsStringStartsWith(String, String, boolean) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns true if the string starts with the given substring, and false otherwise.
xsStringSubString(String, int, int) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns a substring in the range of the given indices (inclusive) for a string.
xsStringToBool(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Parses a bool from a string(returning false on invalid input).
xsStringToFloat(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Parses a float from a string(returning 0.0 on invalid input).
xsStringToInt(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Parses an integer from a string(returning 0 on invalid input).
xsStringToLower(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns a string in lower case.
xsStringToUpper(String) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns a string in upper case.
xsVectorAngleAroundY(Vector, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the angle of a vector around the Y axis in radians; If provided, the offset is used as the center (instead of 0.0/0.0).
xsVectorAngleBetweenVector(Vector, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the (smaller) angle between two vectors in radians.
xsVectorCreate(float, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Set the 3 components into a vector, returns the new vector.
xsVectorCross(Vector, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the cross product of two vectors.
xsVectorDistance(Vector, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the distance between two vectors.
xsVectorDistanceSqr(Vector, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the squared distance between two vectors.
xsVectorDistanceToLine(Vector, Vector, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the distance between a point and a line defined by a point on the line and a direction.
xsVectorDistanceToLineSegment(Vector, Vector, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the distance between a point and a line defined by two points.
xsVectorDistanceXZ(Vector, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the distance between two vectors without considering the Y dimension.
xsVectorDistanceXZSqr(Vector, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the squared distance between two vectors without considering the Y dimension.
xsVectorDot(Vector, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the dot product of two vectors.
xsVectorLength(Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns the length of the given vector.
xsVectorNormalize(Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns a normalized copy of the given vector.
xsVectorRotateXZ(Vector, float, Vector) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns a rotated copy of the vector on the XZ plane by a given angle; If provided, the offset is used as the center (instead of 0.0/0.0).
xsVectorTranslateXZ(Vector, float, float) - Method in class RetoldFunctions
Returns a translated copy of the vector on the XZ plane by the given radius and angle.
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